EA Job Listing: Madden Could Be Coming to a Switch


There aren't many NFL venues are as intimidating for visiting teams as the Superdome, and New Orleans Saints fans have persevered to keep it that way. It is one of  the most loud arenas for professional sports. The crowd is quite loud and it is the perfect place to watch.

Madden NFL 22 will introduce incentives for home teams, and players who play with the Saints may have the greatest advantage over other teams in the game. According to the announcement on Thursday, the Saints will have the "Who Dat" badge. It is a reference to:

It's crucial. While many teams have numerous "momentum" or "fatigue" modifications that teams playing against the Saints will be unable to create perfect passing plays on crucial downs. This is due to the communication issues that teams from outside the city face in New Orleans when the 70,000-strong crowd is on their feet and it feels right.

Madden NFL was once a regular feature on Nintendo platforms. However, it has been nearly a decade since the release of Madden NFL 13 on Wii U. EA previously stated they aren't planning on making it available on Switch in the year 2018. However it was recently revealed that a job advertisement stated that Madden might finally come to Switch.

Doctre81 on YouTube discovered the listing "Online Software Engineer (C++ - Madden" earlier in November 2020. For the requirements of  the job, one section asks for two years of experience on "Microsoft, Sony or Nintendo game consoles". Although this may not seem as much, the previous EA job listings didn't include Nintendo in their criteria.

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