現象級每日一詞:shift (n.)
shift = n. a slight change in position, direction, or tendency
?shift v.:https://www.jianshu.com/p/8f87a603a14b
- v + ~ : be, mark, represent; indicate, reflect, show, signal; detect, notice, observe, see, witness; bring about, cause, drive, lead to, produce, result in; experience, undergo; explain
- ~ + v : come about, occur, take place
- adj + ~ : basic, deep, discernible, distinct, dramatic, drastic, fundamental, huge, important, major, marked, massive, perceptible, profound, pronounced, radical, seismic, significant, startling, substantial; imperceptible, slight, subtle; abrupt, rapid, sudden; gradual, steady; decisive, irreversible, long-term; attitude, climate, cultural, demographic, ideological, paradigm, policy, population, power, structural
- ~ + prep : between, (away) from, in, of, to, toward(s)
China is undergoing a shift from a labour-intensive economy to a knowledge-intensive one.
句子:The May Fourth Movement marked the shift from the Old Democratic Revolution to the New Democratic Revolution.
句子:The growth of we media and the decline of mass media indicate a gradual shift in journalism.
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