如何使用 Redis 實現 陪玩原始碼中“附近的人” 這一功能?
GEOADD key longitude latitude member [longitude latitude member ...]
/* GEOADD key long lat name [long2 lat2 name2 ... longN latN nameN] */void geoaddCommand(client *c) {//引數校驗 /* Check arguments number for sanity. */ if ((c->argc - 2) % 3 != 0) { /* Need an odd number of arguments if we got this far... */ addReplyError(c, "syntax error. Try GEOADD key [x1] [y1] [name1] " "[x2] [y2] [name2] ... "); return; }//引數提取Redis int elements = (c->argc - 2) / 3; int argc = 2+elements*2; /* ZADD key score ele ... */ robj **argv = zcalloc(argc*sizeof(robj*)); argv[0] = createRawStringObject("zadd",4); argv[1] = c->argv[1]; /* key */ incrRefCount(argv[1]);//引數遍歷+轉換 /* Create the argument vector to call ZADD in order to add all * the score,value pairs to the requested zset, where score is actually * an encoded version of lat,long. */ int i; for (i = 0; i < elements; i++) { double xy[2]; //提取經緯度 if (extractLongLatOrReply(c, (c->argv+2)+(i*3),xy) == C_ERR) { for (i = 0; i < argc; i++) if (argv[i]) decrRefCount(argv[i]); zfree(argv); return; } //將經緯度轉換為52位的geohash作為分值 & 提取物件名稱 /* Turn the coordinates into the score of the element. */ GeoHashBits hash; geohashEncodeWGS84(xy[0], xy[1], GEO_STEP_MAX, &hash); GeoHashFix52Bits bits = geohashAlign52Bits(hash); robj *score = createObject(OBJ_STRING, sdsfromlonglong(bits)); robj *val = c->argv[2 + i * 3 + 2]; //設定有序集合的物件元素名稱和分值 argv[2+i*2] = score; argv[3+i*2] = val; incrRefCount(val); }//呼叫zadd命令,儲存轉化好的物件 /* Finally call ZADD that will do the work for us. */ replaceClientCommandVector(c,argc,argv); zaddCommand(c);}
GEORADIUS key longitude latitude radius m|km|ft|mi [WITHCOORD] [WITHDIST] [WITHHASH] [ASC|DESC] [COUNT count] [STORE key] [STORedisT key]
[ ["member1", distance1, [longitude1, latitude1]] ["member2", distance2, [longitude2, latitude2]]]
/* GEORADIUS key x y radius unit [WITHDIST] [WITHHASH] [WITHCOORD] [ASC|DESC] * [COUNT count] [STORE key] [STORedisT key] * GEORADIUSBYMEMBER key member radius unit ... options ... */void georadiusGeneric(client *c, int flags) { robj *key = c->argv[1]; robj *storekey = NULL; int stoRedist = 0; /* 0 for STORE, 1 for STORedisT. *///根據key獲取有序集合 robj *zobj = NULL; if ((zobj = lookupKeyReadOrReply(c, key, shared.null[c->resp])) == NULL || checkType(c, zobj, OBJ_ZSET)) { return; }//根據使用者輸入(經緯度/member)確認中心點經緯度 int base_args; double xy[2] = { 0 }; if (flags & RADIUS_COORDS) { …… }//獲取查詢範圍距離 double radius_meters = 0, conversion = 1; if ((radius_meters = extractDistanceOrReply(c, c->argv + base_args - 2, &conversion)) < 0) { return; }//獲取可選引數 (withdist、withhash、withcoords、sort、count) int withdist = 0, withhash = 0, withcoords = 0; int sort = SORT_NONE; long long count = 0; if (c->argc > base_args) { ... ... }//獲取 STORE 和 STORedisT 引數 if (storekey && (withdist || withhash || withcoords)) { addReplyError(c, "STORE option in GEORADIUS is not compatible with " "WITHDIST, WITHHASH and WITHCOORDS options"); return; }//設定排序 if (count != 0 && sort == SORT_NONE) sort = SORT_ASC;//利用中心點和半徑計算目標區域範圍 GeoHashRadius georadius = geohashGetAreasByRadiusWGS84(xy[0], xy[1], radius_meters);//對中心點及其周圍8個geohash網格區域進行查詢,找出範圍內元素物件 geoArray *ga = geoArrayCreate(); membersOfAllNeighbors(zobj, georadius, xy[0], xy[1], radius_meters, ga);//未匹配返空 /* If no matching results, the user gets an empty reply. */ if (ga->used == 0 && storekey == NULL) { addReplyNull(c); geoArrayFree(ga); return; }//一些返回值的設定和返回 …… geoArrayFree(ga);}
// geohash_helper.cGeoHashRadius geohashGetAreasByRadiusWGS84(double longitude, double latitude, double radius_meters) { return geohashGetAreasByRadius(longitude, latitude, radius_meters);}//返回能夠覆蓋目標區域範圍的9個geohashBoxGeoHashRadius geohashGetAreasByRadius(double longitude, double latitude, double radius_meters) {//一些引數設定 GeoHashRange long_range, lat_range; GeoHashRadius radius; GeoHashBits hash; GeoHashNeighbors neighbors; GeoHashArea area; double min_lon, max_lon, min_lat, max_lat; double bounds[4]; int steps;//計算目標區域外接矩形的經緯度範圍(目標區域為:以目標經緯度為中心,半徑為指定距離的圓) geohashBoundingBox(longitude, latitude, radius_meters, bounds); min_lon = bounds[0]; min_lat = bounds[1]; max_lon = bounds[2]; max_lat = bounds[3];//根據目標區域中心點緯度和半徑,計算帶查詢的9個搜尋框的geohash精度(位)//這裡用到latitude主要是針對極地的情況對精度進行了一些調整(緯度越高,位數越小) steps = geohashEstimateStepsByRadius(radius_meters,latitude);//設定經緯度最大最小值:-180<=longitude<=180, -85<=latitude<=85 geohashGetCoordRange(&long_range,&lat_range); //將待查經緯度按指定精度(steps)編碼成geohash值 geohashEncode(&long_range,&lat_range,longitude,latitude,steps,&hash); //將geohash值在8個方向上進行擴充,確定周圍8個Box(neighbors) geohashNeighbors(&hash,&neighbors); //根據hash值確定area經緯度範圍 geohashDecode(long_range,lat_range,hash,&area);//一些特殊情況處理 ……//構建並返回結果 radius.hash = hash; radius.neighbors = neighbors; radius.area = area; return radius;}對中心點及其周圍8個geohash網格區域進行查詢:// geo.c//在9個hashBox中獲取想要的元素int membersOfAllNeighbors(robj *zobj, GeoHashRadius n, double lon, double lat, double radius, geoArray *ga) { GeoHashBits neighbors[9]; unsigned int i, count = 0, last_processed = 0; int debugmsg = 0;//獲取9個搜尋hashBox neighbors[0] = n.hash; …… neighbors[8] = n.neighbors.south_west;//在每個hashBox中搜尋目標點 for (i = 0; i < sizeof(neighbors) / sizeof(*neighbors); i++) { if (HASHISZERO(neighbors[i])) { if (debugmsg) D("neighbors[%d] is zero",i); continue; } //剔除可能的重複hashBox (搜尋半徑>5000KM時可能出現) if (last_processed && neighbors[i].bits == neighbors[last_processed].bits && neighbors[i].step == neighbors[last_processed].step) { continue; } //搜尋hashBox中滿足條件的物件 count += membersOfGeoHashBox(zobj, neighbors[i], ga, lon, lat, radius); last_processed = i; } return count;}int membersOfGeoHashBox(robj *zobj, GeoHashBits hash, geoArray *ga, double lon, double lat, double radius) {//獲取hashBox內的最大、最小geohash值(52位) GeoHashFix52Bits min, max; scoresOfGeoHashBox(hash,&min,&max);//根據最大、最小geohash值篩選zobj集合中滿足條件的點 return geoGetPointsInRange(zobj, min, max, lon, lat, radius, ga);}int geoGetPointsInRange(robj *zobj, double min, double max, double lon, double lat, double radius, geoArray *ga) {//搜尋Range的引數邊界設定(即9個hashBox其中一個的邊界範圍) zrangespec range = { .min = min, .max = max, .minex = 0, .maxex = 1 }; size_t origincount = ga->used; sds member;//搜尋集合zobj可能有ZIPLIST和SKIPLIST兩種編碼方式,這裡以SKIPLIST為例,邏輯是一樣的 if (zobj->encoding == OBJ_ENCODING_ZIPLIST) { …… } else if (zobj->encoding == OBJ_ENCODING_SKIPLIST) { zset *zs = zobj->ptr; zskiplist *zsl = zs->zsl; zskiplistNode *ln; //獲取在hashBox範圍內的首個元素(跳錶資料結構,效率可比擬於二叉查詢樹),沒有則返0 if ((ln = zslFirstInRange(zsl, &range)) == NULL) { /* Nothing exists starting at our min. No results. */ return 0; } //從首個元素開始遍歷集合 while (ln) { sds ele = ln->ele; //遍歷元素超出range範圍則break /* Abort when the node is no longer in range. */ if (!zslValueLteMax(ln->score, &range)) break; //元素校驗(計算元素與中心點的距離) ele = sdsdup(ele); if (geoAppendIfWithinRadius(ga,lon,lat,radius,ln->score,ele) == C_ERR) sdsfree(ele); ln = ln->level[0].forward; } } return ga->used - origincount;}int geoAppendIfWithinRadius(geoArray *ga, double lon, double lat, double radius, double score, sds member) { double distance, xy[2];//解碼錯誤, 返回error if (!decodeGeohash(score,xy)) return C_ERR; /* Can't decode. *///最終距離校驗(計算球面距離distance看是否小於radius) if (!geohashGetDistanceIfInRadiusWGS84(lon,lat, xy[0], xy[1], radius, &distance)) { return C_ERR; }//構建並返回滿足條件的元素 geoPoint *gp = geoArrayAppend(ga); gp->longitude = xy[0]; gp->latitude = xy[1]; gp->dist = distance; gp->member = member; gp->score = score; return C_OK;}
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