FRP全稱Function Reactive Programming,從名稱就能夠看出來這個模型關鍵就是Function Programming和Reactive Programming的結合。那麼就先從函數語言程式設計說起。說函數語言程式設計前先聊聊鏈式程式設計,先看看一個開源Alert控制元件的標頭檔案裡定義的介面方法的寫法。
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/* * 自定義樣式的alertView * */ + (instancetype)showAlertWithTitle:(NSString *)title message:(NSString *)message completion:(PXAlertViewCompletionBlock)completion cancelTitle:(NSString *)cancelTitle otherTitles:(NSString *)otherTitles, ... NS_REQUIRES_NIL_TERMINATION; /* * @param otherTitles Must be a NSArray containing type NSString, or set to nil for no otherTitles. */ + (instancetype)showAlertWithTitle:(NSString *)title contentView:(UIView *)view secondTitle:(NSString *)secondTitle message:(NSString *)message cancelTitle:(NSString *)cancelTitle otherTitles:(NSArray *)otherTitles btnStyle:(BOOL)btnStyle completion:(PXAlertViewCompletionBlock)completion; |
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@interface SMLogger : NSObject //初始化 + (SMLogger *)create; //可選設定 - (SMLogger *)object:(id)obj; //object物件記錄 - (SMLogger *)message:(NSString *)msg; //描述 - (SMLogger *)classify:(SMProjectClassify)classify; //分類 - (SMLogger *)level:(SMLoggerLevel)level; //級別 //最後需要執行這個方法進行儲存,什麼都不設定也會記錄檔名,函式名,行數等資訊 - (void)save; @end //巨集 FOUNDATION_EXPORT void SMLoggerDebugFunc(DCProjectClassify classify, DCLoggerLevel level, NSString *format, ...) NS_FORMAT_FUNCTION(3,4); //debug方式列印日誌,不會上報 #define SMLoggerDebug(frmt, ...) \ do { SMLoggerDebugFunc(SMProjectClassifyNormal,DCLoggerLevelDebug,frmt, ##__VA_ARGS__);} while(0) //簡單的上報日誌 #define SMLoggerSimple(frmt, ...) \ do { SMLoggerDebugFunc(SMProjectClassifyNormal,SMLoggerLevelDebug,frmt, ##__VA_ARGS__);} while(0) //自定義classify和level的日誌,可上報 #define SMLoggerCustom(classify,level,frmt, ...) \ do { SMLoggerDebugFunc(classify,level,frmt, ##__VA_ARGS__);} while(0) |
從這個標頭檔案可以看出,對介面所需的引數不用將各種組合一一定義,只需要按照需要組合即可,而且做這個日誌介面時發現後續維護過程中會增加越來越多的功能和需要更多的input資料。比如每條日誌新增應用生命週期唯一編號,產品線每次切換唯一編號這樣需要在特定場景需要新增的input支援。採用這種方式會更加易於擴充套件。寫的時候會是[[[[DCLogger create] message:@”此處必改”] classify:DCProjectClassifyTradeHome] save]; 這樣,對於不是特定場所較通用的場景可以使用巨集來定義,內部實現還是按照前者的來實現,看起來是[DCLogger loggerWithMessage:@”此處必改”];,這樣就能夠同時滿足常用場景和特殊場景的呼叫需求。
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typedef NS_ENUM(NSUInteger, SMStudentGender) { SMStudentGenderMale, SMStudentGenderFemale }; typedef BOOL(^SatisfyActionBlock)(NSUInteger credit); @interface SMStudent : NSObject @property (nonatomic, strong) SMCreditSubject *creditSubject; @property (nonatomic, assign) BOOL isSatisfyCredit; + (SMStudent *)create; - (SMStudent *)name:(NSString *)name; - (SMStudent *)gender:(SMStudentGender)gender; - (SMStudent *)studentNumber:(NSUInteger)number; //積分相關 - (SMStudent *)sendCredit:(NSUInteger(^)(NSUInteger credit))updateCreditBlock; - (SMStudent *)filterIsASatisfyCredit:(SatisfyActionBlock)satisfyBlock; @end |
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//present self.student = [[[[[SMStudent create] name:@"ming"] gender:SMStudentGenderMale] studentNumber:345] filterIsASatisfyCredit:^BOOL(NSUInteger credit){ if (credit >= 70) { self.isSatisfyLabel.text = @"合格"; self.isSatisfyLabel.textColor = [UIColor redColor]; return YES; } else { self.isSatisfyLabel.text = @"不合格"; return NO; } }]; @weakify(self); [[self.testButton rac_signalForControlEvents:UIControlEventTouchUpInside] subscribeNext:^(id x) { @strongify(self); [self.student sendCredit:^NSUInteger(NSUInteger credit) { credit += 5; NSLog(@"current credit %lu",credit); [self.student.creditSubject sendNext:credit]; return credit; }]; }]; [self.student.creditSubject subscribeNext:^(NSUInteger credit) { NSLog(@"第一個訂閱的credit處理積分%lu",credit); self.currentCreditLabel.text = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%lu",credit]; if (credit < 30) { self.currentCreditLabel.textColor = [UIColor lightGrayColor]; } else if(credit < 70) { self.currentCreditLabel.textColor = [UIColor purpleColor]; } else { self.currentCreditLabel.textColor = [UIColor redColor]; } }]; [self.student.creditSubject subscribeNext:^(NSUInteger credit) { NSLog(@"第二個訂閱的credit處理積分%lu",credit); if (!(credit > 0)) { self.currentCreditLabel.text = @"0"; self.isSatisfyLabel.text = @"未設定"; } }]; |
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@interface SMCreditSubject : NSObject typedef void(^SubscribeNextActionBlock)(NSUInteger credit); + (SMCreditSubject *)create; - (SMCreditSubject *)sendNext:(NSUInteger)credit; - (SMCreditSubject *)subscribeNext:(SubscribeNextActionBlock)block; @end @interface SMCreditSubject() @property (nonatomic, assign) NSUInteger credit; @property (nonatomic, strong) SubscribeNextActionBlock subscribeNextBlock; @property (nonatomic, strong) NSMutableArray *blockArray; @end @implementation SMCreditSubject + (SMCreditSubject *)create { SMCreditSubject *subject = [[self alloc] init]; return subject; } - (SMCreditSubject *)sendNext:(NSUInteger)credit { self.credit = credit; if (self.blockArray.count > 0) { for (SubscribeNextActionBlock block in self.blockArray) { block(self.credit); } } return self; } - (SMCreditSubject *)subscribeNext:(SubscribeNextActionBlock)block { if (block) { block(self.credit); } [self.blockArray addObject:block]; return self; } #pragma mark - Getter - (NSMutableArray *)blockArray { if (!_blockArray) { _blockArray = [NSMutableArray array]; } return _blockArray; } |