準備組建“國際三進位制科技聯盟” 著手製造三進位制 CPU
三進位制一個位元組用6個位表示 最高位為左 最低位為右表示 5 4 3 2 1 0 值範圍從0到727 包含二進位制位元組全值範圍
三進位制負數採用同二進位制一樣的原理——補碼錶示 但是與二進位制不同 很特別 1是不變的 只能0和2互變
TrinaryNot 0 1 2
2 1 0
TrinaryAnd 0 1 2 TrinaryNotAnd 0 1 2
0 0 0 0 0 2 2 2
1 0 1 1 1 2 1 1
2 0 1 2 2 2 1 0
TrinaryOr 0 1 2 TrinaryNotOr 0 1 2
0 0 1 2 0 2 1 0
1 1 1 2 1 1 1 0
2 2 2 2 2 0 0 0
(相當於Xor異或 用於加密)TrinaryXor 0 1 2 等價 0 1 2 等價 0 1 2 等價 0 1 2
0 0 0 2 0 0 2 2 0 0 1 2 0 0 1 2
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 2 1 2 1 0
2 2 2 0 2 2 0 0 2 2 1 0 2 2 1 0
(相當於Xand同或 用於加密)TrinaryXand 0 1 2 等價 0 1 2 等價 0 1 2 等價 0 1 2
0 2 0 0 0 2 2 0 0 2 1 0 0 2 1 0
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 2 1 2 1 0
2 0 2 2 2 0 0 2 2 0 1 2 2 0 1 2
(用於雜湊碼)TrinaryAdd 0 1 2 TrinaryNotAdd 0 1 2
0 0 1 2 0 2 1 0
1 1 2 0 1 1 0 2
2 2 0 1 2 0 2 1
(用於雜湊碼)TrinarySubtraction 0 1 2 或 0 1 2 TrinaryNotSubtraction 0 1 2 或 0 1 2
0 0 2 1 0 0 1 2 0 2 0 1 0 2 1 0
1 1 0 2 1 2 0 1 1 1 2 0 1 0 2 1
2 2 1 0 2 1 2 0 2 0 1 2 2 1 0 2
(用於雜湊碼)TrinaryMultiplication 0 1 2 TrinaryNotMultiplication 0 1 2
0 0 0 0 0 2 2 2
1 0 1 2 1 2 1 0
2 0 2 1 2 2 0 1
(用於雜湊碼)TrinaryDivision 0 1 2 或 0 1 2 TrinaryNotDivision 0 1 2 或 0 1 2
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 2 2 0 2 2 2
1 0 1 0 1 0 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 0
2 0 2 1 2 0 0 1 2 2 0 1 2 2 2 1
C 原始碼
/******************************************************* * 作者:伍耀暉 Author: YaoHui.Wu * * 開源日期:2022年6月7日 Open Source Date: 2022-6-7 * * 國家:中國 Country: China * *******************************************************/ #include <fcntl.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <sys/types.h> #include <sys/stat.h> void Usage() { printf("Usage\n\tEncryption: TrinaryCipher -e/-E Plaintext.file Ciphertext.file Password\n\tDecryption: TrinaryCipher -d/-D Ciphertext.file Plaintext.file Password\n"); } void Ternary(long long lNumeric, unsigned char *ucpTrinary) { if(lNumeric < 1) { ucpTrinary[0] = ucpTrinary[1] = ucpTrinary[2] = ucpTrinary[3] = ucpTrinary[4] = ucpTrinary[5] = 0; } else { for(long long i = 5; i >= 0; --i) { ucpTrinary[i] = lNumeric % 3; lNumeric /= 3; } } } // 0 ? 2 0 1 2 // 1 1 1 or ? 1 ? // 2 ? 0 2 1 0 void TernaryXor(unsigned char *ucpCiphertextOrPlaintext, unsigned char *ucpPassword) { for(long long j = 0; j < 6; ++j) { if(ucpCiphertextOrPlaintext[j] == 0 && ucpPassword[j] == 0) { ucpCiphertextOrPlaintext[j] = 0; } else if(ucpCiphertextOrPlaintext[j] == 0 && ucpPassword[j] == 1) { ucpCiphertextOrPlaintext[j] = 2; } else if(ucpCiphertextOrPlaintext[j] == 0 && ucpPassword[j] == 2) { ucpCiphertextOrPlaintext[j] = 2; } else if(ucpCiphertextOrPlaintext[j] == 1 && ucpPassword[j] == 0) { ucpCiphertextOrPlaintext[j] = 1; } else if(ucpCiphertextOrPlaintext[j] == 1 && ucpPassword[j] == 1) { ucpCiphertextOrPlaintext[j] = 1; } else if(ucpCiphertextOrPlaintext[j] == 1 && ucpPassword[j] == 2) { ucpCiphertextOrPlaintext[j] = 1; } else if(ucpCiphertextOrPlaintext[j] == 2 && ucpPassword[j] == 0) { ucpCiphertextOrPlaintext[j] = 2; } else if(ucpCiphertextOrPlaintext[j] == 2 && ucpPassword[j] == 1) { ucpCiphertextOrPlaintext[j] = 0; } else if(ucpCiphertextOrPlaintext[j] == 2 && ucpPassword[j] == 2) { ucpCiphertextOrPlaintext[j] = 0; } } } // 2 ? 0 2 1 0 // 1 1 1 or ? 1 ? // 0 ? 2 0 1 2 void TernaryXand(unsigned char *ucpCiphertextOrPlaintext, unsigned char *ucpPassword) { for(long long j = 0; j < 6; ++j) { if(ucpCiphertextOrPlaintext[j] == 0 && ucpPassword[j] == 0) { ucpCiphertextOrPlaintext[j] = 2; } else if(ucpCiphertextOrPlaintext[j] == 0 && ucpPassword[j] == 1) { ucpCiphertextOrPlaintext[j] = 0; } else if(ucpCiphertextOrPlaintext[j] == 0 && ucpPassword[j] == 2) { ucpCiphertextOrPlaintext[j] = 0; } else if(ucpCiphertextOrPlaintext[j] == 1 && ucpPassword[j] == 0) { ucpCiphertextOrPlaintext[j] = 1; } else if(ucpCiphertextOrPlaintext[j] == 1 && ucpPassword[j] == 1) { ucpCiphertextOrPlaintext[j] = 1; } else if(ucpCiphertextOrPlaintext[j] == 1 && ucpPassword[j] == 2) { ucpCiphertextOrPlaintext[j] = 1; } else if(ucpCiphertextOrPlaintext[j] == 2 && ucpPassword[j] == 0) { ucpCiphertextOrPlaintext[j] = 0; } else if(ucpCiphertextOrPlaintext[j] == 2 && ucpPassword[j] == 1) { ucpCiphertextOrPlaintext[j] = 2; } else if(ucpCiphertextOrPlaintext[j] == 2 && ucpPassword[j] == 2) { ucpCiphertextOrPlaintext[j] = 2; } } } long long main(long long argc, char *argv[]) { if(argc < 5) { Usage(); } else if(*(short*)argv[1] == 0x452D || *(short*)argv[1] == 0x652D) { unsigned char ucPasswordLength = -1; while(argv[4][++ucPasswordLength]); unsigned char *ucpPassword = malloc(6 * ucPasswordLength); for(unsigned char i = 0; i < ucPasswordLength; ++i) { Ternary(argv[4][i], ucpPassword + 6 * i); } struct stat tStatFileSize; stat(argv[2], &tStatFileSize); long long lFileSize = tStatFileSize.st_size; int fdPlaintextOrCiphertext = open(argv[2], O_BINARY | O_RDONLY, S_IREAD | S_IWRITE); unsigned char *ucpPlaintext = malloc(lFileSize), ucaPlaintextOrCiphertext[6]; read(fdPlaintextOrCiphertext, ucpPlaintext, lFileSize); close(fdPlaintextOrCiphertext); unsigned short *uspCiphertext = malloc(2 * lFileSize); for(long long j = 0, k = 0; j < lFileSize; ++j) { Ternary(ucpPlaintext[j], ucaPlaintextOrCiphertext); TernaryXor(ucaPlaintextOrCiphertext, ucpPassword + 6 * k); //TernaryXand(ucaPlaintextOrCiphertext, ucpPassword + 6 * k); uspCiphertext[j] = 243 * ucaPlaintextOrCiphertext[0] + 81 * ucaPlaintextOrCiphertext[1] + 27 * ucaPlaintextOrCiphertext[2] + 9 * ucaPlaintextOrCiphertext[3] + 3 * ucaPlaintextOrCiphertext[4] + ucaPlaintextOrCiphertext[5]; k = ++k % ucPasswordLength; } fdPlaintextOrCiphertext = open(argv[3], O_BINARY | O_CREAT | O_WRONLY, S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR); write(fdPlaintextOrCiphertext, uspCiphertext, 2 * lFileSize); close(fdPlaintextOrCiphertext); free(uspCiphertext); free(ucpPlaintext); } else if(*(short*)argv[1] == 0x442D || *(short*)argv[1] == 0x642D) { unsigned char ucPasswordLength = -1; while(argv[4][++ucPasswordLength]); unsigned char *ucpPassword = malloc(6 * ucPasswordLength); for(long long i = 0; i < ucPasswordLength; ++i) { Ternary(argv[4][i], ucpPassword + 6 * i); } struct stat tStatFileSize; stat(argv[2], &tStatFileSize); long long lFileSize = tStatFileSize.st_size; int fdCiphertextOrPlaintext = open(argv[2], O_BINARY | O_RDONLY, S_IREAD | S_IWRITE); unsigned short *uspCiphertext = malloc(lFileSize); read(fdCiphertextOrPlaintext, uspCiphertext, lFileSize); close(fdCiphertextOrPlaintext); lFileSize /= 2; unsigned char *ucpPlaintext = malloc(lFileSize), ucaCiphertextOrPlaintext[6]; for(long long j = 0, k = 0; j < lFileSize; ++j) { Ternary(uspCiphertext[j], ucaCiphertextOrPlaintext); TernaryXor(ucaCiphertextOrPlaintext, ucpPassword + 6 * k); //TernaryXand(ucaCiphertextOrPlaintext, ucpPassword + 6 * k); ucpPlaintext[j] = 243 * ucaCiphertextOrPlaintext[0] + 81 * ucaCiphertextOrPlaintext[1] + 27 * ucaCiphertextOrPlaintext[2] + 9 * ucaCiphertextOrPlaintext[3] + 3 * ucaCiphertextOrPlaintext[4] + ucaCiphertextOrPlaintext[5]; k = ++k % ucPasswordLength; } fdCiphertextOrPlaintext = open(argv[3], O_BINARY | O_CREAT | O_WRONLY, S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR); write(fdCiphertextOrPlaintext, ucpPlaintext, lFileSize); close(fdCiphertextOrPlaintext); free(ucpPlaintext); free(uspCiphertext); } else { Usage(); } return 0; }
Python 原始碼
#!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- #******************************************************* # 作者:伍耀暉 Author: YaoHui.Wu * # 開源日期:2022年6月7日 Open Source Date: 2022-6-7 * # 國家:中國 Country: China * #******************************************************* import sys def Usage(): print("Usage\n\tEncryption: python TrinaryCipher.py -e/-E Plaintext.file Ciphertext.file Password\n\tDecryption: python TrinaryCipher.py -d/-D Ciphertext.file Plaintext.file Password") def Ternary(iNumeric): i, lTrinary = 0, [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] if iNumeric and i < 6: while iNumeric: iNumeric, iRemainder = divmod(iNumeric, 3) lTrinary[i] = iRemainder i += 1 return lTrinary # 0 ? 2 0 1 2 # 1 1 1 or ? 1 ? # 2 ? 0 2 1 0 def TernaryXor(lTrinary, lPassword): for l in range(6): if lTrinary[l] == lPassword[l] == 0: lTrinary[l] = "0" elif lTrinary[l] == 0 and lPassword[l] == 1: lTrinary[l] = "2" elif lTrinary[l] == 0 and lPassword[l] == 2: lTrinary[l] = "2" elif lTrinary[l] == 1 and lPassword[l] == 0: lTrinary[l] = "1" elif lTrinary[l] == lPassword[l] == 1: lTrinary[l] = "1" elif lTrinary[l] == 1 and lPassword[l] == 2: lTrinary[l] = "1" elif lTrinary[l] == 2 and lPassword[l] == 0: lTrinary[l] = "2" elif lTrinary[l] == 2 and lPassword[l] == 1: lTrinary[l] = "0" elif lTrinary[l] == lPassword[l] == 2: lTrinary[l] = "0" return int("".join(lTrinary[::-1]), 3) # 2 ? 0 2 1 0 # 1 1 1 or ? 1 ? # 0 ? 2 0 1 2 def TernaryXand(lTrinary, lPassword): for l in range(6): if lTrinary[l] == lPassword[l] == 0: lTrinary[l] = "2" elif lTrinary[l] == 0 and lPassword[l] == 1: lTrinary[l] = "0" elif lTrinary[l] == 0 and lPassword[l] == 2: lTrinary[l] = "0" elif lTrinary[l] == 1 and lPassword[l] == 0: lTrinary[l] = "1" elif lTrinary[l] == lPassword[l] == 1: lTrinary[l] = "1" elif lTrinary[l] == 1 and lPassword[l] == 2: lTrinary[l] = "1" elif lTrinary[l] == 2 and lPassword[l] == 0: lTrinary[l] = "0" elif lTrinary[l] == 2 and lPassword[l] == 1: lTrinary[l] = "2" elif lTrinary[l] == lPassword[l] == 2: lTrinary[l] = "2" return int("".join(lTrinary[::-1]), 3) if __name__ == "__main__": if len(sys.argv) < 5: Usage() elif sys.argv[1] == "-e" or sys.argv[1] == "-E": strPassword, lPassword, lCiphertext = sys.argv[4], [], [] iPasswordLength, i = len(strPassword), 0 for j in range(iPasswordLength): lPassword.append(Ternary(ord(strPassword[j]))) with open(sys.argv[2], "br") as fdPlaintext: bPlaintext = fdPlaintext.read() iFileSize = fdPlaintext.tell() for k in range(iFileSize): lCiphertext.append(TernaryXor(Ternary(bPlaintext[k]), lPassword[i])) #lCiphertext.append(TernaryXand(Ternary(bPlaintext[k]), lPassword[i])) i = (i + 1) % iPasswordLength with open(sys.argv[3], "bw") as fdCiphertext: for iCiphertext in lCiphertext: fdCiphertext.write(iCiphertext.to_bytes(2, "little")) elif sys.argv[1] == "-d" or sys.argv[1] == "-D": strPassword, lPassword, lPlaintext = sys.argv[4], [], [] iPasswordLength, i = len(strPassword), 0 for j in range(iPasswordLength): lPassword.append(Ternary(ord(strPassword[j]))) with open(sys.argv[2], "br") as fdCiphertext: bCiphertext = fdCiphertext.read(2) while bCiphertext: lPlaintext.append(TernaryXor(Ternary(int.from_bytes(bCiphertext, "little")), lPassword[i])) #lPlaintext.append(TernaryXand(Ternary(int.from_bytes(bCiphertext, "little")), lPassword[i])) i = (i + 1) % iPasswordLength bCiphertext = fdCiphertext.read(2) with open(sys.argv[3], "bw") as fdPlaintext: for iPlaintext in lPlaintext: fdPlaintext.write(iPlaintext.to_bytes(1, "little")) else: Usage()
Java 原始碼
/******************************************************* * 作者:伍耀暉 Author: YaoHui.Wu * * 開源日期:2022年6月7日 Open Source Date: 2022-6-7 * * 國家:中國 Country: China * *******************************************************/ import java.io.*; public class TrinaryCipher { private static void Usage() { System.out.println("Usage\n\tEncryption: java TrinaryCipher -e/-E Plaintext.file Ciphertext.file Password\n\tDecryption: java TrinaryCipher -d/-D Ciphertext.file Plaintext.file Password\n"); } private static void Ternary(int iNumeric, byte[] baTrinary) { if(iNumeric < 1) { baTrinary[0] = baTrinary[1] = baTrinary[2] = baTrinary[3] = baTrinary[4] = baTrinary[5] = 0; } else { for(int i = 5; i >= 0; --i) { baTrinary[i] = (byte)(iNumeric % 3); iNumeric /= 3; } } } // 0 ? 2 0 1 2 // 1 1 1 or ? 1 ? // 2 ? 0 2 1 0 private static void TernaryXor(byte[] baCiphertextOrPlaintext, byte[] baPassword) { for(int j = 0; j < 6; ++j) { if(baCiphertextOrPlaintext[j] == 0 && baPassword[j] == 0) { baCiphertextOrPlaintext[j] = 0; } else if(baCiphertextOrPlaintext[j] == 0 && baPassword[j] == 1) { baCiphertextOrPlaintext[j] = 2; } else if(baCiphertextOrPlaintext[j] == 0 && baPassword[j] == 2) { baCiphertextOrPlaintext[j] = 2; } else if(baCiphertextOrPlaintext[j] == 1 && baPassword[j] == 0) { baCiphertextOrPlaintext[j] = 1; } else if(baCiphertextOrPlaintext[j] == 1 && baPassword[j] == 1) { baCiphertextOrPlaintext[j] = 1; } else if(baCiphertextOrPlaintext[j] == 1 && baPassword[j] == 2) { baCiphertextOrPlaintext[j] = 1; } else if(baCiphertextOrPlaintext[j] == 2 && baPassword[j] == 0) { baCiphertextOrPlaintext[j] = 2; } else if(baCiphertextOrPlaintext[j] == 2 && baPassword[j] == 1) { baCiphertextOrPlaintext[j] = 0; } else if(baCiphertextOrPlaintext[j] == 2 && baPassword[j] == 2) { baCiphertextOrPlaintext[j] = 0; } } } // 2 ? 0 2 1 0 // 1 1 1 or ? 1 ? // 0 ? 2 0 1 2 private static void TernaryXand(byte[] baCiphertextOrPlaintext, byte[] baPassword) { for(int j = 0; j < 6; ++j) { if(baCiphertextOrPlaintext[j] == 0 && baPassword[j] == 0) { baCiphertextOrPlaintext[j] = 2; } else if(baCiphertextOrPlaintext[j] == 0 && baPassword[j] == 1) { baCiphertextOrPlaintext[j] = 0; } else if(baCiphertextOrPlaintext[j] == 0 && baPassword[j] == 2) { baCiphertextOrPlaintext[j] = 0; } else if(baCiphertextOrPlaintext[j] == 1 && baPassword[j] == 0) { baCiphertextOrPlaintext[j] = 1; } else if(baCiphertextOrPlaintext[j] == 1 && baPassword[j] == 1) { baCiphertextOrPlaintext[j] = 1; } else if(baCiphertextOrPlaintext[j] == 1 && baPassword[j] == 2) { baCiphertextOrPlaintext[j] = 1; } else if(baCiphertextOrPlaintext[j] == 2 && baPassword[j] == 0) { baCiphertextOrPlaintext[j] = 0; } else if(baCiphertextOrPlaintext[j] == 2 && baPassword[j] == 1) { baCiphertextOrPlaintext[j] = 2; } else if(baCiphertextOrPlaintext[j] == 2 && baPassword[j] == 2) { baCiphertextOrPlaintext[j] = 2; } } } public static void main(String[] args) { if(args.length < 4) { Usage(); } else if(args[0].equals("-e") || args[0].equals("-E")) { int iPasswordLength = args[3].length(); byte[][] baPassword = new byte[iPasswordLength][6]; for(int i = 0; i < iPasswordLength; ++i) { Ternary(args[3].getBytes()[i], baPassword[i]); } RandomAccessFile rafPlaintext = null, rafCiphertext = null; try { rafPlaintext = new RandomAccessFile(args[1], "r"); rafCiphertext = new RandomAccessFile(args[2], "rw"); long lFileSize = rafPlaintext.length(); rafCiphertext.setLength(2 * lFileSize); byte[] baPlaintextOrCiphertext = new byte[6]; int k = 0; for(long j = 0; j < lFileSize; ++j) { Ternary(rafPlaintext.readUnsignedByte(), baPlaintextOrCiphertext); TernaryXor(baPlaintextOrCiphertext, baPassword[k]); //TernaryXand(baPlaintextOrCiphertext, baPassword[k]); rafCiphertext.writeShort(243 * baPlaintextOrCiphertext[0] + 81 * baPlaintextOrCiphertext[1] + 27 * baPlaintextOrCiphertext[2] + 9 * baPlaintextOrCiphertext[3] + 3 * baPlaintextOrCiphertext[4] + baPlaintextOrCiphertext[5]); k = ++k % iPasswordLength; } } catch(Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } finally { try { if(rafCiphertext != null) { rafCiphertext.close(); } if(rafPlaintext != null) { rafPlaintext.close(); } } catch(Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } else if(args[0].equals("-d") || args[0].equals("-D")) { int iPasswordLength = args[3].length(); byte[][] baPassword = new byte[iPasswordLength][6]; for(int i = 0; i < iPasswordLength; ++i) { Ternary(args[3].getBytes()[i], baPassword[i]); } RandomAccessFile rafCiphertext = null, rafPlaintext = null; try { rafCiphertext = new RandomAccessFile(args[1], "r"); rafPlaintext = new RandomAccessFile(args[2], "rw"); long lFileSize = rafCiphertext.length() / 2; rafPlaintext.setLength(lFileSize); byte[] baCiphertextOrPlaintext = new byte[6]; int k = 0; for(long j = 0; j < lFileSize; ++j) { Ternary(rafCiphertext.readUnsignedShort(), baCiphertextOrPlaintext); TernaryXor(baCiphertextOrPlaintext, baPassword[k]); //TernaryXand(baCiphertextOrPlaintext, baPassword[k]); rafPlaintext.writeByte(243 * baCiphertextOrPlaintext[0] + 81 * baCiphertextOrPlaintext[1] + 27 * baCiphertextOrPlaintext[2] + 9 * baCiphertextOrPlaintext[3] + 3 * baCiphertextOrPlaintext[4] + baCiphertextOrPlaintext[5]); k = ++k % iPasswordLength; } } catch(Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } finally { try { if(rafPlaintext != null) { rafPlaintext.close(); } if(rafCiphertext != null) { rafCiphertext.close(); } } catch(Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } else { Usage(); } } }
Pascal 原始碼
(******************************************************* * 作者:伍耀暉 Author: YaoHui.Wu * * 開源日期:2022年6月7日 Open Source Date: 2022-6-7 * * 國家:中國 Country: China * *******************************************************) (* Compiled by free pascal. free pascal website: www.freepascal.org *) Program TrinaryCipher; Type TrinaryArray = Array[0..5] Of Byte; Procedure Usage(); Begin writeln('Usage'#10#9'Encryption: TrinaryCipher -e/-E Plaintext.file Ciphertext.file Password'#10#9'Decryption: TrinaryCipher -d/-D Ciphertext.file Plaintext.file Password'); End; Procedure Ternary(wNumeric : Word; Var baTrinary : TrinaryArray); Var i : Byte; Begin If wNumeric < 1 Then Begin baTrinary[0] := 0; baTrinary[1] := 0; baTrinary[2] := 0; baTrinary[3] := 0; baTrinary[4] := 0; baTrinary[5] := 0; End Else Begin For i := 5 DownTo 0 Do Begin baTrinary[i] := wNumeric Mod 3; wNumeric := wNumeric Div 3; End; End; End; (* 0 ? 2 0 1 2 1 1 1 or ? 1 ? 2 ? 0 2 1 0 *) Procedure TernaryXor(Var baCiphertextOrPlaintext : TrinaryArray; Var baPassword : TrinaryArray); Var j : Byte; Begin For j := 0 To 5 Do Begin If (baCiphertextOrPlaintext[j] = 0) And (baPassword[j] = 0) Then Begin baCiphertextOrPlaintext[j] := 0; End Else If (baCiphertextOrPlaintext[j] = 0) And (baPassword[j] = 1) Then Begin baCiphertextOrPlaintext[j] := 2; End Else If (baCiphertextOrPlaintext[j] = 0) And (baPassword[j] = 2) Then Begin baCiphertextOrPlaintext[j] := 2; End Else If (baCiphertextOrPlaintext[j] = 1) And (baPassword[j] = 0) Then Begin baCiphertextOrPlaintext[j] := 1; End Else If (baCiphertextOrPlaintext[j] = 1) And (baPassword[j] = 1) Then Begin baCiphertextOrPlaintext[j] := 1; End Else If (baCiphertextOrPlaintext[j] = 1) And (baPassword[j] = 2) Then Begin baCiphertextOrPlaintext[j] := 1; End Else If (baCiphertextOrPlaintext[j] = 2) And (baPassword[j] = 0) Then Begin baCiphertextOrPlaintext[j] := 2; End Else If (baCiphertextOrPlaintext[j] = 2) And (baPassword[j] = 1) Then Begin baCiphertextOrPlaintext[j] := 0; End Else If (baCiphertextOrPlaintext[j] = 2) And (baPassword[j] = 2) Then Begin baCiphertextOrPlaintext[j] := 0; End End; End; (* 2 ? 0 2 1 0 1 1 1 or ? 1 ? 0 ? 2 0 1 2 *) Procedure TernaryXand(Var baCiphertextOrPlaintext : TrinaryArray; Var baPassword : TrinaryArray); Var j : Byte; Begin For j := 0 To 5 Do Begin If (baCiphertextOrPlaintext[j] = 0) And (baPassword[j] = 0) Then Begin baCiphertextOrPlaintext[j] := 2; End Else If (baCiphertextOrPlaintext[j] = 0) And (baPassword[j] = 1) Then Begin baCiphertextOrPlaintext[j] := 0; End Else If (baCiphertextOrPlaintext[j] = 0) And (baPassword[j] = 2) Then Begin baCiphertextOrPlaintext[j] := 0; End Else If (baCiphertextOrPlaintext[j] = 1) And (baPassword[j] = 0) Then Begin baCiphertextOrPlaintext[j] := 1; End Else If (baCiphertextOrPlaintext[j] = 1) And (baPassword[j] = 1) Then Begin baCiphertextOrPlaintext[j] := 1; End Else If (baCiphertextOrPlaintext[j] = 1) And (baPassword[j] = 2) Then Begin baCiphertextOrPlaintext[j] := 1; End Else If (baCiphertextOrPlaintext[j] = 2) And (baPassword[j] = 0) Then Begin baCiphertextOrPlaintext[j] := 0; End Else If (baCiphertextOrPlaintext[j] = 2) And (baPassword[j] = 1) Then Begin baCiphertextOrPlaintext[j] := 2; End Else If (baCiphertextOrPlaintext[j] = 2) And (baPassword[j] = 2) Then Begin baCiphertextOrPlaintext[j] := 2; End End; End; Var i, k, bPasswordLength : Byte; j, uiFileSize : LongWord; baPassword : Array Of TrinaryArray; baPlaintextOrCiphertext : TrinaryArray; fdPlaintextOrCiphertext : File; bpPlaintext : PByte; wpCiphertext : PWord; Begin If(ParamCount < 4) Then Begin Usage(); End Else If (ParamStr(1) = '-e') Or (ParamStr(1) = '-E') Then Begin bPasswordLength := Length(ParamStr(4)); SetLength(baPassword, bPasswordLength); For i := 1 To bPasswordLength Do Begin Ternary(Ord(ParamStr(4)[i]), baPassword[i - 1]); End; Assign(fdPlaintextOrCiphertext, ParamStr(2)); Reset(fdPlaintextOrCiphertext, 1); uiFileSize := FileSize(fdPlaintextOrCiphertext); bpPlaintext := GetMem(uiFileSize); BlockRead(fdPlaintextOrCiphertext, bpPlaintext^, uiFileSize); Close(fdPlaintextOrCiphertext); wpCiphertext := GetMem(2 * uiFileSize); k := 0; For j := 0 To uiFileSize - 1 Do Begin Ternary(bpPlaintext[j], baPlaintextOrCiphertext); TernaryXor(baPlaintextOrCiphertext, baPassword[k]); (*TernaryXand(baPlaintextOrCiphertext, baPassword[k]);*) wpCiphertext[j] := 243 * baPlaintextOrCiphertext[0] + 81 * baPlaintextOrCiphertext[1] + 27 * baPlaintextOrCiphertext[2] + 9 * baPlaintextOrCiphertext[3] + 3 * baPlaintextOrCiphertext[4] + baPlaintextOrCiphertext[5]; k := (k + 1) Mod bPasswordLength; End; Assign(fdPlaintextOrCiphertext, Paramstr(3)); Rewrite(fdPlaintextOrCiphertext, 1); BlockWrite(fdPlaintextOrCiphertext, wpCiphertext^, 2 * uiFileSize); Close(fdPlaintextOrCiphertext); FreeMem(wpCiphertext); FreeMem(bpPlaintext); End Else If (paramstr(1) = '-d') Or (paramstr(1) = '-D') Then Begin bPasswordLength := Length(ParamStr(4)); SetLength(baPassword, bPasswordLength); For i := 1 To bPasswordLength Do Begin Ternary(Ord(ParamStr(4)[i]), baPassword[i - 1]); End; Assign(fdPlaintextOrCiphertext, ParamStr(2)); Reset(fdPlaintextOrCiphertext, 1); uiFileSize := FileSize(fdPlaintextOrCiphertext); wpCiphertext := GetMem(uiFileSize); BlockRead(fdPlaintextOrCiphertext, wpCiphertext^, uiFileSize); Close(fdPlaintextOrCiphertext); uiFileSize := uiFileSize Div 2; bpPlaintext := GetMem(uiFileSize); k := 0; For j := 0 To uiFileSize - 1 Do Begin Ternary(wpCiphertext[j], baPlaintextOrCiphertext); TernaryXor(baPlaintextOrCiphertext, baPassword[k]); (*TernaryXand(baPlaintextOrCiphertext, baPassword[k]);*) bpPlaintext[j] := 243 * baPlaintextOrCiphertext[0] + 81 * baPlaintextOrCiphertext[1] + 27 * baPlaintextOrCiphertext[2] + 9 * baPlaintextOrCiphertext[3] + 3 * baPlaintextOrCiphertext[4] + baPlaintextOrCiphertext[5]; k := (k + 1) Mod bPasswordLength; End; Assign(fdPlaintextOrCiphertext, Paramstr(3)); Rewrite(fdPlaintextOrCiphertext, 1); BlockWrite(fdPlaintextOrCiphertext, bpPlaintext^, uiFileSize); Close(fdPlaintextOrCiphertext); FreeMem(bpPlaintext); FreeMem(wpCiphertext); End Else Begin Usage(); End End.
Basic 原始碼
/'****************************************************** * 作者:伍耀暉 Author: YaoHui.Wu * * 開源日期:2022年6月7日 Open Source Date: 2022-6-7 * * 國家:中國 Country: China * ******************************************************'/ ' Compiled by free basic. free basic website: www.freebasic.net #include "file.bi" Sub Usage() print "Usage" & Chr(10) & Chr(9) & "Encryption: TrinaryCipher -e/-E Plaintext.file Ciphertext.file Password" & Chr(10) & Chr(9) & "Decryption: TrinaryCipher -d/-D Ciphertext.file Plaintext.file Password" End Sub Sub Ternary(ByVal usNumeric As UShort, ubpTrinary As UByte Pointer) If usNumeric < 1 Then ubpTrinary[0] = 0 ubpTrinary[1] = 0 ubpTrinary[2] = 0 ubpTrinary[3] = 0 ubpTrinary[4] = 0 ubpTrinary[5] = 0 Else For i As Byte = 5 To 0 Step -1 ubpTrinary[i] = usNumeric Mod 3 usNumeric \= 3 Next i End If End Sub /' 0 ? 2 0 1 2 1 1 1 or ? 1 ? 2 ? 0 2 1 0 '/ Sub TernaryXor(ubaPlaintextOrCiphertext() As UByte, ubpPassword As UByte Pointer) For j As UByte = 0 To 5 If ubaPlaintextOrCiphertext(j) = 0 AndAlso ubpPassword[j] = 0 Then ubaPlaintextOrCiphertext(j) = 2 Elseif ubaPlaintextOrCiphertext(j) = 0 AndAlso ubpPassword[j] = 1 Then ubaPlaintextOrCiphertext(j) = 0 Elseif ubaPlaintextOrCiphertext(j) = 0 AndAlso ubpPassword[j] = 2 Then ubaPlaintextOrCiphertext(j) = 0 Elseif ubaPlaintextOrCiphertext(j) = 1 AndAlso ubpPassword[j] = 0 Then ubaPlaintextOrCiphertext(j) = 1 Elseif ubaPlaintextOrCiphertext(j) = 1 AndAlso ubpPassword[j] = 1 Then ubaPlaintextOrCiphertext(j) = 1 Elseif ubaPlaintextOrCiphertext(j) = 1 AndAlso ubpPassword[j] = 2 Then ubaPlaintextOrCiphertext(j) = 1 Elseif ubaPlaintextOrCiphertext(j) = 2 AndAlso ubpPassword[j] = 0 Then ubaPlaintextOrCiphertext(j) = 0 Elseif ubaPlaintextOrCiphertext(j) = 2 AndAlso ubpPassword[j] = 1 Then ubaPlaintextOrCiphertext(j) = 2 Elseif ubaPlaintextOrCiphertext(j) = 2 AndAlso ubpPassword[j] = 2 Then ubaPlaintextOrCiphertext(j) = 2 End If Next j End Sub /' 2 ? 0 2 1 0 1 1 1 or ? 1 ? 0 ? 2 0 1 2 '/ Sub TernaryXand(ubaPlaintextOrCiphertext() As UByte, ubpPassword As UByte Pointer) For j As UByte = 0 To 5 If ubaPlaintextOrCiphertext(j) = 0 AndAlso ubpPassword[j] = 0 Then ubaPlaintextOrCiphertext(j) = 2 Elseif ubaPlaintextOrCiphertext(j) = 0 AndAlso ubpPassword[j] = 1 Then ubaPlaintextOrCiphertext(j) = 0 Elseif ubaPlaintextOrCiphertext(j) = 0 AndAlso ubpPassword[j] = 2 Then ubaPlaintextOrCiphertext(j) = 0 Elseif ubaPlaintextOrCiphertext(j) = 1 AndAlso ubpPassword[j] = 0 Then ubaPlaintextOrCiphertext(j) = 1 Elseif ubaPlaintextOrCiphertext(j) = 1 AndAlso ubpPassword[j] = 1 Then ubaPlaintextOrCiphertext(j) = 1 Elseif ubaPlaintextOrCiphertext(j) = 1 AndAlso ubpPassword[j] = 2 Then ubaPlaintextOrCiphertext(j) = 1 Elseif ubaPlaintextOrCiphertext(j) = 2 AndAlso ubpPassword[j] = 0 Then ubaPlaintextOrCiphertext(j) = 0 Elseif ubaPlaintextOrCiphertext(j) = 2 AndAlso ubpPassword[j] = 1 Then ubaPlaintextOrCiphertext(j) = 2 Elseif ubaPlaintextOrCiphertext(j) = 2 AndAlso ubpPassword[j] = 2 Then ubaPlaintextOrCiphertext(j) = 2 End If Next j End Sub Sub Main() Dim As UByte k = 0, ubCLAA = 1, ubPasswordLength, ubaPassword(), ubaPlaintextOrCiphertext(5) Dim As String strPassword Dim As UInteger uiFileSize Dim As UByte Pointer ubpPlaintext Dim As UShort Pointer uspCiphertext Do Dim As String strCLA = Command(ubCLAA) If Len(strCLA) = 0 Then Exit Do End If ubCLAA += 1 Loop If ubCLAA < 5 Then Usage() Elseif Command(1) = "-e" OrElse Command(1) = "-E" Then strPassword = Command(4) ubPasswordLength = Len(Command(4)) ReDim ubaPassword(ubPasswordLength - 1, 5) For i As UByte = 0 To ubPasswordLength - 1 Ternary(strPassword[i], @ubaPassword(i, 0)) Next i uiFileSize = FileLen(Command(2)) ubpPlaintext = New UByte[uiFileSize] Open Command(2) For Binary Access Read As #3 Get #3, , *ubpPlaintext, uiFileSize Close #3 uspCiphertext = New UShort[uiFileSize] For j As ULong = 0 To uiFileSize - 1 Ternary(ubpPlaintext[j], @ubaPlaintextOrCiphertext(0)) TernaryXor(ubaPlaintextOrCiphertext(), @ubaPassword(k, 0)) 'TernaryXand(ubaPlaintextOrCiphertext(), @ubaPassword(k, 0)) uspCiphertext[j] = 243 * ubaPlaintextOrCiphertext(0) + 81 * ubaPlaintextOrCiphertext(1) + 27 * ubaPlaintextOrCiphertext(2) + 9 * ubaPlaintextOrCiphertext(3) + 3 * ubaPlaintextOrCiphertext(4) + ubaPlaintextOrCiphertext(5) k = (k + 1) Mod ubPasswordLength Next j Delete ubpPlaintext Open Command(3) For Binary Access Write As #4 Put #4, , *uspCiphertext, uiFileSize Close #4 Delete uspCiphertext Elseif Command(1) = "-d" OrElse Command(1) = "-D" Then strPassword = Command(4) ubPasswordLength = Len(Command(4)) ReDim ubaPassword(ubPasswordLength - 1, 5) For i As UByte = 0 To ubPasswordLength - 1 Ternary(strPassword[i], @ubaPassword(i, 0)) Next i uiFileSize = FileLen(Command(2)) \ 2 uspCiphertext = New UShort[uiFileSize] Open Command(2) For Binary Access Read As #3 Get #3, , *uspCiphertext, uiFileSize Close #3 ubpPlaintext = New UByte[uiFileSize] For j As UInteger = 0 To uiFileSize - 1 Ternary(uspCiphertext[j], @ubaPlaintextOrCiphertext(0)) TernaryXor(ubaPlaintextOrCiphertext(), @ubaPassword(k, 0)) 'TernaryXand(ubaPlaintextOrCiphertext(), @ubaPassword(k, 0)) ubpPlaintext[j] = 243 * ubaPlaintextOrCiphertext(0) + 81 * ubaPlaintextOrCiphertext(1) + 27 * ubaPlaintextOrCiphertext(2) + 9 * ubaPlaintextOrCiphertext(3) + 3 * ubaPlaintextOrCiphertext(4) + ubaPlaintextOrCiphertext(5) k = (k + 1) Mod ubPasswordLength Next j Delete uspCiphertext Open Command(3) For Binary Access Write As #4 Put #4, , *ubpPlaintext, uiFileSize Close #4 Delete ubpPlaintext Else Usage() End If End Sub Main()