Just as it's the EA name attached to it
Just as it's the EA name attached to it. Same could happen if it had been Epic or Activision. If CDPR, Valve or any other cherished company did exactly the same, comments would be wholly different. Edit: Sony did the same and the general reception on these remarks are mostly positive. Stay fresh, Reddit. I really don't think so. If their main customer base is African American is doesn't make sense to
market to them right now. As they won't be spending right now, as games isn't on there minds right now. Not about respect imo. More or less they're not moving to the stores immediately to make purchases. Now using marketing they could use this as a show of solidarity with this market. A wonderful gesture, but are not these the very same people who censored Colin Kaepernick's name from a song in one of the past Madden games?
I will preface this by stating that I don't think it's a terrible thing for them to bring awareness to the issue. It is important that it can't just be dismissed by looking away from it. With that said, I really do possess a certain amount of doubt towards multi-billion dollar multinational corporations paying lip service to significant social issues. They're in the best possible place to do more than just put out a press release or public announcement. Of course, as a capitalist business they are under no obligation to do so, and it rings hollow when they try to stand in solidarity with all the common men and women. Now there are businesses out there that are doing things and this is the opportunity to emphasize those attempts; to show they're more than just words.
Having said that police brutality is not exactly something that a company like EA throwing cash at the problem does considerably towards fixing. At best they put money towards the attorneys and groups that struggle to see justice after the truth or lobby to get laws changed that in the present government won't. It has systemic issues within authorities of not reporting their own and holding them liable rather staying silent and with the authorities unions which allow it all to occur or in ways even promote it by the consequences being a slap on the wrist followed by being hired at another precinct showing them there is no consequences. Before even getting to legislation and rulings such as qualified immunity which protect abusive cops and allow them to abuse their power freely. The vast majority of which EA and many capitalist businesses aren't able to do so much about making it unjust to state they're in the best possible place to do more.
Those at the best possible place to
do more are the assumed great cops by no longer staying quiet and enabling bad cops to eliminate their misuse of power or voting for superior leadership for their unions that will not enable the behavior. However, of course it is just words. Since following decades of corporations doing things for the wrong reason, people are very cynical. Even if all businesses ceased doing things wrong, it is going to take a long, long time for that image of corporate America to lose its tarnish. Part of what we might do is elect politicians who promise that they'll hold these corporations accountable. It probably won't happen by itself. This could be a lot easier if someone like that may run for office successfully.
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