Goal2: buy 85 mining, I now have 74 mining and I believe
Goal2: buy 85 mining, I now have 74 mining and I believe I will powermine the entire way. Is granite the quickest way to get exp in p2p? If so how can I maximize my time there trigger you need to keep drinking and you can only carry so many water bag thingys. Goal3: get my account ready to make decent cash at aviancies. You can view my current stats in my signiture. But I believe there are only really 3 skills I want improved. 1. Health to 70, which is there by the ending. Where would be the best place to train scope and defence I'm thinking about ( a small monster whos name has escaped my mine) that individuals train range on and camp there. Thank you for taking time reading this, sorry about all of the spelling mistakes in thisarticle, I am writing this quickly cause I going to leave and dont have time to proofread.
Yaks are great Range Xp, when you have done the search to reach them and feel good with losing money. A good alternate is Fire Giants that is what I used from 55-70 and it took 3 times (playing about 4 hours daily, so 12 hours, even while still at Yaks it might take 6 hours or so). The excellent thing is, you can earn a profit at Fire Giants because of the Rune drops. I used those supporting the Waterfall (Can Waterfall Quest) since you can Safe them. Any setup involving Knifes your Range Attack will be low. And I only use Knifes on my Pure. Unless you have become a fantastic deal of cash or formerly have items such as: Robin, Fury, Ranger Boots, Archer Ring, Barrows Gloves, Zammy Godbook (1m to meet today ), respectively this can be about as good as it gets, sorry. Hope it helps. Add me: k0_rang4. As for food, you can Safe both Fires and Yaks, but I would bring like 5 Lobbies incase of Randoms, misclicks, etc..
If you haven't discovered their is a great deal of pure/tank/new folks now!I can't go somewhere without seeing that one kind pure/tank! I know this may not be big new's to some but I actually wanted to ask: exactly what do you consider it? More people searching for more cash mean's they merchant and your losing money since they take more item's, you're losing training spot's due to more people coming: pures can even solo matters GWD you lossing money/training spot or cash monster's.
I'm not just talking about pure's, so don't think I am ranting on them because I'm not. The rest Below is my OLD article for my Slayer Tank I am re-writing all of it no anxiety. And today I want to talk about something I might have made or simply said something everyone know's already. Nah I am for sure know one has done this! This really is a Tank to me (can be a pure) you get magic dart and utilize this everywhere I think I'll create my primary accounts into this anyways you utilize slayer dart for everything so this account is for slayer! (you might be able to use this in PvP but I really don't believe so and you can cross out any combat at all actually ).
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