#pyhon版本 def wordcount(str): h =[] dict = {} max = 0 maxkey = "" chars = str.split() for c in chars: if c not in dict: dict[c] = 1 continue dict[c] = dict[c] + 1 if max < dict[c]: max = dict[c] maxkey = c for index, c in enumerate(chars): if c == maxkey: h.append(index) print(h) print(dict) print(maxkey)
private static void findMostStr(String s) { HashMap<String, Integer> map = new HashMap<>(); ArrayList<Integer> localList = new ArrayList<>(); String[] ss = s.split(" "); int max = 0; String maxKey = null; for (String str : ss) { if (!map.containsKey(str)){ map.put(str, 0); continue; } map.put(str, map.get(str)+1); if (max < map.get(str)) { max = map.get(str); maxKey = str; } } for(int i = 0; i < ss.length; i++) { if (ss[i].equals(maxKey)) { localList.add(i); } } System.out.println(localList); }
private static void quickSort(int[] a, int low, int high) { if (low < high) { // 找到當前基準位置 int p = partition(a,low,high); quickSort(a,low, p - 1); quickSort(a, p + 1, high); } }
private static int partition(int[] a, int low, int high) { int j = a[low]; while(low < high) { while (low < high && a[high] >= j) { high --; } a[low] = a[high]; while (low < high && a[low] <= j) { low ++; } a[high] = a[low]; } a[low] = j; return low; }
#pyhon版 def partiton(a, low, high): point = a[low] while (low < high) : while (low < high and a[high] >= point): high = high - 1 a[low] = a[high] while(low < high and a[low] <= point): low = low + 1 a[high] = a[low] a[low] = point return low def quicksort(a, low, high): if (low < high): p = partiton(a,low, high) quicksort(a, low, p - 1) quicksort(a, p + 1, high)
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