* 2.6.6.S/MIME Encryption
* 2.6.6.S/MIME加密
S/MIME encryption also uses a key-based approach, but it has some significant advantages in convenience and security. S/MIME uses certificates, which are similar to keys. The public portion of each certificate is held by the sender of a message and by one of several certificate authorities, who are paid to guarantee the identity of the sender and the security of the message. Evolution already recognizes a large number of certificate authorities, so when you get a message with an S/MIME certificate, your system automatically receives the public portion of the certificate and decrypts or verifies the message.
S/MIME加密也使用基於金鑰的方式,但它在便利和安全上有著一些優勢。S/MIME使用證書,這是同金鑰相類似的東西。每個證書的公開部分被資訊的傳送人和幾個證書授予機構(受僱來擔保傳送人身份和資訊保安)之一保留。Evolution已經可以識別相當多的證書授予機構,因此當你收到帶 S/MIME證書的資訊時,你的系統會自動接收證書的公開部分並對解密或認證資訊。
S/MIME is used most often in corporate settings. In these cases, administrators supply certificates that they have purchased from a certificate authority. In some cases, an organization can act as its own certificate authority, with or without a guarantee from a dedicated authority such as Verisign or Thawte*. In either case, the system administrator provides you with a certificate file.
If you want to use S/MIME independently, you can extract an identification certificate from your Mozilla or Netscape Web browser. See the Mozilla help for more information on security certificates.
The certificate file is a password-protected file on your computer. To use it in Evolution:
認證檔案在你計算機上是用密碼保護的。在Evolution使用它: a Signing Certificate新增單個證書
1. Click Edit > Preferences, then click Certificate Tool.
1. 點選編輯>首選項,然後點選證書。
2. Click Import.
2. 點選匯入。
3. Select the file to import, then click OK.
3. 選擇匯入的檔案,然後點選確定。
4. Click Close.
4. 點選關閉
Similarly, you can add certificates that are sent to you independently of any authority by clicking the Contact Certificates tab and using the same Import tool. You can also add new certificate authorities, which have their own certificate files, in the same way.
相類似地,通過點選聯絡人標籤並使用相同的匯入功能,你可以新增一些授予機構發給你的獨立證書。你也可以通過相同的方式新增新的擁有自己證書檔案的證書授予機構。 or Encrypting Every Message簽名或加密每一條資訊
After you have added your certificate, you can sign or encrypt a message by clicking Security > S/MIME Sign or S/MIMe Encrypt in the message composer.
在你新增了你的證書之後,你就可以通過在撰寫新件視窗中點選安全 > S/MIME簽名或S/MIME加密來對資訊進行加密或簽名了。
To have every message signed or encrypted:
1.Click Tools > Options, then select the account to encrypt the messages in.
1.點選工具 > 選項,然後選擇要加密資訊的賬號。
2.Click Edit, then click Security.
3.Click Select next to Signing Certificate and specify the path to your signing certificate.
Click Select next to Encryption Certificate and specify the path to your encryption certificate.
4.Select the appropriate options.
5.Click OK.
6.Click Close.
* 2.6.6.S/MIME加密
S/MIME encryption also uses a key-based approach, but it has some significant advantages in convenience and security. S/MIME uses certificates, which are similar to keys. The public portion of each certificate is held by the sender of a message and by one of several certificate authorities, who are paid to guarantee the identity of the sender and the security of the message. Evolution already recognizes a large number of certificate authorities, so when you get a message with an S/MIME certificate, your system automatically receives the public portion of the certificate and decrypts or verifies the message.
S/MIME加密也使用基於金鑰的方式,但它在便利和安全上有著一些優勢。S/MIME使用證書,這是同金鑰相類似的東西。每個證書的公開部分被資訊的傳送人和幾個證書授予機構(受僱來擔保傳送人身份和資訊保安)之一保留。Evolution已經可以識別相當多的證書授予機構,因此當你收到帶 S/MIME證書的資訊時,你的系統會自動接收證書的公開部分並對解密或認證資訊。
S/MIME is used most often in corporate settings. In these cases, administrators supply certificates that they have purchased from a certificate authority. In some cases, an organization can act as its own certificate authority, with or without a guarantee from a dedicated authority such as Verisign or Thawte*. In either case, the system administrator provides you with a certificate file.
If you want to use S/MIME independently, you can extract an identification certificate from your Mozilla or Netscape Web browser. See the Mozilla help for more information on security certificates.
The certificate file is a password-protected file on your computer. To use it in Evolution:
認證檔案在你計算機上是用密碼保護的。在Evolution使用它: a Signing Certificate新增單個證書
1. Click Edit > Preferences, then click Certificate Tool.
1. 點選編輯>首選項,然後點選證書。
2. Click Import.
2. 點選匯入。
3. Select the file to import, then click OK.
3. 選擇匯入的檔案,然後點選確定。
4. Click Close.
4. 點選關閉
Similarly, you can add certificates that are sent to you independently of any authority by clicking the Contact Certificates tab and using the same Import tool. You can also add new certificate authorities, which have their own certificate files, in the same way.
相類似地,通過點選聯絡人標籤並使用相同的匯入功能,你可以新增一些授予機構發給你的獨立證書。你也可以通過相同的方式新增新的擁有自己證書檔案的證書授予機構。 or Encrypting Every Message簽名或加密每一條資訊
After you have added your certificate, you can sign or encrypt a message by clicking Security > S/MIME Sign or S/MIMe Encrypt in the message composer.
在你新增了你的證書之後,你就可以通過在撰寫新件視窗中點選安全 > S/MIME簽名或S/MIME加密來對資訊進行加密或簽名了。
To have every message signed or encrypted:
1.Click Tools > Options, then select the account to encrypt the messages in.
1.點選工具 > 選項,然後選擇要加密資訊的賬號。
2.Click Edit, then click Security.
3.Click Select next to Signing Certificate and specify the path to your signing certificate.
Click Select next to Encryption Certificate and specify the path to your encryption certificate.
4.Select the appropriate options.
5.Click OK.
6.Click Close.
本文轉自 firehare 51CTO部落格,原文連結:http://blog.51cto.com/firehare/588142,如需轉載請自行聯絡原作者
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