做民營企業SAP專案必備神器之SAP QM FMs(FunctionModules)(QualityManagement)
Fm |
Description |
F4 - Help for the Inspection Point Fields |
Load Inspection Results |
Follow-Up Action: Technically Complete PM Order |
Load Detail Data and Usage Decision for Inspection Lot |
Initialisieren des globalen Ged |
Module for Editing Customer Function Code |
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See complete list of |
Quality Notifications FMs QM-QN
Fm |
Description |
Customer Exit: Checks before Saving Notification |
Create QM Notification 2 |
Customer Exit: Transfer Notification Data to User Screen |
Create quality notification |
Customer Exit: Transfer Notification Data from User Screen |
QM Notification: Change Data |
Save QM Notification |
Ma |
Check contact person's password |
Versenden verschiedener Dokumente als Folgeaktivit |
Check contact person's number |
Determines Existing Quality Notifications |
Select a Customer Material List for Quality Notifications |
Determine Catalog Profile for Quality Notification |
Change contact person's password |
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See complete list of |
Functional Locations FMs PM-EQM-FL
Fm |
Description |
Hierarchieaufl |
Verbuchen von Partner |
Konvertierungs-Exit TPLNR, intern -> extern |
Konvertierungs-Exit TPLNR, extern -> intern |
Partner in Partnerverarbeitung |
Aufruf: Verbuchung Technischer Platz (Rahmenbaustein f |
Partner lesen |
L |
Partner aus der Dialogtabelle lesen |
Aufruf der Hierarchiedarstellung f |
Aufruf der Darstellung der Equipmentst |
Generieren von Adressen zu einem Partner |
CHDO IFLO => Gen. by RSSCD000 |
Partnerverarbeitung initialisieren |
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See complete list of |
Equipment FMs PM-EQM-EQ
Fm |
Description |
F |
Check of Customer-Defined Rules Before Equipment Update |
Check of User-Defined Rules on Installation of Equipments at FunctLoc |
Pr |
Verbuchung eines Equipments |
Aufruf der Verbuchung von Equipments und aller abh |
Update der Texte |
Direkte Equipment-Nachfolger ermitteln (Equipmenthierarchie) |
Maintenance of long texts |
Lesen von existierenden Equipmenthierarchien |
Update equipment |
Customer-Defined Check/Change in Manufacturer Data for Technical Object |
Bestimmung der betriebswirtschaftlichen Sichten anhand der Equipmentdaten |
Serialnummer aus Liste verbuchen |
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Quality Certificates FMs QM-CA
Fm |
Description |
Konvertiert Files in andere Zeilenl |
General characteristics of a batch: result values |
Create List of Sales Areas for the Customer |
Read insp. charact. specs and results for insp. lot / partial lot |
Create List of Materials for the Sales Areas of a Customer |
Chargen zu einem Material |
Qualit |
F |
QM Certificates: User-Exit Before Call-Up of Form Printout |
Anzeigen aller (f |
Lesen des IDocs Qality02 |
Merkmalsvorgaben f |
Merkmalsvorgaben f |
Merkmalswert aus gepr |
Customer Function Reports: New Fields for Cert. Profile Determination |
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See complete list of |
QM General FMs
Fm |
Description |
Confirm Inspection Results |
Create Inspection Plan |
Konvertiert Files in andere Zeilenl |
Customer Exit: Checks before Saving Notification |
Read Detail Data for Inspection Operation |
Automatic Usage Decision |
Create QM Notification 2 |
Select Inspection Lots |
Replication of QM inspection setup |
Customer Exit: Transfer Notification Data to User Screen |
Replication of QM Master Inspection Characteristics (ALE) |
Create quality notification |
Automatische Generierung von Pr |
Confirm Inspection Results |
Customer Exit: Transfer Notification Data from User Screen |
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See complete list of |
Configuration Control FMs PM-EQM-CC
Fm |
Description |
Get top equipment for a given equipment |
CCM : Find any child equis for an functional location |
CCM: User Screen (Remove) - Import Data from SAPLCCM06^ |
CCM: User Screen (Remove) - Export Data from SAPLCCM06 |
CCM: User Screen (Install) - Import Data from SAPLCCM06 |
CCM: User Screen (Install) - Export Data from SAPLCCM06 |
CCM: User Screen Message (Remove)- Import Data from SAPLCCM06 |
CCM: User Screen Message (Install) - Import Data from SAPLCCM06 |
CCM : Find any child equis for an equipment |
CCM : Find any child Flocs for an functional location |
CCM : Find any Holes in an (parent) functional location |
CCM : Read TOP Object for Equipment |
CCM: Read FLOC data |
Information Consistency FMs BC-EIM-IQM-IC
Fm |
Description |
Example for a search help exit |
Search help exit: get allowed fields from the field provider |
來自 “ ITPUB部落格 ” ,連結:http://blog.itpub.net/29829936/viewspace-2155152/,如需轉載,請註明出處,否則將追究法律責任。
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