網頁黑夜模式白天模式切換 html+css+js
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<h1>Life of Pi</h1>
<p >
    He lives in Scarborough. He's a small, slim man – nomore than five foot five. Dark hair, dark eyes. Hair greyingat the temples. Can't be older than forty. leasingcoffee-coloured complexion1. Mild fall weather, yet puts on abig winter parka with fur-lined hood2 for the walk to thediner.
He lives in Scarborough. He's a small, slim man – nomore than five foot five. Dark hair, dark eyes. Hair greyingat the temples. Can't be older than forty. leasingcoffee-coloured complexion1. Mild fall weather, yet puts on abig winter parka with fur-lined hood2 for the walk to thediner.
He lives in Scarborough. He's a small, slim man – nomore than five foot five. Dark hair, dark eyes. Hair greyingat the temples. Can't be older than forty. leasingcoffee-coloured complexion1. Mild fall weather, yet puts on abig winter parka with fur-lined hood2 for the walk to thediner.
He lives in Scarborough. He's a small, slim man – nomore than five foot five. Dark hair, dark eyes. Hair greyingat the temples. Can't be older than forty. leasingcoffee-coloured complexion1. Mild fall weather, yet puts on abig winter parka with fur-lined hood2 for the walk to thediner.
He lives in Scarborough. He's a small, slim man – nomore than five foot five. Dark hair, dark eyes. Hair greyingat the temples. Can't be older than forty. leasingcoffee-coloured complexion1. Mild fall weather, yet puts on abig winter parka with fur-lined hood2 for the walk to thediner.
He lives in Scarborough. He's a small, slim man – nomore than five foot five. Dark hair, dark eyes. Hair greyingat the temples. Can't be older than forty. leasingcoffee-coloured complexion1. Mild fall weather, yet puts on abig winter parka with fur-lined hood2 for the walk to thediner.
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