I have a spreadsheet that is for a group of clients. Each line of data has information on insurance claims, of which include a client number that is unique to that client.
I am looking for a program/software that will allow me to compute various metrics and present those in a table, with an overall comparison to all the other clients.
I also need to present data that is compiled into a top 5 metric that is then placed in a bar graph.
This data needs to be computed for each individual client, and I often have to do this as one-off projects throughout the year for specific clients.
Finally, I need to then pass this off to colleagues that will then look at the information and add in text that is relevant to each client.
I receive these files as a .CSV file and currently work in Excel to compute the information and then copy and paste the information to a document file.
I work in a Windows environment. I am currently limited to Office tools, however I’m willing to use my own personal computer to install an application that will give me the ability to do what I’m looking for.
【現狀】將幾個 CSV 匯入 Excel,利用 Excel 用表格全方位比較某個保險客戶和其他客戶的各種指標,並提取該使用者最前 5 項指標用條形圖展示。經常必須在一年中為特定客戶做一次一次性專案,將每個客戶的表格和圖形貼上到檔案中傳遞給同事,然後他們將檢視資訊並新增到相關客戶的文字中。
【願望】我的工作環境是 windows,我僅限於會使用 office 工具,我想在自己電腦上裝一個客戶端程式。
【分析】主要是痛點是每次都要手工;往下個流程傳遞的還需要是一個文件,只要資料做好了,Excel 上的圖形顯示,檢視資料時點亮一下就可以了。
【解法】推薦你使用集算器完成你一年中的一次性專案,而且不需任何花費。集算器即裝即用,簡單指令碼就能實現將 CSV 檔案匯入成內部表,關聯幾個表的使用者資料,按條件過濾,分組彙總等各種計算,最後按使用者 ID,將每個使用者的彙總資料導成 Excel 即可。
For a simple example, the code is as follows:
sOrder=file("D:\\sales.csv").import@t() emp=file("D:\\emp.csv").import@t(EId,Name,Dept,Gender) // Order table left associated employee table jt=join@1(sOrder:s,SellerId;emp:e,EId) eOrder=jt.new(s.SellerId:SellerId,s.Amount:Amount,s.OrderDate:OrderDate, e.Name:Name,e.Dept:Dept) //select orders by time range day100=eOrder.select(OrderDate>=startDate&&OrderDate<=endDate) // Find the 3 largest orders for each sales top3=eOrder.group(SellerId;~.top(3;-Amount):t).conj(t) //Export details of up to 3 orders by employee ID top3.(file(~.SellerID/".xlsx").xlsexport@t(~))
來自 “ ITPUB部落格 ” ,連結:http://blog.itpub.net/69900830/viewspace-2702528/,如需轉載,請註明出處,否則將追究法律責任。
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