sources : binarys :
KBE-Plugins docs
1. Download KBEngine(a MMOG engine of server): Download(KBEngine): Build(KBEngine): Installation(KBEngine): 2. Use git to get the plugin(client) and demo-assets(server): In the kbengine_cocos2d_js_demo directory: * Git command: git submodule update --init --remote
* Or use TortoiseGit(menu): TortoiseGit -> Submodule Update:
* Or manually get the plugin(client) and demo-assets(server) Download plugin(client): unzip and copy to "kbengine_cocos2d_js_demo/cocos2d-js-client/plugins/" (Note: the need to modify the folder name as "kbengine_js_plugins") Download demo-assets(server): unzip and copy to "kbengine/" (The root directory server engine, such as $KBE_ROOT) 3. Copy "kbengine_cocos2d_js_demo\kbengine_demos_assets" to "kbengine\" root directory
Configure Demo(Optional):
Change the login address(Clear browser cache): kbengine_cocos2d_js_demo\cocos2d-js-client\main.js args.ip = ""; args.port = 20013;
Start the Servers:
Ensure that the "kbengine_cocos2d_js_demo\kbengine_demos_assets" has been copied to the "kbengine\" directory Reference:Start Check the startup status: If successful will find log "Components::process(): Found all the components!". Otherwise, please search the "ERROR" keyword in logs, according to the error description to try to solve. (More: ) Start server: Windows: kbengine\kbengine_demos_assets\start_server.bat Linux: kbengine\kbengine_demos_assets\start_server.sh (More: )
Start the Client:
1. We simply use python to build web service Download and Install 2. Excute the start_http_service.bat 3. Enter the game
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