


be convinced 被動。 深信 , 當時;

overactive 過分積極。 過於天馬行空,異想天開; 怪癖 quirk

mortgage 按揭貸款 , 不足以陌生

scuttled off down 小碎步跑 ; 比喻; 最後奔向了古典學; 比喻最後的選擇。

2008 哈佛畢業典禮

flown academically 學習達到相當高度, 像鳥已經廢的很高。

Seven years after my graduation day, I had failed on an epic scale. An exceptionally short-livedmarriage had imploded, and I was jobless, a lone parent, and as poor as it is possible to be in modernBritain, without being homeless. The fears my parents had had for me, and that I had had for myself,had both come to pass, and by every usual standard, I was the biggest failure I knew. That period ofmv life was a dark one. and I had no idea how far the tnnel extended. and for a lono time. anv lioht

on an epic scale 史詩; epic ; 大規模的, 我可以說是一敗塗地, 我輸的一塌糊塗。

imploded 向內塌陷,

fears my parents

come to pass 發生

by standard 按照什麼標準。

tunnel 比喻隧道, 前途渺茫。


benefits of failure :

stripping away 去掉,拋去 除去 ,揭掉

inessential in- 否定, 不必要

rock bottom 跌落谷底, 最低點。

fail by default ;

adversity 逆境; 經過逆境的考驗。

as .... so ..... 表示 比較,相同點。
