

  The metauniverse is a virtual space parallel to and independent of the real world,an online virtual world that maps the real world,and an increasingly real digital virtual world.The blockchain is a new application mode using distributed data storage,point-to-point transmission,consensus mechanism,encryption algorithm and other computer technologies.














  [Obsolete("Use SceneManager.LoadScene")]

  public static void LoadLevel(string name);

  [Obsolete("Use SceneManager.LoadScene")]

  public static void LoadLevel(int index);

  [Obsolete("Use SceneManager.LoadScene")]

  public static void LoadLevelAdditive(string name);

  [Obsolete("Use SceneManager.LoadScene")]

  public static void LoadLevelAdditive(int index);




  //Unloads all GameObject associated with the given scene.Note that assets are

  //currently not unloaded,in order to free up asset memory call Resources.UnloadAllUnusedAssets.





  //Index of the scene in the PlayerSettings to unload.



  //Name of the scene to Unload.




  //Return true if the scene is unloaded.


  [Obsolete("Use SceneManager.UnloadScene")]

  public static bool UnloadLevel(string scenePath);




  //Unloads all GameObject associated with the given scene.Note that assets are

  //currently not unloaded,in order to free up asset memory call Resources.UnloadAllUnusedAssets.





  //Index of the scene in the PlayerSettings to unload.



  //Name of the scene to Unload.




  //Return true if the scene is unloaded.


  [Obsolete("Use SceneManager.UnloadScene")]

  public static bool UnloadLevel(int index);





  using UnityEngine.Internal;

  namespace UnityEngine.SceneManagement





  //Scene management at run-time.


  public class SceneManager


  public SceneManager();

  public static int sceneCount{get;}


  public static int sceneCountInBuildSettings{get;}

  public static Scene GetActiveScene();

  public static Scene[]GetAllScenes();



  //Index of the scene to get.Index must be greater than or equal to 0 and less

  //than SceneManager.sceneCount.

  public static Scene GetSceneAt(int index);



  //The scene if found or an invalid scene if not.


  public static Scene GetSceneByName(string name);

  //Searches all scenes added to the SceneManager for a scene that has the given

  //asset path.





  //Path of the scene.Should be relative to the project folder.Like:"AssetsMyScenesMyScene.unity".

  public static Scene GetSceneByPath(string scenePath);


  public static void LoadScene(int sceneBuildIndex);


  public static void LoadScene(string sceneName);



  //Name of the scene to load.



  //Index of the scene in the Build Settings to load.



  //Allows you to specify whether or not to load the scene additively.See SceneManagement.LoadSceneMode

  //for more information about the options.

  public static void LoadScene(int sceneBuildIndex,[DefaultValue("LoadSceneMode.Single")]LoadSceneMode mode);



  //Name of the scene to load.



  //Index of the scene in the Build Settings to load.



  //Allows you to specify whether or not to load the scene additively.See SceneManagement.LoadSceneMode

  //for more information about the options.

  public static void LoadScene(string sceneName,[DefaultValue("LoadSceneMode.Single")]LoadSceneMode mode);


  public static AsyncOperation LoadSceneAsync(int sceneBuildIndex);


  public static AsyncOperation LoadSceneAsync(string sceneName);

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