Peter Norvig:十年學會程式設計
隨便逛一下書店,你會看到《7天自學Java》等諸如此類的N天甚至N小時學習Visual Basic、Windows、Internet的書。我用亞馬遜網站的搜尋功能,出版年份選1992年以後,書名關鍵詞是:“天”、“自學”、“教你”,查到248個結果,前78個是計算機類圖書,第79個是《30天學孟加拉語》。我用“天”換成“小時”,結果更驚人,有多達253本書,前77本是計算機圖書,第78是《24小時自學語法句式》。在前200名中,96%是計算機的書。
三天內你可能沒有時間寫出有意義的程式,或者從中積累經驗。你不可能有時間去跟職業程式設計者一起去理解在C++環境下的狀況。簡而言之,你沒有充足的時間學很多。所以這本書只能說膚淺的知識。正如亞歷山大·波普(Alexander Pope)所言:一知半解是很危險的。
三天內你可能學會C++的句法(如果你已經瞭解其他的語言),但你還不會使用它。打個比方,假如你是個Basic程式設計師,你可能寫出Basic風格的C++程式,而無法理解C++的真實好處。那要點是什麼?艾倫·佩里斯(Alan Perlis)曾經說過:“一門不能影響你程式設計觀點的語言不足學的。”有可能你學了一點點C++(或者諸如Javascript、Flex之類),因為你需要和現成的工具介面以完成手頭的任務。這種情況下,你不是在學習如何程式設計,只是在學習如何完成任務。
研究人員(Bloom (1985), Bryan & Harter (1899), Hayes (1989), Simmon & Chase (1973))得出結論:想要在諸多領域達到職業水平需要十年,比如國際象棋,作曲,電報操作,繪畫,彈鋼琴,游泳,網球以及神經心理學和拓撲學的研究。關鍵是精心練習,只是一遍一遍地重複是不夠的,必須挑戰恰好超越你能限的事情,嘗試並思考你的表現,並自我矯正。周而復始。這並無捷徑!4歲的音樂奇才莫扎特用了13年才能創作世界級的音樂。另外,披頭士樂隊似乎在1964年的埃德·蘇利文( Ed Sullivan show)演出中一炮而紅,但是他們自從1957年就在利物浦和漢堡的酒吧演出,在取得廣泛關注後,第一部重量級作品《佩珀軍士》(Sgt. Peppers)是在1967年發行。馬爾科姆·格拉德威爾(Malcolm Gladwell)撰文描述了一項針對柏林音樂學院學生的研究,他們被分為尖子,中等和不足三類,並被問到他們練琴的情況:
所以,更確切地說,一萬小時,而非十年,是個神奇之數。薩繆爾·約翰遜(Samuel Johnson, 1709-1784)認為還需更長時間:“卓越乃一生之追求,而非其它”。 喬叟(Chaucer, 1340-1400)抱怨道"the lyf so short, the craft so long to lerne." (生之有限,學也無涯)。希波克拉底(Hippocrates, c. 400BC)因這句話被世人所知:"ars longa, vita brevis"(譯註:拉丁語,意為“藝無盡,生有涯”),更長的版本是 "Ars longa, vita brevis, occasio praeceps, experimentum periculosum, iudicium difficile",翻譯成英文就是 "Life is short, (the) craft long, opportunity fleeting, experiment treacherous, judgment difficult." (生有涯,藝無盡,機遇瞬逝,踐行誤導,決斷不易)。
◇實踐。最好的學習乃實踐。俗話說:“程式設計的至高境界一定要通過充分的實踐才能達到,而個人的能力可通過不懈努力獲得顯著提升。” (p. 366) “最有效率的學習需要明確的目標,適當的難度,知識回饋,並容許重複或修正錯誤。” (p. 20-21) 《實踐認知:每日的思維、數學及文化》(Cognition in Practice: Mind, Mathematics, and Culture in Everyday Life) 在這方面可做參考。
◇如果你願意,花四年學習大學課程(或者再加上讀研)。這將給你贏得某些工作機會,並給予你在該領域的深層見解。但如果你不喜歡學校的學習,你同樣可以在工作中獲得相似的經驗。無論如何,單靠書本是遠遠不夠的。“學習電腦科學不會讓你成為程式設計專家,如同學習繪畫和色彩理論不會讓你成為畫家一樣”。這是埃裡克·雷蒙德(Eric Raymond)說的,他是《新黑客字典》(The New Hacker's Dictionary)的作者。我僱用過的最優秀程式設計師,只有高中文憑。但他開發過許多偉大軟體,有自己的新聞組,通過公司認股賺的錢就讓他買下了自己的夜店。
◇參加語言標準化工作。這可能是有關 ANSI C++ 委員會,也可能是決定你編碼風格是兩格縮排或四格縮排。無論如何,你要知道其他人對語言的喜好程度,有時還要想想他們為什麼喜歡這樣。
所有上述這些,很難通過書本的學習來達到。我頭一個孩子出生時,我讀了所有的“如何做”(How To)系列的書籍,卻依然對育嬰毫無頭緒。30個月後,我第二個孩子出生,我還需要溫習一下那些書嗎?絕對不!相反,我完全可以參照個人經驗,而結果相當有效。這更讓我確信:我的經驗勝過那些專家們寫的上千頁文字。
弗雷德·布魯克斯(Fred Brooks)在《沒有銀彈》(No Silver Bullet)一書給出了尋找頂級設計師的三條建議:
此處假定有部分人已經有成為偉大設計師的潛質,你所需的就是要誘導他們。艾倫·佩里斯(Alan Perlis)一針見血地指出:"假如人人都可以學雕刻,那就得教米開朗基羅如何不去幹雕刻。對於偉大程式設計師,也是如此。”
Teach Yourself Programming in Ten Years
Peter Norvig
Why is everyone in such a rush?Walk into any bookstore, and you'll see how to Teach Yourself Java in 24 Hours alongside endless variations offering to teach C, SQL, Ruby, Algorithms, and so on in a few days or hours. The Amazon advanced search for [title: teach, yourself, hours, since: 2000 and found 512 such books. Of the top ten, nine are programming books (the other is about bookkeeping). Similar results come from replacing "teach yourself" with "learn" or "hours" with "days."The conclusion is that either people are in a big rush to learn about programming, or that programming is somehow fabulously easier to learn than anything else. Felleisen et al. give a nod to this trend in their book How to Design Programs, when they say "Bad programming is easy. Idiots can learn it in 21 days, even if they are dummies." The Abtruse Goose comic also had their take. Let's analyze what a title like Teach Yourself C++ in 24 Hours could mean:
Teach Yourself Programming in Ten YearsResearchers (Bloom (1985), Bryan & Harter (1899), Hayes (1989), Simmon & Chase (1973)) have shown it takes about ten years to develop expertise in any of a wide variety of areas, including chess playing, music composition, telegraph operation, painting, piano playing, swimming, tennis, and research in neuropsychology and topology. The key is deliberative practice: not just doing it again and again, but challenging yourself with a task that is just beyond your current ability, trying it, analyzing your performance while and after doing it, and correcting any mistakes. Then repeat. And repeat again. There appear to be no real shortcuts: even Mozart, who was a musical prodigy at age 4, took 13 more years before he began to produce world-class music. In another genre, the Beatles seemed to burst onto the scene with a string of #1 hits and an appearance on the Ed Sullivan show in 1964. But they had been playing small clubs in Liverpool and Hamburg since 1957, and while they had mass appeal early on, their first great critical success, Sgt. Peppers, was released in 1967.Malcolm Gladwell has popularized the idea, although he concentrates on 10,000 hours, not 10 years. Henri Cartier-Bresson (1908-2004) had another metric: "Your first 10,000 photographs are your worst." (He didn't anticipate that with digital cameras, some people can reach that mark in a week.) True expertise may take a lifetime: Samuel Johnson (1709-1784) said "Excellence in any department can be attained only by the labor of a lifetime; it is not to be purchased at a lesser price." And Chaucer (1340-1400) complained "the lyf so short, the craft so long to lerne." Hippocrates (c. 400BC) is known for the excerpt "ars longa, vita brevis", which is part of the longer quotation "Ars longa, vita brevis, occasio praeceps, experimentum periculosum, iudicium difficile", which in English renders as "Life is short, [the] craft long, opportunity fleeting, experiment treacherous, judgment difficult." Of course, no single number can be the final answer: it doesn't seem reasonable to assume that all skills (e.g., programming, chess playing, checkers playing, and music playing) could all require exactly the same amount of time to master, nor that all people will take exactly the same amount of time. As Prof. K. Anders Ericssonputs it, "In most domains it's remarkable how much time even the most talented individuals need in order to reach the highest levels of performance. The 10,000 hour number just gives you a sense that we're talking years of 10 to 20 hours a week which those who some people would argue are the most innately talented individuals still need to get to the highest level." So You Want to be a ProgrammerHere's my recipe for programming success:
Fred Brooks, in his essay No Silver Bullet identified a three-part plan for finding great software designers:
So go ahead and buy that Java/Ruby/Javascript/PHP book; you'll probably get some use out of it. But you won't change your life, or your real overall expertise as a programmer in 24 hours or 21 days. How about working hard to continually improve over 24 months? Well, now you're starting to get somewhere... ReferencesBloom, Benjamin (ed.) Developing Talent in Young People, Ballantine, 1985. Brooks, Fred, No Silver Bullets, IEEE Computer, vol. 20, no. 4, 1987, p. 10-19. Hayes, John R., Complete Problem Solver Lawrence Erlbaum, 1989. Chase, William G. & Simon, Herbert A. "Perception in Chess" Cognitive Psychology, 1973, 4, 55-81. Lave, Jean, Cognition in Practice: Mind, Mathematics, and Culture in Everyday Life, Cambridge University Press, 1988. AnswersApproximate timing for various operations on a typical PC:
Appendix: Language ChoiceSeveral people have asked what programming language they should learn first. There is no one answer, but consider these points:
Appendix: Books and Other ResourcesSeveral people have asked what books and web pages they should learn from. I repeat that "book learning alone won't be enough" but I can recommend the following:
NotesT. Capey points out that the Complete Problem Solver page on Amazon now has the "Teach Yourself Bengali in 21 days" and "Teach Yourself Grammar and Style" books under the "Customers who shopped for this item also shopped for these items" section. I guess that a large portion of the people who look at that book are coming from this page. Thanks to Ross Cohen for help with Hippocrates. |
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