STEPN offers four different types of shoes: Walker, Jogger, Runner, and Trainer. Each shoe type requires players to move at different speeds while playing the game, earning themselves different amounts of GST.. STEPN is a sports application that earns while moving. Users equipped with NFT sneakers can go outdoors to earn tokens and NFT rewards. STEPN has a built-in wallet, NFT market, redemption, and a rental system that allows non encrypted users to also use STEPN.
Walker: Must move at a speed of 1-6 kilometers per hour. Consuming 1 energy will earn 4 GST;
Jogger: Must move at a speed of 4-10 kilometers per hour. Consuming 1 energy will earn 5 GST;
Runner: Must move at a speed of 8-20 kilometers per hour. Consuming 1 energy will earn 6 GST;
O Trainer: Must move at a speed of 1-20 kilometers per hour. Consuming 1 energy will result in 4-6 GST;
In every STEPN shoe, there are many other sub indicators to help you evaluate what is good and suitable for your shoes.
STEPN is an NFT hybrid reality chain game in the "move to ear" mode, which won fourth place in the SolanaVenture's fourth IGNATION Hackathon game project.
In the game, players can purchase NFT running shoes and import apps for daily running and mining activities. Their NFTs can be purchased on Magic Eden and Marketplace on the APP;
The basic gameplay of STEPN is very simple, as players equip NFT sneakers within the game application to participate in the game; By running in the real world, you can earn token revenue, which can be used to upgrade and repair sports shoes to improve the efficiency of "earning coins", or you can sell them directly.
The specific operation steps are as follows: players first need to download the mobile application STEPN App on the STEPN official website and register their STEPN account through email; After registering and logging in, players can create or import existing Solana wallets in the game and transfer them from the trading platform to the wallet address, so that they can purchase NFT sneakers and receive game rewards in the game.
In the application market, players can purchase NFT sneakers in four different types: Walker, Jogger, Runner, and Trainer. Different types of shoes have certain restrictions on the player's movement speed. For example, the Walker speed limit is 1-6 km/h, and beyond the corresponding range, movement will not generate token revenue. The prices of different types of shoes also vary, with the Trainer having the highest speed limit as it has the widest range of 1-20 km/h.
Each type of sneaker is divided into 5 qualities, namely: Common (ordinary, gray), Uncommon (rare, green), Rare (rare, blue), Epic (epic, purple), and Legendary (legendary, orange). Different quality shoes have different attributes and generate different token returns.
After purchasing NFT sneakers, players can officially participate in the game. The gameplay includes:
·Single player mode: Players can click "Start" on the game page to start running and earn tokens; Under the same conditions as NFT sports shoes, the longer the exercise time, the more tokens obtained. Of course, there is a certain limit to the daily exercise time ("energy"). Once used up, you will stop earning tokens
·Casting new shoes: Players can use two pairs of sports shoes with a level of 5 to cast new shoes. Each sports shoe has 7 opportunities to cast new shoes; Each time a shoe box is cast, players can directly invest in the NFT market for sale, or they can open it themselves to continue upgrading and cast new shoes.
It is quite interesting that new shoes undergo a "mutation" during casting, and even two ordinary pairs of shoes can be cast into high-quality, other types of shoes.
·Rent sports shoes: If you have a lot of sports shoes in your hand, you can rent out shoes that reach level 10; During the rental process, no deposit is required, but the NFT cannot be transferred out of the account; When the final allocation is made, STEPN will charge an 8% tax rate, while the fixed income distribution ratio between the lessee and the lessor is 3/7. Rental gameplay can collaborate with future gold studios, sharing profits, and bringing significant benefits to NFT players.
In addition to the three gameplay options mentioned above, STEPN will also open a marathon mode where players can choose to participate and ultimately earn significant profits based on their rankings. In addition, in the future, it will also support background mode, where players can earn GST without opening the STEPN app. The app background will directly obtain the number of steps from the player's mobile device's health data.
Personally, I believe that the gameplay of STEPN's social game comes from the design of the game mechanism, which includes internal economics, progressive mechanisms, and reproductive mechanisms. On the other hand, compared to ordinary chain game scenarios, STEPN's NFT has stronger real-life scenario driven capabilities and a high tolerance for C-end logic.
Therefore, the possibility of STEPN can be explored from a brand perspective, in addition to the development path of sports, health, and social networking internet products.
STEPN is very different from Yuepao and Qubu. Yuepao is a standard mobile internet social application that has nothing to do with tokens, and is also affected by compliance and technical architecture. It cannot easily build a set of token economics, so it cannot generate an endogenous economic cycle of token incentives, and players cannot enjoy the capital premium of token appreciation; Qubu is a CX application for Crazy Charge Tower.
The future of STEPN is not actually the penetration rate of sports and health users among encrypted users, or the penetration rate of directly copying sports and health applications. But a pair of NFT sneakers that can make money. It mainly depends on whether you agree with this as a new scenario:
Encrypted users need to exercise more to maintain their health due to long-term exposure to the computer
For non fitness enthusiasts, exercise is boring and requires external motivation
The incentives recognized by Crypto Native must include FT and NFT
Non fitness enthusiasts are more likely to be non circle users who are accustomed to using apps
Whether STEPN can continue to occupy cities and territories requires a longer period of observation, which depends on its brand and community strategy, and whether it can make the project a unique supply; It also depends on whether the scene it is placed in can spread and advance to a recognized new way of sports, thus generating new brand identity:
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