I have been hoping for years. Ea Gameplay is crap
The thing is, shit is sold by 2K. They have boosts you can buy, but only playing career mode will get you more than enough coins to stay permanently boosted. Additionally, whenever they have a coin system to level up, you have to grind to unlock the update slots so you can't simply buy your way to dominance once you get past the first few upgrades. About the only real advantage cash gives is if you preorder and get you can upgrade your Madden NFL player. But beyond that you have to
play to improve.
I have been hoping for years. Ea Gameplay is crap. People attempt comparing their nba match to football. When was last time they made a football match? Folks rave about it and that one is old now? Ea releases a couple of patches and make Madden NFL worse, not better. Give me a 2kNFL game. The fact is that it doesn't matter whether its 2k or EA, if there's a massive corporation that puts out the only soccer game every year, they are just going to put out the bare minimum of a item which will still earn them maximum gains. If there's absolutely no competition and a great deal of cash to be produced, any company will be more scumy.
We'll put a limit on madden maximum Madden NFL players do FTP Madden NFL players aren't that supporting
I played a guy now in arena with 4500+ 7 and power 105 madden maximum Madden NFL players lmao. They were defensive Madden NFL players I still managed to score 19 points but dropped by 4 points.I'd be ok with nearly everything in Madden NFL if electricity was not a thing. It's so dumb. "What is that? You simply started playing? Well, guess what, here's your competition - a man who has been playing all season with half a dozen Madden Max Madden NFL players. He is 3700 Power higher than you, so that
he gets an extra +5 overall on you." I have been playing but just painting an image not my situation. It's benefit, and power, is backward, imo.
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