當然,公認較好的封裝是基於《The Grammar of Graphics (Statistics and Computing)》一書,R中的ggplot2基本上就是一個很好的實現。我們基本上可以像用「自然語言」(Natural Language)一樣使用這些繪圖命令。我們姑且採用電腦科學領域的「陳述式」來表達這種繪圖方式。
- 出圖相當簡單,要求繪製速度,一般大的框架較重(當然只是相對而言);
- 想要對細節做非常詳盡的微調,一般大框架在微調方面會相對複雜或者退縮成一句句命令;
- 是統計作圖視覺化的創新者,想要嘗試做出新的視覺化實踐。
- 可以提供更多的資料維度和資訊;
- 使用者端可以做更多諸如放大、選取、轉存的操作;
- 可以交付BI工程師相應的JavaScript程式碼用以工程化;
- 效果上比較炫酷,考慮到報告接受者的特徵可以選擇。
- 報告檔案直接匯出成靜態檔案時相對問題,不會因為轉換而損失資訊;
- 圖片可以與報告分離,必要時作為其他工作的成果;
- 不需要在執行Notebook時花很多世界載入各類前端框架。
Jupyter上大多數命令通過以下方式獲取資料,而大多數繪圖方式事實上只是通過Notebook內的程式碼在Notebook與核心互動後展示出輸出結果。但ipywidgets框架則可以實現Code Cell中的程式碼與Notebook中的前端控制元件(比如按鈕等)繫結來進行操作核心,提供不同的繪圖結果,甚至某些繪圖框架的每個元素都可以直接和核心進行互動。
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## matplotlib程式碼示例 from pylab import * X = np.linspace(-np.pi, np.pi, 256,endpoint=True) C,S = np.cos(X), np.sin(X) plot(X,C) plot(X,S) show() |
值得一說,對於R遷移過來的人來說,ggplot和plotnine簡直是福音,基本克隆了ggplot2所有語法。橫向比較的話,plotnine的效果更好。這兩個繪圖包的底層依舊是matplotlib,因此,在引用時別忘了使用%matplotlib inline語句。值得一說的是plotnine也移植了ggplot2中良好的配置語法和邏輯。
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## plotnine示例 (ggplot(mtcars, aes('wt', 'mpg', color='factor(gear)')) + geom_point() + stat_smooth(method='lm') + facet_wrap('~gear')) |
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## seaborn示例 import seaborn as sns; sns.set(color_codes=True) iris = sns.load_dataset("iris") species = iris.pop("species") g = sns.clustermap(iris) |
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##plotly示例 import plotly.plotly as py import plotly.graph_objs as go # Add data month = ['January', 'February', 'March', 'April', 'May', 'June', 'July', 'August', 'September', 'October', 'November', 'December'] high_2000 = [32.5, 37.6, 49.9, 53.0, 69.1, 75.4, 76.5, 76.6, 70.7, 60.6, 45.1, 29.3] low_2000 = [13.8, 22.3, 32.5, 37.2, 49.9, 56.1, 57.7, 58.3, 51.2, 42.8, 31.6, 15.9] high_2007 = [36.5, 26.6, 43.6, 52.3, 71.5, 81.4, 80.5, 82.2, 76.0, 67.3, 46.1, 35.0] low_2007 = [23.6, 14.0, 27.0, 36.8, 47.6, 57.7, 58.9, 61.2, 53.3, 48.5, 31.0, 23.6] high_2014 = [28.8, 28.5, 37.0, 56.8, 69.7, 79.7, 78.5, 77.8, 74.1, 62.6, 45.3, 39.9] low_2014 = [12.7, 14.3, 18.6, 35.5, 49.9, 58.0, 60.0, 58.6, 51.7, 45.2, 32.2, 29.1] # Create and style traces trace0 = go.Scatter( x = month, y = high_2014, name = 'High 2014', line = dict( color = ('rgb(205, 12, 24)'), width = 4) ) trace1 = go.Scatter( x = month, y = low_2014, name = 'Low 2014', line = dict( color = ('rgb(22, 96, 167)'), width = 4,) ) trace2 = go.Scatter( x = month, y = high_2007, name = 'High 2007', line = dict( color = ('rgb(205, 12, 24)'), width = 4, dash = 'dash') # dash options include 'dash', 'dot', and 'dashdot' ) trace3 = go.Scatter( x = month, y = low_2007, name = 'Low 2007', line = dict( color = ('rgb(22, 96, 167)'), width = 4, dash = 'dash') ) trace4 = go.Scatter( x = month, y = high_2000, name = 'High 2000', line = dict( color = ('rgb(205, 12, 24)'), width = 4, dash = 'dot') ) trace5 = go.Scatter( x = month, y = low_2000, name = 'Low 2000', line = dict( color = ('rgb(22, 96, 167)'), width = 4, dash = 'dot') ) data = [trace0, trace1, trace2, trace3, trace4, trace5] # Edit the layout layout = dict(title = 'Average High and Low Temperatures in New York', xaxis = dict(title = 'Month'), yaxis = dict(title = 'Temperature (degrees F)'), ) fig = dict(data=data, layout=layout) py.iplot(fig, filename='styled-line') |
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## Bokeh示例 import numpy as np import scipy.special from bokeh.layouts import gridplot from bokeh.plotting import figure, show, output_file p1 = figure(title="Normal Distribution (μ=0, σ=0.5)",tools="save", background_fill_color="#E8DDCB") mu, sigma = 0, 0.5 measured = np.random.normal(mu, sigma, 1000) hist, edges = np.histogram(measured, density=True, bins=50) x = np.linspace(-2, 2, 1000) pdf = 1/(sigma * np.sqrt(2*np.pi)) * np.exp(-(x-mu)**2 / (2*sigma**2)) cdf = (1+scipy.special.erf((x-mu)/np.sqrt(2*sigma**2)))/2 p1.quad(top=hist, bottom=0, left=edges[:-1], right=edges[1:], fill_color="#036564", line_color="#033649") p1.line(x, pdf, line_color="#D95B43", line_width=8, alpha=0.7, legend="PDF") p1.line(x, cdf, line_color="white", line_width=2, alpha=0.7, legend="CDF") p1.legend.location = "center_right" p1.legend.background_fill_color = "darkgrey" p1.xaxis.axis_label = 'x' p1.yaxis.axis_label = 'Pr(x)' p2 = figure(title="Log Normal Distribution (μ=0, σ=0.5)", tools="save", background_fill_color="#E8DDCB") mu, sigma = 0, 0.5 measured = np.random.lognormal(mu, sigma, 1000) hist, edges = np.histogram(measured, density=True, bins=50) x = np.linspace(0.0001, 8.0, 1000) pdf = 1/(x* sigma * np.sqrt(2*np.pi)) * np.exp(-(np.log(x)-mu)**2 / (2*sigma**2)) cdf = (1+scipy.special.erf((np.log(x)-mu)/(np.sqrt(2)*sigma)))/2 p2.quad(top=hist, bottom=0, left=edges[:-1], right=edges[1:], fill_color="#036564", line_color="#033649") p2.line(x, pdf, line_color="#D95B43", line_width=8, alpha=0.7, legend="PDF") p2.line(x, cdf, line_color="white", line_width=2, alpha=0.7, legend="CDF") p2.legend.location = "center_right" p2.legend.background_fill_color = "darkgrey" p2.xaxis.axis_label = 'x' p2.yaxis.axis_label = 'Pr(x)' p3 = figure(title="Gamma Distribution (k=1, θ=2)", tools="save", background_fill_color="#E8DDCB") k, theta = 1.0, 2.0 measured = np.random.gamma(k, theta, 1000) hist, edges = np.histogram(measured, density=True, bins=50) x = np.linspace(0.0001, 20.0, 1000) pdf = x**(k-1) * np.exp(-x/theta) / (theta**k * scipy.special.gamma(k)) cdf = scipy.special.gammainc(k, x/theta) / scipy.special.gamma(k) p3.quad(top=hist, bottom=0, left=edges[:-1], right=edges[1:], fill_color="#036564", line_color="#033649") p3.line(x, pdf, line_color="#D95B43", line_width=8, alpha=0.7, legend="PDF") p3.line(x, cdf, line_color="white", line_width=2, alpha=0.7, legend="CDF") p3.legend.location = "center_right" p3.legend.background_fill_color = "darkgrey" p3.xaxis.axis_label = 'x' p3.yaxis.axis_label = 'Pr(x)' p4 = figure(title="Weibull Distribution (λ=1, k=1.25)", tools="save", background_fill_color="#E8DDCB") lam, k = 1, 1.25 measured = lam*(-np.log(np.random.uniform(0, 1, 1000)))**(1/k) hist, edges = np.histogram(measured, density=True, bins=50) x = np.linspace(0.0001, 8, 1000) pdf = (k/lam)*(x/lam)**(k-1) * np.exp(-(x/lam)**k) cdf = 1 - np.exp(-(x/lam)**k) p4.quad(top=hist, bottom=0, left=edges[:-1], right=edges[1:], fill_color="#036564", line_color="#033649") p4.line(x, pdf, line_color="#D95B43", line_width=8, alpha=0.7, legend="PDF") p4.line(x, cdf, line_color="white", line_width=2, alpha=0.7, legend="CDF") p4.legend.location = "center_right" p4.legend.background_fill_color = "darkgrey" p4.xaxis.axis_label = 'x' p4.yaxis.axis_label = 'Pr(x)' output_file('histogram.html', title="histogram.py example") show(gridplot(p1,p2,p3,p4, ncols=2, plot_width=400, plot_height=400, toolbar_location=None)) |
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## bqplot示例 import numpy as np from IPython.display import display from bqplot import ( OrdinalScale, LinearScale, Bars, Lines, Axis, Figure ) size = 20 np.random.seed(0) x_data = np.arange(size) x_ord = OrdinalScale() y_sc = LinearScale() bar = Bars(x=x_data, y=np.random.randn(2, size), scales={'x': x_ord, 'y': y_sc}, type='stacked') line = Lines(x=x_data, y=np.random.randn(size), scales={'x': x_ord, 'y': y_sc}, stroke_width=3, colors=['red'], display_legend=True, labels=['Line chart']) ax_x = Axis(scale=x_ord, grid_lines='solid', label='X') ax_y = Axis(scale=y_sc, orientation='vertical', tick_format='0.2f', grid_lines='solid', label='Y') Figure(marks=[bar, line], axes=[ax_x, ax_y], title='API Example', legend_location='bottom-right') |
- gmap:互動,使用google maps介面
- ipyleaflet:互動,使用leaflet介面
- networkx:底層為matplotlib
- plotly
底層實現 | 互動方式 | 語法 | 語言結構 | 備註 | 推薦程度 | |
matplotlib | – | 無 | 命令式 | 底層語言 | 可以實現複雜底層操作 | ★★★ |
gglot | matplotlib | 無 | 陳述式 | 類ggplot2 | 建議選擇plotnine | ★★ |
plotnine | matplotlib | 無 | 陳述式 | 類ggplot2 | 完全移植ggplot2 | ★★★★★ |
seaborn | matplotlib | 無 | 陳述式 | 高階語言 | 有很多有用的統計圖類的封裝;但不適合做圖拼裝 | ★★★★★ |
plotly | plotly.js | 前端互動 | 介於命令式和陳述式之間 | 類似JavaScript | 語法類似於json配置 | ★★★★ |
bokeh | – | 前端互動 | 命令、陳述式 | 同時有底層語言和高階語言 | 社群具有潛力 | ★★★ |
bqplot | d3.js | 核心互動 | 命令、陳述式 | 有類似matplotlib底層語言,已經封裝好的高階語言 | 核心互動 | ★★★★ |