一、 問題提出: 《阿里巴巴JAVA開發手冊》裡面寫超過三張表禁止join,這是為什麼?
二、問題分析:對任何結論,我首先持懷疑態度的,也不知道是哪位先哲說的不要人云亦云。要怎麼驗證這個問題呢?今天我就設計了一個實驗來驗證,為什麼 超過三張表禁止join。各位可以看看我這個實驗是怎麼做的。
三、 實驗環境:vmware10+centos7.4+mysql5.7.22 ,centos7記憶體4.5G,4核,50G硬碟。 mysql配置為2G,特別說明硬碟是SSD。
use stu; drop table if exists student; create table student ( s_id int(11) not null auto_increment , sno int(11), sname varchar(50), sage int(11), ssex varchar(8) , father_id int(11), mather_id int(11), note varchar(500), primary key (s_id), unique key uk_sno (sno) ) engine=innodb default charset=utf8mb4; truncate table student; delimiter $$ drop function if exists insert_student_data $$ create function insert_student_data() returns int deterministic begin declare i int; set i=1; while i<5000000 do insert into student values(i ,i, concat('name',i),i,case when floor(rand()*10)%2=0 then 'f' else 'm' end,floor(rand()*100000),floor(rand()*100000),concat('note',i) ); set i=i+1; end while; return 1; end$$ delimiter ; select insert_student_data(); select count(*) from student;
create table course ( c_id int(11) not null auto_increment , cname varchar(50), t_id int(11) , note varchar(500), primary key (c_id) ) engine=innodb default charset=utf8mb4; truncate table course; delimiter $$ drop function if exists insert_course_data $$ create function insert_course_data() returns int deterministic begin declare i int; set i=1; while i<=1000 do insert into course values(i , concat('course',i),floor(rand()*1000000),concat('note',i) ); set i=i+1; end while; return 1; end$$ delimiter ; select insert_course_data(); select count(*) from course;
drop table if exists sc; create table sc ( s_id int(11), cname varchar(50), score int(11) ) engine=innodb default charset=utf8mb4; truncate table sc; delimiter $$ drop function if exists insert_sc_data $$ create function insert_sc_data() returns int deterministic begin declare i int; set i=1; while i<=5000000 do insert into sc values( i,concat('course',floor(rand()*1000)),floor(rand()*100)) ; set i=i+1; end while; return 1; end$$ delimiter ; select insert_sc_data(); select count(*) from sc;
create table tc ( t_id int(11), cname varchar(50) ) engine=innodb default charset=utf8mb4; truncate table tc; delimiter $$ drop function if exists insert_tc_data $$ create function insert_tc_data() returns int deterministic begin declare i int; set i=1; while i<=1000000 do insert into tc values( i,concat('course',floor(rand()*1000))) ; set i=i+1; end while; return 1; end$$ delimiter ; select insert_tc_data(); select count(*) from tc;
create table teacher ( t_id int(11) not null auto_increment , tname varchar(50) , note varchar(500),primary key (t_id) ) engine=innodb default charset=utf8mb4; truncate table teacher; delimiter $$ drop function if exists insert_teacher_data $$ create function insert_teacher_data() returns int deterministic begin declare i int; set i=1; while i<=1000000 do insert into teacher values(i , concat('tname',i),concat('note',i) ); set i=i+1; end while; return 1; end$$ delimiter ; select insert_teacher_data(); select count(*) from teacher;
表 | 數量 |
student | 500萬 |
teacher | 100萬 |
course | 1000 |
sc | 1000萬 |
tc | 200萬 |
select Student.Sname,score from Student,SC,tc,Course ,Teacher where Student.s_id=SC.s_id and SC.cname=Course.cname and sc.cname=tc.cname and tc.t_id=teacher.t_id and Teacher.Tname='tname553' and SC.score=(select max(score)from SC where cname=Course.cname );
select tc.t_id,tc.cname from tc,Course ,Teacher where tc.cname=course.cname and tc.t_id=teacher.t_id and Teacher.Tname='tname553' ;
select Student.Sname,score from Student,SC where Student.s_id=SC.s_id and cname in ('course735','course502') and score=(select max(score) from sc where cname in ('course735','course502'));
204 rows in set (7.72 sec)
select t_id from teacher where tname='tname553'; select * from tc where tc.t_id=553; select * from course where cname in ('course735','course502'); select max(score) from sc where cname in ('course735','course502'); select Student.Sname,score from Student,SC where Student.s_id=SC.s_id and cname in ('course735','course502') and score=99;
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