URL vs. HTML 錄製模式
對於WEB協議,LoadRunner支援3種模式的錄製:GUI-based、HTML based和URLbased,這篇文章對比了一下URL和HTML模式:
There are three types of recording mode/levels in LoadRunner. GUI-based, HTML based and URL based. For the uninitiated, recording levels tells you the amount of and what information is recorded during the recording process. As the title says, for this post we will keep focus on HTML based and URL based recording levels only and will touch upon GUI based mode, in a later post.
- HTML based mode, records script for every user action that is performed during recording (hmmm…sounds like QTP) while URL based mode records each and every browser request to the server and resources received from the server. Confused? ok, HTML based mode does recording as you perform clicks and doesn’t give you inside information like what is happening behind the recording while URL based mode records each and every step and emulate Javascript code. (HTML模式錄製的指令碼有點像QTP的指令碼,是使用者操作層的指令碼,而URL模式錄製的指令碼是針對瀏覽器和伺服器之間的每一個互動進行記錄。)
- From the point1) above you can guess, HTML mode would have less correlation to do while URL mode has much more complex correlation requirements. (HTML模式的指令碼相比起URL模式的指令碼,需要的關聯處理要少一些。)
- HTML mode is smaller and is more intuitive to read as the statements are inside the functions corresponding to the user action performed. In the case of URL based, all statements gets recorded into web_url() (HTML模式錄製的指令碼要少一些、直觀一些,而URL模式錄製的指令碼都以web_url函式出現,不夠直觀和簡潔。)
- HTML mode is recommended for browser applications while URL mode is recommended for non-browser applications. (對於那些基於瀏覽器的應用程式建議採用HTML模式錄製,而對於那些客戶端不是基於瀏覽器與伺服器端互動的應用程式,推薦採用URL模式錄製。)
- Lastly, don’t get the impression that I am advocating for HTML mode. URL mode can be of real help when you want to have control over the resources that need to be or need not to be downloaded, since you have each and every statement in-front of you (point 1) (URL模式的指令碼可以更細粒度地控制資原始檔是否要下載。)
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