雷達氣象相關詞彙(一 掃描模式)





A plan position indicator (PPI) is a type of radar display that represents the radar antenna in the center of the display, with the distance from it and height above ground drawn as concentric circles. As the radar antenna rotates, a radial trace on the PPI sweeps in unison with it about the center point. It is the most common type of radar display.



Range Height Indicator (RHI):When scanning in RHI mode, the radar holds its azimuth angle constant but varies its elevation angle. The returns can then be mapped on a vertical plane. The elevation angle normally is rotated from near the horizon to near the zenith (the point in the sky directly overhead).



A CAPPI (Constant Altitude PPI) is a horizontal, two-dimensional representation of radar measurement variables at a certain height. A CAPPI is calculated and interpolated from several PPI measurements at different elevations. On a PPI- Scope, the different heights will be mostly represented by color variations. A so-called pseudo-CAPPI (pCAPPI) differs from a CAPPI in that additional values in the far zone are extrapolated.

體積恆定-等高面平面位置顯示圖Vol-CAPPI (“三檢視”)

另一個顯示選項稱為體積恆定-等高面顯示圖 (Volume-CAPPI),允許在所有三個橫截面中進行清晰的回波分配。除了底層平面圖之外,還顯示立面圖(對應於從東到西的側立面圖)和單個橫向立面圖(對應於從北到南的側立面圖)。藉助十字游標,可以選擇這些橫截面的位置。Another display option is called Volume Constant Altitude Plan Position Indicator (Volume-CAPPI) and allows a clear echo assignment in all three cross-sections. In addition to a floor plan, an elevation (corresponds to a side elevation from east to west) and a single cross elevation (corresponds to a side elevation from north to south) are shown. With the help of a crosshair-cursor, the positions of these cross-sections can be selected.



In a MAX-CAPPI (Maximum Constant Altitude Plan Position Indicator) maxima of CAPPI data from different heights are displayed. This is done on the one hand by a vertical maximum projection in an (image) elevation, on the other hand by horizontal maximum projections from south to north or from west to east in side elevations. In the side elevations, the lateral scale indicates the height in km. In a MAX-CAPPI mostly reflectivities are shown.

多站點雷達拼圖Composites across multiple sites

Combining the radar images of different locations into a composite image opens up further possibilities for weather analysis and forecasting. In most cases, only local reflectivity composites are further processed across locations. The advantage is a large-scale overview. The disadvantage is the poorer accuracy compared to local products.

垂直液態水積分Vertically Integrated Liquid (VIL)

Vertically Integrated Liquid (VIL) is the total amount of rain that would fall if all the liquid water in a column within a rain cloud (usually a thunderstorm) reached the surface of the earth. Basically, all water quantities estimated on the basis of reflectivity are added over a grid-like distributed unit of area.

VIL is not observed or measured, but calculated based on the reflectivity measured by the radar. Thus, everything that influences the reflectivity has an effect on the VIL.
