I'm exhausted after two days of traveling to the countryside where my grand parents used to live. We drove there. The highways were excellent. I could tell they were very well maintained. The facilities were modern, too. Besides the highways, there were high speed train tracks, which usually running parallel to the roads. there were numerous bridges and tunnels that help making the roads and train tracks straight. What a marvelous engineering!
Also along the roads, I saw many many plastic film covered green houses that are used to mass produce vegetables, strawberries, and etc. during cold weather time. The countryside is no longer the same as When I was there a long time ago. I was very impressed about the changes.
We have accomplished what we intended to do back in the village. I could barely keep up with everybody else during the day since we've had a nice dinner with a lot of drinks and karaoke party that ran all the way to midnight last night. We all had a good time though. The problem is I didn't have the energy to enjoy the party so late. Th acoustic equipment were really up to date. there were TV screens on all four walls in the room. I did sing several song. But I think the sounds in the room were a little bit too laud for my taste.
Now we are back home. one thing was done. It's getting closer to the Chinese New Year. After that, I would think about going back to my own home for a change and take care of things that I have to.
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