假設取k=3個點,那麼有Up(e)=(3+3+2)=8 > 7 條邊(7為圖G的總邊數),也就是說,如果從圖G中取3個點,要覆蓋8條邊是有可能的。但是,如果取k=2個點,那麼有Up(e)=(3+3)=6 < 7 條邊,說明從圖G中取2個點,是不可能覆蓋G中的全部7條邊的!基於這個上界,可以在分支樹中擴充套件出來的節點進行驗證,已知它還可以選擇的頂點數目以及還需要覆蓋的邊的條數,加上頂點的狀態(下面會分析說明)即可判斷當前節點是否存在解!如果不存在即可進行剪枝了。
該演算法優先佇列使用的是最小堆實現的(O(nlgn)),對頂點按照邊排序使用的是快速排序演算法(O(nlgn)),解空間樹的深度最多為頂點數目n,每層都要進行分支定界,所以每層的時間複雜度為O(nlgn),所以演算法總的時間複雜度為O(n^2 lgn)。但是,為了實現分支定界,每個節點儲存的資訊量較多,空間複雜度較大。(有木有分析錯了,我不太會分析複雜度)
青橙OJ系統的結果為:時間 156ms 空間 1.0MB
#include <iostream> #include <vector> using namespace std; #define MAX_NODE 101 #define INDEBUG 0 int8_t graph[MAX_NODE][MAX_NODE];//int -> int8_t //int edges[MAX_NODE];//0 is redudent //int nodes[MAX_NODE];//the order of node int t,m,n,k,a,b; class VCNode {//Vertex Cover Node public: int p;//points can be used int e;//edges to cover!! int index[MAX_NODE];//the index of each node in array [node], index[k]=i!! int edge[MAX_NODE];//MAX_NODE the edge number of each node, edge[i]=j!! int node[MAX_NODE];//the order of the node int state[MAX_NODE];//the state of each node ** 0 can be used / 1 used / -1 can not be used // int graph[MAX_NODE][MAX_NODE];//the graph on the node//no need,just use the global graph // node k is in index[k]=i position in array [node] // node i has number of edge[i]=j edges }; class Minheap {//Min Heap public: vector<VCNode> nodes; void insert(VCNode node); VCNode popmin(); // void print(); }; void Minheap::insert(VCNode node) { nodes.push_back(node); // cout << "size is " << nodes.size() << endl;// int curpos = (int)nodes.size() - 1; // current position int parent = (curpos - 1) / 2; //parent position while (curpos != parent && parent >= 0) { //parent is still in heap if (nodes[parent].e > nodes[curpos].e) { //swap parent and child VCNode temp = nodes[parent]; nodes[parent] = nodes[curpos]; nodes[curpos] = temp; } else { break; //no longer level up!!! } curpos = parent; //when curpos=parent=0, exit!!! parent = (curpos - 1) / 2; //relocate the parent position } } VCNode Minheap::popmin() { VCNode node; if (nodes.size() > 0) { //have nodes left node = nodes[0]; //get the first element nodes.erase(nodes.begin()); //remove the first element if (nodes.size() > 0) { //at least have one element more VCNode last = nodes[nodes.size() - 1]; //get the last element nodes.pop_back(); //pop the last element nodes.insert(nodes.begin(), last); //put it in the first place int csize = (int)nodes.size(); //current size int curpos = 0; //current position // rebuild the minheap while (curpos < (csize / 2)) { //reach to the last parent node!! int left = 2 * curpos + 1; //left child int right = 2 * curpos + 2; //right child int min = left; //min store the min child if (right < csize) { //have left and right childs if (nodes[right].e < nodes[left].e) { min = right; } } if (min < csize) { //min child exist!! if (nodes[min].e < nodes[curpos].e) { //need to swap current position with child VCNode temp = nodes[min]; nodes[min] = nodes[curpos]; nodes[curpos] = temp; }else { //min child no exits!! exit!! break; //can break now!! } } curpos = min; } } } return node; } //void Minheap::print() { // cout << "print heap" << endl; // for (int i = 0; i < (int)nodes.size(); i++) { // cout << "edge: " << nodes[i].e << " node: " << nodes[i].p << endl; // } // cout << "heap end" << endl; //} // print array void printArray(int a[], int start, int end){ if (INDEBUG) { cout << "print array form " << start << " to " << end << endl; for (int i=start; i<=end; i++) { cout << a[i] << " "; } cout << endl << "print array end" << endl; } } // print the graph void printGraph(int graph[][MAX_NODE]){ if (INDEBUG) { for(int i=1;i<=n;i++){//0 no need for(int j=1;j<=n;j++){ cout << graph[i][j] << " "; } cout << endl; } } } // partition function for quick sort int partition2(int a[], int low, int high, int b[]){ int key = a[high]; int i=low-1; for (int j=low; j<high; j++) { if (a[j]>=key) { i++; swap(a[i], a[j]); swap(b[i], b[j]); } } swap(a[high], a[i+1]); swap(b[high], b[i+1]); return i+1; } // quick sort void quicksort2(int a[], int low, int high, int b[]) { if (low < high) { int p = partition2(a,low,high, b); quicksort2(a, low, p-1, b); quicksort2(a, p+1, high, b); } } // sum of the first k elements with state==0!!! int sumofkmax(int edges[], int p, int nodes[], int state[]){ quicksort2(edges, 1, n, nodes); int sum=0,count=0; // edges[i] corresponse to nodes[i], its state is state[nodes[i]] for(int i=1;i<=n;i++){//attention to i range!! if (state[nodes[i]]==0) { sum+=edges[i]; count++; if (count == p) {//enough! break; } } } return sum; } // verify the current node can be achievable bool verify(int edges[], int p, int e, int nodes[], int state[]){ //caculate the sum of the first p max elements in array edges!! int sum = sumofkmax(edges, p, nodes, state); // edge of nodes[i] is edges[i]!!! if(sum >= e){// may be this can be achieved return true; } return false; } // build the index of node in array [index] void buildIndex(int node[],int index[]){ for (int i=1; i<=n; i++) { index[node[i]] = i; } } // get the next node: state==0 && order first!!! int nextNode(int state[], int nodes[]){ for (int i=1; i<=n; i++) { if (state[nodes[i]]==0) { return nodes[i]; } } return -1; } // generate the left child VCNode genLeft(VCNode curnode, int label){ VCNode left;//choose node label! left.p = curnode.p - 1;//remove one node left.e = curnode.e; for (int i=0; i<=n; i++) {//first copy all infos left.index[i]=curnode.index[i]; left.state[i]=curnode.state[i];//init node state left.edge[i]=curnode.edge[i];//copy edge info left.node[i]=curnode.node[i];//copy node info // for (int j=0; j<=n; j++) { // left.graph[i][j] = curnode.graph[i][j]; // } } // following code will not use curnode anymore!! /// int sum=0;//removed edge for (int j=1; j<=n; j++) { //new if (label < j && left.state[j]!=1 && graph[label][j]==1 ) {//row! sum++; // left.graph[label][j]=0; left.edge[left.index[j]]--;//how to cut it down }else if(label > j && left.state[j]!=1 && graph[j][label]==1 ){ // col sum++; // left.graph[j][label]=0; left.edge[left.index[j]]--;//how to cut it down } } /// left.state[label] = 1;//use label directly! left.edge[left.index[label]] = 0;//only use index!! // cout << "remove edge sum is " << sum << endl; quicksort2(left.edge, 1, n, left.node); left.e = left.e - sum;//remove some edges buildIndex(left.node, left.index); if (INDEBUG) { cout << "======== " << label << " gen left begin===========" << endl; cout << "edge is " << left.e << " node is " << left.p << endl; cout << "array edge:" << endl; printArray(left.edge,1,n); cout << "array node:" << endl; printArray(left.node, 1, n); cout << "array index:" << endl; printArray(left.index, 1, n); cout << "array state:" << endl; printArray(left.state, 1, n); // printGraph(left.graph); cout << "======== " << label << " gen left end===========" << endl; } return left; } // generate the right child VCNode genRight(VCNode curnode, int label){ VCNode right;//choose node label! right.p = curnode.p;//remain right.e = curnode.e; for (int i=0; i<=n; i++) {//first copy all infos right.index[i]=curnode.index[i]; right.state[i]=curnode.state[i];//init node state right.edge[i]=curnode.edge[i];//copy edge info right.node[i]=curnode.node[i];//copy node info // for (int j=0; j<=n; j++) { // right.graph[i][j] = curnode.graph[i][j]; // } } // following code will not use curnode anymore!! right.state[label] = -1;//use label directly! if (INDEBUG) { cout << "======== " << label << " gen right begin===========" << endl; cout << "edge is " << right.e << " node is " << right.p << endl; // cout << "array edge:" << endl; // printArray(right.edge,1,n); // cout << "array node:" << endl; // printArray(right.node, 1, n); // cout << "array index:" << endl; // printArray(right.index, 1, n); // cout << "array state:" << endl; // printArray(right.state, 1, n); // printGraph(right.graph); cout << "======== " << label << " gen right end===========" << endl; } return right; } // greedy find a way to solve VCP void greedyFind(int edges[], int nodes[]/*, int graph[][MAX_NODE]*/){ VCNode node; node.e = m; node.p = k; for (int i=0; i<=n; i++) { node.index[i]=0; node.state[i]=0;//init node state node.edge[i]=edges[i];//copy edge info node.node[i]=nodes[i];//copy node info // for (int j=0; j<=n; j++) { // node.graph[i][j] = graph[i][j]; // } } buildIndex(node.node, node.index); Minheap minheap; minheap.insert(node); while (minheap.nodes.size() > 0) { // get the heap top node to extend VCNode curnode = minheap.popmin(); // if (INDEBUG) { // cout << "...current graph..." << endl; // printGraph(curnode.graph); // } // validate the current node if (curnode.e == 0) { int points = k - curnode.e; cout << points << endl; int count = 1; for (int i=1; i<=n; i++) { if (curnode.state[i]==1) { if(count == points){ cout << i; }else{ cout << i << " "; } count++; } } cout << endl; return; } // generate child nodes int label = nextNode(curnode.state, curnode.node);//the label of the node if (label != -1) { // node i is in index[k] position in array [node] // node i has number of edge[i] edges VCNode left = genLeft(curnode, label); VCNode right = genRight(curnode, label); if (verify(left.edge, left.p, left.e, left.node, left.state)) { // cout << "insert " << label << " left" << endl; minheap.insert(left); } if (verify(right.edge, right.p, right.e, right.node, right.state)) { // cout << "insert " << label << " right" << endl; minheap.insert(right); } } } // if not find, then return -1 cout << -1 << endl; } int main() { // freopen("/Volumes/hujiawei/Users/hujiawei/workspace/appleworkspace/algorithmworks/Exp1-2/Exp1-2/in3.txt", "rt", stdin);// cin >> t; while(t-->0){ cin >> n >> m >> k; // int graph[n+1][MAX_NODE]; for (int i=0; i<= n; i++) { for (int j=0; j<= n; j++) { graph[i][j]=0; } } int edges[n+1], nodes[n+1], state[n+1]; for (int i=0; i<= n; i++) { edges[i]=0; state[i]=0; nodes[i]=i; } int temp = m; while(temp-->0){ cin >> a >> b; graph[min(a, b)][max(a,b)]=1; // graph[a][b]=1; // graph[b][a]=1;//just save half a<=b edges[a]++; edges[b]++; } bool flag = verify(edges, k, m, nodes, state); if (!flag) {//must not be achieved!!! cout << -1 << endl; }else{ greedyFind(edges,nodes/*,graph*/); } } return 0; }