105/106. Construct Binary Tree from Inorder and Postorder(Preorder) Traversal
- 遞迴的難點在於遞迴函式的正確定義
- 理解定義再理解程式碼非常簡單,尤其是二叉樹,對於左子樹的遞迴,正確的理解是,左子樹任務已經完成了,我需要做什麼
- 設計遞迴函式,可以從基元考慮(沒有子節點,邊界節點)和普遍情況考慮(即左子節點全部完成,右子節點全部完成),前者是自底向上,後者是自頂向下的思維。
Version 1
- 新建當前節點
- 找到左子樹範圍,重構左子樹
- 找到右子樹範圍,重構右子樹
# version 1
# 遞迴構造
# 時間,每層時間和N,深度最多N,一般情況是logN,所以最差N^2,一般情況NlogN
# 額外空間,無
# Runtime: 356 ms, faster than 10.68% of Python online submissions for Construct Binary Tree from Inorder and Postorder Traversal.
# Memory Usage: 18.7 MB, less than 60.97% of Python online submissions for Construct Binary Tree from Inorder and Postorder Traversal.
class Solution(object):
def buildTree(self, inorder, postorder):
def rebuild(pl, ph, il, ih):
if il >= ih: return None
root = TreeNode(val = postorder[ph-1])
# search in indorder
for idx in range(il, ih):
if inorder[idx] == root.val: break
mid = ph-1-(ih-1-idx)
root.right = rebuild(mid, ph-1, idx+1, ih)
root.left = rebuild(pl, mid, il, idx)
return root
return rebuild(0, len(inorder), 0, len(inorder))
Version 2
利用map來保證 O ( N ) O(N) O(N)的時間效率。你永遠都可以考慮優先用空間換時間。
# version 2
# 空間換時間
# Runtime: 52 ms, faster than 66.41% of Python online submissions for Construct Binary Tree from Inorder and Postorder Traversal.
# Memory Usage: 19.4 MB, less than 53.98% of Python online submissions for Construct Binary Tree from Inorder and Postorder Traversal.
class Solution(object):
def buildTree(self, inorder, postorder):
num2idx = dict(zip(inorder, range(len(inorder))))
def rebuild(pl, ph, il, ih):
if il >= ih: return None
root = TreeNode(val = postorder[ph-1])
# search in indorder
idx = num2idx[root.val]
mid = ph-1-(ih-1-idx)
root.right = rebuild(mid, ph-1, idx+1, ih)
root.left = rebuild(pl, mid, il, idx)
return root
return rebuild(0, len(inorder), 0, len(inorder))
Version 3
一種嚴格的 O ( N ) O(N) O(N)演算法。非常優雅的實現。
所有節點pop一次,所以複雜度 O ( N ) O(N) O(N).
# version 3 O(n)的演算法
# Runtime: 32 ms, faster than 99.61% of Python online submissions for Construct Binary Tree from Inorder and Postorder Traversal.
# Memory Usage: 17.7 MB, less than 94.95% of Python online submissions for Construct Binary Tree from Inorder and Postorder Traversal.
class Solution(object):
def buildTree(self, inorder, postorder):
# 告知stop,從二個陣列重構整顆樹,初始的stop為None
def rebuild(stop):
if inorder[-1] != stop:
# 新建當前節點
root = TreeNode(val=postorder.pop())
# 重構右子樹,inoreder的stop為當前節點的值,找到則右子樹重構完畢
root.right = rebuild(root.val)
# 注意右子樹重構完畢,意味著inorder中已經不存在左子樹的節點了
# 那麼現在該幹什麼?當然是pop掉當前的節點了
# 重構左子樹,左子樹的stop值為本函式的stop相同,初始為None
root.left = rebuild(stop)
return root
# 哨兵節點
inorder = [None] + inorder
return rebuild(None)
# version 1
# 遞迴構造
# Runtime: 356 ms, faster than 10.68% of Python online submissions for Construct Binary Tree from Inorder and Postorder Traversal.
# Memory Usage: 18.7 MB, less than 60.97% of Python online submissions for Construct Binary Tree from Inorder and Postorder Traversal.
class Solution(object):
def buildTree(self, inorder, postorder):
def rebuild(pl, ph, il, ih):
if il >= ih: return None
root = TreeNode(val = postorder[ph-1])
# search in indorder
for idx in range(il, ih):
if inorder[idx] == root.val: break
mid = ph-1-(ih-1-idx)
root.right = rebuild(mid, ph-1, idx+1, ih)
root.left = rebuild(pl, mid, il, idx)
return root
return rebuild(0, len(inorder), 0, len(inorder))
# version 2
# 空間換時間
# Runtime: 52 ms, faster than 66.41% of Python online submissions for Construct Binary Tree from Inorder and Postorder Traversal.
# Memory Usage: 19.4 MB, less than 53.98% of Python online submissions for Construct Binary Tree from Inorder and Postorder Traversal.
class Solution(object):
def buildTree(self, inorder, postorder):
num2idx = dict(zip(inorder, range(len(inorder))))
def rebuild(pl, ph, il, ih):
if il >= ih: return None
root = TreeNode(val = postorder[ph-1])
# search in indorder
idx = num2idx[root.val]
mid = ph-1-(ih-1-idx)
root.right = rebuild(mid, ph-1, idx+1, ih)
root.left = rebuild(pl, mid, il, idx)
return root
return rebuild(0, len(inorder), 0, len(inorder))
# version 3 O(n)的演算法
# Runtime: 32 ms, faster than 99.61% of Python online submissions for Construct Binary Tree from Inorder and Postorder Traversal.
# Memory Usage: 17.7 MB, less than 94.95% of Python online submissions for Construct Binary Tree from Inorder and Postorder Traversal.
class Solution(object):
def buildTree(self, inorder, postorder):
# 告知stop,從二個陣列重構整顆樹,初始的stop為None
def rebuild(stop):
if inorder[-1] != stop:
# 新建當前節點
root = TreeNode(val=postorder.pop())
# 重構右子樹,inoreder的stop為當前節點的值,找到則右子樹重構完畢
root.right = rebuild(root.val)
# 注意右子樹重構完畢,意味著inorder中已經不存在左子樹的節點了
# 那麼現在該幹什麼?當然是pop掉當前的節點了
# 重構左子樹,左子樹的stop值為本函式的stop相同,初始為None
root.left = rebuild(stop)
return root
# 哨兵節點
inorder = [None] + inorder
return rebuild(None)
- https://leetcode.com/problems/construct-binary-tree-from-preorder-and-inorder-traversal/discuss/34543/Simple-O(n)-without-map
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