以太坊原始碼解讀 BlockChain的初始化




二、 BlockChain中的一些概念


2.1 TD


Block.TD =[ Block.diff Block.parent.diff. ...... Genesis.diff]

以太坊在獲取一個區塊的總難度時,不需要遍歷整個區塊鏈然後將每個區塊的難度值相加,因為BlockChain在插入每個區塊的時候,同時會將這個區塊的TD寫入資料庫,寫入的key是"h" num hash "t", value是td的編碼後的值,也就是說只要知道一個區塊的hash和區塊號就能獲取這個區塊的TD。

2.2 規範鏈

在區塊的建立過程中,可能在短時間內產生一些分叉, 在我們的資料庫裡面記錄的其實是一顆區塊樹。我們會認為其中總難度最高的一條路徑認為是我們的規範的區塊鏈。 有很多區塊雖然也能形成區塊鏈, 但是不是規範的區塊鏈。

2.3 區塊在資料庫的儲存方式




Key ------------Value

‘h’ num ‘n’------------規範鏈上區塊號對應的hash值

‘h’ num hash ‘t’------------區塊的總難度

‘H’ hash---------------區塊號

‘h’ num hash-------------Header的RLP編碼值

‘b’ num hash--------------Body的RLP編碼值

‘r’ num hash--------------Receipts的RPL編碼值


區塊的狀態不是簡單的用key-value鍵值對儲存,以太坊中有一個專門的類stateDB來管理區塊的狀態, stateDB可以通過區塊的StateRoot從資料庫中構建整個世界狀態。



  type BlockChain struct {
   chainConfig *params.ChainConfig // Chain & network configuration
   cacheConfig *CacheConfig        // Cache configuration for pruning
   db     ethdb.Database // Low level persistent database to [STO](http://www.btb8.com/s/sto/)re final c[ONT](http://www.btb8.com/ont/)ent in
   triegc *prque.Prque   // Priority queue mapping block numbers to tries to gc
   gcproc time.Duration  // Accumulates canonical block processing for trie dumping

   hc            *HeaderChain
   rmLogsFeed    e[VEN](http://www.btb8.com/ven/)t.Feed
   chainFeed     event.Feed
   chainSideFeed event.Feed
   chainHeadFeed event.Feed
   logsFeed      event.Feed
   scope         event.SubscriptionScope
   genesisBlock  *types.Block

   mu      sync.RWMutex // global mutex for locking chain operations
   chainmu sync.RWMutex // blockchain insertion lock
   procmu  sync.RWMutex // block processor lock

   checkpoint       int          // checkpoint counts towards the new checkpoint
   currentBlock     atomic.Value // Current head of the block chain
   currentFastBlock atomic.Value // Current head of the fast-sync chain (may be above the block chain!)

   stateCache    state.Database // State database to reuse between imports (contains state cache)
   bodyCache     *lru.Cache     // Cache for the most recent block bodies
   bodyRLPCache  *lru.Cache     // Cache for the most recent block bodies in RLP encoded format
   receiptsCache *lru.Cache     // Cache for the most recent receipts per block
   blockCache    *lru.Cache     // Cache for the most recent entire blocks
   futureBlocks  *lru.Cache     // future blocks are blocks added for later processing

   quit    chan struct{} // blockchain quit channel
   running int32         // running must be called atomically
   // procInterrupt must be atomically called
   procInterrupt int32          // interrupt signaler for block processing
   wg            sync.WaitGroup // chain processing wait group for shutting down

   engine    consensus.Engine
   processor Processor // block processor interface
   validator Validator // block and state validator interface
   vmConfig  vm.Config

   badBlocks      *lru.Cache              // Bad block cache
   shouldPreserve func(*types.Block) bool // Function used to determine whether should preserve the given block.



  func NewBlockChain(db ethdb.Database, cacheConfig *CacheConfig, chainConfig *params.ChainConfig, engine consensus.Engine, vmConfig vm.Config, shouldPreserve func(block *types.Block) bool) (*BlockChain, error) {
   if cacheConfig == nil {
      cacheConfig = &CacheConfig{
         TrieNodeLimit: 256 * 1024 * 1024,
         TrieTimeLimit: 5 * time.Minute,
   bodyCache, _ := lru.New(bodyCacheLimit)
   bodyRLPCache, _ := lru.New(bodyCacheLimit)
   receiptsCache, _ := lru.New(receiptsCacheLimit)
   blockCache, _ := lru.New(blockCacheLimit)
   futureBlocks, _ := lru.New(maxFutureBlocks)
   badBlocks, _ := lru.New(badBlockLimit)
   bc := &BlockChain{
      chainConfig:    chainConfig,
      cacheConfig:    cacheConfig,
      db:             db,
      triegc:         prque.New(nil),
      stateCache:     state.NewDatabase(db),
      quit:           make(chan struct{}),
      shouldPreserve: shouldPreserve,
      bodyCache:      bodyCache,
      bodyRLPCache:   bodyRLPCache,
      receiptsCache:  receiptsCache,
      blockCache:     blockCache,
      futureBlocks:   futureBlocks,
      engine:         engine,
      vmConfig:       vmConfig,
      badBlocks:      badBlocks,
   bc.SetValidator(NewBlockValidator(chainConfig, bc, engine))
   bc.SetProcessor(NewStateProcessor(chainConfig, bc, engine))

   var err error
   bc.hc, err = NewHeaderChain(db, chainConfig, engine, bc.getProcInterrupt)
   if err != nil {
      return nil, err
   bc.genesisBlock = bc.GetBlockByNumber(0)
   if bc.genesisBlock == nil {
      return nil, ErrNoGenesis
   if err := bc.loadLastState(); err != nil {
      return nil, err
   for hash := range BadHashes {
      if header := bc.GetHeaderByHash(hash); header != nil {
         headerByNumber := bc.GetHeaderByNumber(header.Number.Uint64())
         // make sure the headerByNumber (if present) is in our current canonical chain
         if headerByNumber != nil && headerByNumber.Hash() == header.Hash() {
            log.Error("Found bad hash, rewinding chain", "number", header.Number, "hash", header.ParentHash)
            bc.SetHead(header.Number.Uint64() - 1)
            log.Error("Chain rewind was successful, resuming normal operation")
   // 4.啟動處理未來區塊的go程
   go bc.update()
   return bc, nil



  func (bc *BlockChain) loadLastState() error {
   // 1.讀取上次儲存的區塊頭賦值給Blockchain的currentBlock
   head := rawdb.ReadHeadBlockHash(bc.db)
   if head == (common.Hash{}) {
      log.Warn("Empty database, resetting chain")
      return bc.Reset()
   // Make sure the entire head block is available
   // 2.通過這個hash從資料庫中取Block,如果不能取出,則回滾到創世區塊。
   currentBlock := bc.GetBlockByHash(head)
   if currentBlock == nil {
      // Corrupt or empty database, init from scratch
      log.Warn("Head block missing, resetting chain", "hash", head)
      return bc.Reset()
   // 3.確保這個區塊的狀態從資料庫中是可獲取的
   // Make sure the state as[SOC](http://www.btb8.com/soc/)iated with the block is available
   if _, err := state.New(currentBlock.Root(), bc.stateCache); err != nil {
      // Dangling block without a state associated, init from scratch
      log.Warn("Head state missing, re[PAI](http://www.btb8.com/pai/)ring chain", "number", currentBlock.Number(), "hash", currentBlock.Hash())
      if err := bc.repair(¤tBlock); err != nil {
         return err
   //上面的驗證都通過,說明這個區塊沒有問題, 可以賦值給BlockChain的currentBlock

   currentHeader := currentBlock.Header()
   if head := rawdb.ReadHeadHeaderHash(bc.db); head != (common.Hash{}) {
      if header := bc.GetHeaderByHash(head); header != nil {
         currentHeader = header

   // Restore the last known head fast block
   if head := rawdb.ReadHeadFastBlockHash(bc.db); head != (common.Hash{}) {
      if block := bc.GetBlockByHash(head); block != nil {

   // Issue a status log for the user
   currentFastBlock := bc.CurrentFastBlock()

   headerTd := bc.GetTd(currentHeader.Hash(), currentHeader.Number.Uint64())
   blockTd := bc.GetTd(currentBlock.Hash(), currentBlock.NumberU64())
   fastTd := bc.GetTd(currentFastBlock.Hash(), currentFastBlock.NumberU64())

   log.Info("Loaded most recent local header", "number", currentHeader.Number, "hash", currentHeader.Hash(), "td", headerTd, "age", common.PrettyAge(time.Unix(currentHeader.Time.Int64(), 0)))
   log.Info("Loaded most recent local full block", "number", currentBlock.Number(), "hash", currentBlock.Hash(), "td", blockTd, "age", common.PrettyAge(time.Unix(currentBlock.Time().Int64(), 0)))
   log.Info("Loaded most recent local fast block", "number", currentFastBlock.Number(), "hash", currentFastBlock.Hash(), "td", fastTd, "age", common.PrettyAge(time.Unix(currentFastBlock.Time().Int64(), 0)))

   return nil





