ABB機器人套介面通訊 機器人部分
ABB機器人套介面通訊 機器人部分
Socket-Server任務 這兩個socket-server任務(ROS_MotionServer和ROS_StateServer)被配置為SEMISTATIC(背景)的任務,並在控制器啟動時自動執行。手持器不能啟動或停止這些任務。如果想重新啟動任務,只有重啟機器人控制器。
機器人運動任務。 T_ROB1任務負責機器人運任務。它作為正常執行(前景)的任務,並且需要顯式的使用者操作執行。當控制器啟動時,它不執行動作命令,直到使用者第一次執行T_ROB1任務。 T_ROB1任務應該已經配置了RAPID所需的控制器啟動時的模組。它還必須配置為連續執行模式。可以參考ABB控制器的文件說明:如何使用RAPID選單設定執行模式。 下面的部分描述瞭如何執行這個任務,根據控制器是否在手動或自動模式:
Display the ABB Production Window (or Program Editor) screen
- Check to see that a Program Pointer is displayed ,press the "PP to Main" softkey if required
Hold the pendant Enable Switch the drives should power on, and the screen should show "Motors On"
Press the PLAY button to run the program
- Issue the desired motion command from the ROS/PC application 。Here are a few notes about running in MANUAL mode:
the enable switch must be held during all robot motions
the robot runs at reduced speed
- releasing the enable switch (or pressing STOP) will stop the robot
- to resume motion, re-engage the enable switch and press the PLAY button
ROS may try to cancel the move, since it takes longer than expected. Disable this behavior as described here
Press the Drives On button on the controller ,the light should stay on, and the pendant should show "Motors On"
Press the PLAY button to run the program
Here are a few notes about running in AUTO mode:
the robot runs at full speed. Be careful.
- make sure the robot workspace is clear of personnel and obstructions
- motion could start at any time, when commanded from the remote ROS application
- press STOP on the pendant to stop the robot, and PLAY to resume motion
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