SGU 120 SGU 228 Archipelago(計算幾何)



Archipelago Ber-Islands consists of NN islands that are vertices of equiangular and equilateral NN-gon. Islands are clockwise numerated. Coordinates of island N1N1 are (x1,y1)(x1, y1), and island N2(x2,y2)N2 – (x2, y2). Your task is to find coordinates of all NN islands.


In the first line of input there are N,N1N, N1 and N2N2 (3N150,1N1,N2N,N1N2)(3\le N\le 150, 1\le N1,N2\le N, N1\neq N2) separated by spaces. On the next two lines of input there are coordinates of island N1N1 and N2N2 (one pair per line) with accuracy 44 digits after decimal point. Each coordinate is more than 2000000-2000000 and less than20000002000000.


Write NN lines with coordinates for every island. Write coordinates in order of island numeration. Write answer with 66 digits after decimal point.

Sample Input:

4 1 3
1.0000 0.0000
1.0000 2.0000

Sample Output:

1.000000 0.000000
0.000000 1.000000
1.000000 2.000000
2.000000 1.000000


給出正 nn 邊形第 n1n1n2n2 個點,求多邊形所有點

現求出正多邊形重心 OO ,之後將向量 Opointn1\vec{O point_{n1}} 旋轉 nn 次即可求出正多邊形的所有點

先求出 pointn1pointsn2\vec{point_{n1}points{n2}} 旋轉到 pointn1O\vec{point_{n1}O} 所需角度 radrad 進行旋轉,之後將其向量長度改變為 x2cos(rad)\frac{\frac{x}{2}}{\cos(rad)} 即可求出正多邊形重心

#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
typedef double db;
const int maxn = 2e2 + 5;
const db eps = 1e-8;
const db pi = acos(-1.0);

int Sgn(db Key) {return fabs(Key) < eps ? 0 : (Key < 0 ? -1 : 1);}
int Cmp(db Key1, db Key2) {return Sgn(Key1 - Key2);}
db Format(db Key) {return Sgn(Key) == 0 ? (db)0 : Key;}
struct Point {db X, Y;};
typedef Point Vector;
bool operator == (Point Key1, Point Key2) {return Cmp(Key1.X, Key2.X) == 0 && Cmp(Key1.Y, Key2.Y) == 0;}
Vector operator - (Vector Key1, Vector Key2) {return (Vector){Key1.X - Key2.X, Key1.Y - Key2.Y};}
Vector operator + (Vector Key1, Vector Key2) {return (Vector){Key1.X + Key2.X, Key1.Y + Key2.Y};}
db operator * (Vector Key1, Vector Key2) {return Key1.X * Key2.X + Key1.Y * Key2.Y;}
db operator ^ (Vector Key1, Vector Key2) {return Key1.X * Key2.Y - Key1.Y * Key2.X;}
Vector operator * (Vector Key1, db Key2) {return (Vector){Key1.X * Key2, Key1.Y * Key2};}
Vector operator / (Vector Key1, db Key2) {return (Vector){Key1.X / Key2, Key1.Y / Key2};}
db GetLen(Vector Key) {return sqrt(Key * Key);}
db DisPointToPoint(Point Key1, Point Key2) {return GetLen(Key2 - Key1);}
Point Rotate(Point Key, db Angle) {return (Point){Key.X * cos(Angle) - Key.Y * sin(Angle),Key.X * sin(Angle) + Key.Y * cos(Angle)};}
Vector Rotate90(Vector Key) {return (Vector){-Key.Y, Key.X};}
struct Line {Point S, T;};
typedef Line Segment;
Point Cross(Line Key1, Line Key2) {
    db Temp = ((Key1.S - Key2.S) ^ (Key2.S - Key2.T)) / ((Key1.S - Key1.T) ^ (Key2.S - Key2.T));
    return (Point){Key1.S.X + (Key1.T.X - Key1.S.X) * Temp, Key1.S.Y + (Key1.T.Y - Key1.S.Y) * Temp};

int N, N1, N2;
db Angle, Rad;
Point points[maxn];
Point Center;

int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
    scanf("%d%d%d", &N, &N1, &N2);
    scanf("%lf%lf", &points[N1].X, &points[N1].Y);
    scanf("%lf%lf", &points[N2].X, &points[N2].Y);
    if (N1 > N2) swap(N1, N2);
    Rad = (pi - (db)min(N2 - N1, N + N1 - N2) * 2.0 * pi / (db)N) / 2.0;
    if (N2 - N1 == N + N1 - N2) Center = (points[N1] + points[N2]) / 2.0;
    else if (N2 - N1 < N + N1 - N2) Center = Rotate(points[N2] - points[N1], -Rad) / 2.0 / cos(Rad) + points[N1];
    else Center = Rotate(points[N2] - points[N1], Rad) / 2.0 / cos(Rad) + points[N1];
    int Cur = (N1 - 1) == 0 ? N : (N1 - 1), k = 1; Angle = 2.0 * pi / (db)N;
    while (Cur != N1) {
        if (Cur == N2) {
            Cur--; k++;
            if (Cur == 0) Cur = N;
        points[Cur] = Rotate(points[N1] - Center, Angle * (db)k) + Center;
        Cur--; k++;
        if (Cur == 0) Cur = N;
    for (int i = 1; i <= N; ++i) printf("%.6lf %.6lf\n", Format(points[i].X), Format(points[i].Y));
    return 0;
