Control charts in SAP QM
Control charts in SAP QM
It has been observed forum members are posting questions on control charts generation and settings required frequently. I am creating this document to address those issues on this…
This document explains how to generate the control charts in QM with required settings and process flow with step by step screen shots…
1. MM01/MM02 – Activate required inspection type in the material master QM view as shown below…here inspection type manual 89 as activated…
2. QS21 – Create MIC with indicator SPC characteristic activated in the control indicators with UOM as mm and Lower limit as 1 mm and upper limit as 10 mm as shown below…
then save….
3. QDV1 : Create Sampling Procedure with valuation mode as SPC inspection and select the required control chart type. . here control chart type selected is
Shewhart chart for X bar / S / USA
then save the sampling procedure..
4. QP01- Create inspection Plan and assign the MIC and sampling procedure created in the previous steps..
Create operation as shown below…
Select the operation assign the MIC to operation as shown below…
Select the SPC criterion as Master Inspection Charac./Material as shown below
Finally save inspection Plan…
5. QA01/QA02 – Create inspection lots for the material and do the results recording and Complete UD…Here 4 inspection lots are created manually and Results Recording done with different values…Finally complete the Usage decision..
Inspection lot no: 890000000650 Result Value : 6 mm
Inspection lot no : 890000000651 Result Value : 7 mm
Inspection lot no : 890000000652 Result Value : 8 mm
Inspection lot no : 890000000653 result Value : 5 mm
6. QGC3 : Generate the control chart for the MIC with entering following selection criteria on the screen..Use SPC Criterion as 70.
then execute. Following screen will be displayed.
Select the control chart and click on the button
call control chart..Control chart will be displayed as below…
then save the control chart..
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