智慧合約語言:目前 Solidity 是主要語言之一,因為以太坊作為最廣泛使用的區塊鏈平臺之一,它支援 Solidity 語言作為智慧合約的編寫語言。此外,還有其他語言可用於開發智慧合約,如 Vyper 和 Serpent 等。
編寫智慧合約,I35開閥7O98詳細O7I8 使用平臺允許的程式語言(如Solidity)編寫合約的具體規則和邏輯;
In Axie Infinity, players need to first purchase an NFT for their pet (Axie), and then they can cultivate the pet and engage it in battles and competitions to earn income. In StepN, this design was basically followed, except that the pet Axie in Axie Infinity was replaced with running shoes, and the method of earning income changed from virtual battles in the game to running in reality.
According to StepN's settings, users need to have a pair of "running shoes" NFTs before entering the game. In the game, there are multiple types of running shoes initially provided, and each type of running shoe has corresponding "efficiency" and "comfort" attributes, which will affect the number of tokens players will obtain from sports in the future. Of course, the more advanced the properties of running shoes, the better, and the more expensive the price. Players can directly purchase according to their own needs, or they can purchase a blind box and randomly select a pair of running shoes from it.
After the player has a pair of running shoes, they can start the game. In the StepN white paper, three game modes are listed: Solo Mode, Marathon Mode, and Background Mode.
Single player mode is currently the only mode that has been activated. In this mode, users can generate GST and GMT based on the number of steps they take (GMT acquisition has not yet been enabled). The conversion ratio of steps and tokens is influenced by a series of parameters: the higher the "efficiency" coefficient of running shoes, the more GST generated per step; The higher the 'comfort' coefficient, the more GMT generated per step. In addition, the speed of walking also has an impact. Only when the speed reaches a certain level can income be generated, and the faster the speed, the higher the income. Users may also obtain a "mysterious box" during the running process, from which they can randomly draw different levels of gemstones. Users can embed gemstones on running shoes by consuming GST to enhance their attributes.
In addition, according to the settings, users' running requires physical exertion. After the physical exertion in the game is completed, even if the actual user still has physical stamina to continue running, these extra steps cannot continue to generate income. Of course, there is also a way to improve physical strength, which is to buy more shoes. Every time you buy a pair of shoes, you can consume more physical energy.
Perhaps some people may be concerned that exchanging steps for income may result in fraud? After all, many people are willing to shake their phones every day in order to achieve good results in their sports rankings on their social media. Now, steps can be exchanged for genuine gold and silver tokens, will there be more similar fraudulent activities? In order to prevent similar situations from occurring, StepN has put a lot of effort into cracking down on counterfeits. On the one hand, it incorporates GPS detection, and if the user's walking does not produce significant displacement, the resulting steps cannot be redeemed. On the other hand, StepN also detects the degree of undulation of the user's body while walking, making it no longer possible for a dog to replace running - after all, the dog's body is only so high, and its running undulation is very small.
It should be pointed out that StepN officials have always claimed that its product is a combination of Game Fi and Social Fi when promoting it. In other words, in addition to gameplay, StepN will also add social gameplay in the future. However, so far, it has not revealed any information about social gameplay. How does StepN socialize? This mystery may take some time to unravel - if StepN still has a chance to unravel it.
(2) The Economic System and Governance Mechanism of StepN
As mentioned earlier, StepN has also set up a dual token system, which seems very similar to Axie Infinity. Among them, the full name of GST is Green Satoshi Token. Although StepN did not explain what this name means, I speculate that Satoshi in it should be a tribute to Satoshi Nakamoto, the "father of the chain". The full name of GMT is Green Metaverse Token, which is clearly meant to refer to last year's hottest metaverse concept.
Among the two types of tokens, GST is an in app token. In terms of total issuance, StepN has not set an upper limit on it. That is to say, as long as the number of users within the application continues to increase and continue to run, new GST will be continuously created. The principles of economics tell us that when the supply of a commodity continues to increase, its value will decrease. Therefore, if GST continues to exceed its supply, there will inevitably be huge inflationary pressure. To hedge against this pressure, StepN's strategy is to set many areas that require GST consumption, such as when casting new running shoes or upgrading running shoes. Once GST is consumed, it will exit circulation. Through this design, the GST in the entire market can be maintained at a relatively stable level.
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