阿里雲 Mysql RDS 在 私有環境的恢復測試。
阿里雲 RDS 做一定的技術遮蔽,這是必須的。
那麼從阿里雲 下載一個備份集, 是否可以順利的恢復成一個資料庫例項, 是一件技術活。
下載一個 RDS 例項備份。
一般字尾為 “xb”
安裝 qpress
安裝 xtrabackup
cat data_20221019045743_qp.xb | xbstream -x -v -C /usr/local/mysql/data_common_xtrabackup
innobackupex --decompress --remove-original /usr/local/mysql/data_common_xtrabackup
innobackupex --default-files=/usr/local/mysql/data_common_xtrabackup/backup-my.cnf --apply-log /usr/local/mysql/data_common_xtrabackup
把 backup-my.cnf
這幾個引數放到我們自己的引數檔案裡面 不同 RDS 肯能引數值不一樣, 自己搞定就行了。
第三步: 啟動沒問題。 但是發現許可權不夠啊。 沒有root 。
關閉資料庫會成為問題。 需要修復。
第四步: 啟動引數加 skip-grant-tables 用root 可以登入了。
新增root 使用者吧。
mysql> update mysql.user set authentication_string = password('新的密碼') where user='使用者名稱' and host='%';
修改使用者密碼,報錯“Unknown trigger has an error in its body: ‘Unknown system variable ‘maintain_user”
報錯。 無法執行。
第五步: mysql 庫下面有兩個trigger 坐在資料庫級別上。 先在資料庫目錄裡面, 把這倆trigger 的檔名改了。
mv 命令直接改。
第六步: 再修改 使用者名稱密碼:
mysql> update mysql.user set authentication_string = password('新的密碼') where user='使用者名稱' and host='%';
ERROR 1064 (42000): Unknown trigger has an error in its body: 'Unknown system variable 'maintain_user_list''
新增使用者, 許可權。
第七步: 如果要做slave 同步 RDS 可以 開始搭建 slave GTID 相關的動作了。 這裡不表。
第八步: 總結:
把 backup-my.cnf
恢復目錄裡面 將2個 user.TRG proxies_priv.TRG 先重新命名
然後修改user 表 ,把 aliyun_root 那個修改成 root localhost 以及我們自己的密碼。
再做set gtid_pureged
trigger :
TYPE=TRIGGERS triggers='CREATE DEFINER=`aliyun_root`@`` trigger protect_aliroot_insert_proxy before insert on mysql.proxies_priv for each row begin select user() into @current_user_host; select reverse(substring_index(reverse(@current_user_host), \'@\', -1)) into @current_user; select @@global.maintain_user_list into @maintain_list; set @cnt= 1 + LENGTH(@maintain_list) - LENGTH(REPLACE(@maintain_list, \',\', \'\')); SET @i=1 ; SET @allowed=0; WHILE @i <= @cnt DO SET @result = REVERSE(SUBSTRING_INDEX(REVERSE(SUBSTRING_INDEX(@maintain_list,\',\',@i)),\',\',1)); SET @i= @i + 1; if @result=@current_user then SET @allowed=1; end if; end while; if @allowed=0 then signal sqlstate \'45003\' set message_text = \'can not modify mysql.proxies_priv\'; end if; end' 'CREATE DEFINER=`aliyun_root`@`` trigger protect_aliroot_update_proxy before update on mysql.proxies_priv for each row begin select user() into @current_user_host; select reverse(substring_index(reverse(@current_user_host), \'@\', -1)) into @current_user; select @@global.maintain_user_list into @maintain_list; set @cnt= 1 + LENGTH(@maintain_list) - LENGTH(REPLACE(@maintain_list, \',\', \'\')); SET @i=1 ; SET @allowed=0; WHILE @i <= @cnt DO SET @result = REVERSE(SUBSTRING_INDEX(REVERSE(SUBSTRING_INDEX(@maintain_list,\',\',@i)),\',\',1)); SET @i= @i + 1; if @result=@current_user then SET @allowed=1; end if; end while; if @allowed=0 then signal sqlstate \'45003\' set message_text = \'can not modify mysql.proxies_priv\'; end if; end' 'CREATE DEFINER=`aliyun_root`@`` trigger protect_aliroot_delete_proxy before delete on mysql.proxies_priv for each row begin select user() into @current_user_host; select reverse(substring_index(reverse(@current_user_host), \'@\', -1)) into @current_user; select @@global.maintain_user_list into @maintain_list; set @cnt= 1 + LENGTH(@maintain_list) - LENGTH(REPLACE(@maintain_list, \',\', \'\')); SET @i=1 ; SET @allowed=0; WHILE @i <= @cnt DO SET @result = REVERSE(SUBSTRING_INDEX(REVERSE(SUBSTRING_INDEX(@maintain_list,\',\',@i)),\',\',1)); SET @i= @i + 1; if @result=@current_user then SET @allowed=1; end if; end while; if @allowed=0 then signal sqlstate \'45003\' set message_text = \'can not modify mysql.proxies_priv\'; end if; end' sql_modes=0 0 0 definers='aliyun_root@' 'aliyun_root@' 'aliyun_root@' client_cs_names='utf8' 'utf8' 'utf8' connection_cl_names='utf8_general_ci' 'utf8_general_ci' 'utf8_general_ci' db_cl_names='utf8_general_ci' 'utf8_general_ci' 'utf8_general_ci' created=165113905344 165113905344 165113905344
TYPE=TRIGGERS triggers='CREATE DEFINER=`aliyun_root`@`` trigger protect_aliroot_insert before insert on mysql.user for each row begin select user() into @current_user_host; select reverse(substring_index(reverse(@current_user_host), \'@\', -1)) into @current_user; select @@global.maintain_user_list into @maintain_list; set @cnt= 1 + LENGTH(@maintain_list) - LENGTH(REPLACE(@maintain_list, \',\', \'\')); SET @i=1 ; SET @allowed=0; SET @modify_maintain=0; WHILE @i <= @cnt DO SET @result = REVERSE(SUBSTRING_INDEX(REVERSE(SUBSTRING_INDEX(@maintain_list,\',\',@i)),\',\',1)); SET @i= @i + 1; if @result=@current_user then SET @allowed=1; end if; if @result=new.user then SET @modify_maintain=1; end if; end while; if (\'Y\' = new.Shutdown_priv or \'Y\' = new.Show_db_priv or \'Y\' = new.Super_priv or \'Y\' = new.Create_tablespace_priv or \'Y\' = new.File_priv) then SET @modify_maintain=1; end if; if @allowed=0 and @modify_maintain=1 then signal sqlstate \'45002\' set message_text = \'can not insert reserved users or privileges\'; end if; end' 'CREATE DEFINER=`aliyun_root`@`` trigger protect_aliroot_update before update on mysql.user for each row begin select user() into @current_user_host; select reverse(substring_index(reverse(@current_user_host), \'@\', -1)) into @current_user; select @@global.maintain_user_list into @maintain_list; set @cnt= 1 + LENGTH(@maintain_list) - LENGTH(REPLACE(@maintain_list, \',\', \'\')); SET @i=1 ; SET @allowed=0; SET @modify_maintain=0; WHILE @i <= @cnt DO SET @result = REVERSE(SUBSTRING_INDEX(REVERSE(SUBSTRING_INDEX(@maintain_list,\',\',@i)),\',\',1)); SET @i= @i + 1; if @result=@current_user then SET @allowed=1; end if; if @result=new.user or @result=old.user then SET @modify_maintain=1; end if; end while; if (old.Shutdown_priv <> new.Shutdown_priv or old.Show_db_priv <> new.Show_db_priv or old.Super_priv <> new.Super_priv or old.Create_tablespace_priv <> new.Create_tablespace_priv or old.File_priv <> new.File_priv ) then SET @modify_maintain=1; end if; if @allowed=0 and @modify_maintain=1 then signal sqlstate \'45001\' set message_text = \'can not update reserved users or privileges\'; end if; end' 'CREATE DEFINER=`aliyun_root`@`` trigger protect_aliroot_delete before delete on mysql.user for each row begin select user() into @current_user_host; select reverse(substring_index(reverse(@current_user_host), \'@\', -1)) into @current_user; select @@global.maintain_user_list into @maintain_list; set @cnt= 1 + LENGTH(@maintain_list) - LENGTH(REPLACE(@maintain_list, \',\', \'\')); SET @i=1 ; SET @allowed=0; SET @modify_maintain=0; WHILE @i <= @cnt DO SET @result = REVERSE(SUBSTRING_INDEX(REVERSE(SUBSTRING_INDEX(@maintain_list,\',\',@i)),\',\',1)); SET @i= @i + 1; if @result=@current_user then SET @allowed=1; end if; if @result=old.user then SET @modify_maintain=1; end if; end while; if @allowed=0 and @modify_maintain=1 then signal sqlstate \'45000\' set message_text = \'can not delete reserved users or privileges\'; end if; end' sql_modes=0 0 0 definers='aliyun_root@' 'aliyun_root@' 'aliyun_root@' client_cs_names='utf8' 'utf8' 'utf8' connection_cl_names='utf8_general_ci' 'utf8_general_ci' 'utf8_general_ci' db_cl_names='utf8_general_ci' 'utf8_general_ci' 'utf8_general_ci' created=165113905344 165113905344 165113905344
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