





Listing is not just extending an article to a site but also making sure it can be purchased/sold. Its like extending a material to a plant and then some. There are different set of Listing tables





Assigning Articles to merchandise assortments and assortment modules. The assignment will generate listing conditions. A site cannot purchase or sell an article that is not contained in one of its assortment.

Assortments are grouped together under Class type 047



3,Listing Conditions


Assignment of individual articles to assortments for selling. The conditions contain validity dates and other details (table WLK1)





Class / Characteristics – Used for Allocation; Promotion; Assignment;





Substitution can occur at vendor or article level. There could be one distribution center that receives the PO with an assortment and bursts out multiple sub vendor PO’s. In case or a hot breakfast basket, there could be cereals, bagels or donuts and each must be purchased by a different vendor. For Article substitution, it could be as simple as bag sizes or a flavor or type – organic vs non organic spinach. Substitution can happen due to promotions, new market testing, shortages etc





Site is always maintained in SAP Retail in its capacity as a customer. since sales functions, such as delivering and billing, are carried out by head office for the site. Sites can be assigned to a class (Area Manager).



7,Article Hierarchy

Enables the grouping by customer -oriented structure.





Direct Store Delivery (when you see a non store employee stock your favorite soda in the store next time you can say DSD)






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