


從應用視角來看, 正在從大規模應用探索向業務深度融合演進,存證溯源、資料共享、供應鏈管理、金融服務等創新應用場景不斷湧現



  In addition to creation,other aspects of the meta universe also need the support of computational force.It can be said that computational force is the infrastructure of the meta universe.In terms of computing methods,the current market mainly believes that cloud computing is the best way to improve the overall meta universe computing power.Relying on ordinary people's computer equipment to run the huge code of the meta universe is unrealistic,and cloud computing is a good solution.

  To connect into the metauniverse,we need to enter"parameters",that is,where to go,which instructions to give,etc.,just like playing a game and typing instructions on the keyboard.The input parameters of people entering the meta universe are much more complex than the instructions generated by typing the keyboard.The sensor devices collect our"input parameters",throw them into the cloud for calculation,and then convert them into parameters that the meta universe can understand,so that we can move in the virtual meta universe.

  Human beings need to get a certain"feedback"to connect into the meta universe.After a certain operation,cloud technology will send the"feedback"back to the device at hand,so as to give us a certain perceptual feedback.

來自 “ ITPUB部落格 ” ,連結:http://blog.itpub.net/70029947/viewspace-2951790/,如需轉載,請註明出處,否則將追究法律責任。
