5.2 以太坊原始碼詳解2
1. 核心資料結構
var (
typeCacheMutex sync.RWMutex
type typeinfo struct {
type typekey struct {
// the key must include the struct tags because they
// might generate a different decoder.
- 核心函式
// map的查詢 func cachedTypeInfo(typ reflect.Type, tags tags) (*typeinfo, error) { // 加鎖 typeCacheMutex.RLock() info := typeCache[typekey{typ, tags}] // 查詢型別 typeCacheMutex.RUnlock() // 解鎖 if info != nil { // 如果不為空,直接返回 return info, nil } // not in the cache, need to generate info for this type. typeCacheMutex.Lock() defer typeCacheMutex.Unlock() return cachedTypeInfo1(typ, tags) } func cachedTypeInfo1(typ reflect.Type, tags tags) (*typeinfo, error) { key := typekey{typ, tags} info := typeCache[key] if info != nil { // 不為空,有可能是別的goroutine已經建立成功了,直接獲取資訊,返回 // another goroutine got the write lock first return info, nil } // put a dummmy value into the cache before generating. // if the generator tries to lookup itself, it will get // the dummy value and won't call itself recursively. // 建立了一個值來填充這個型別的位置,避免遇到一些遞迴定義是產生死迴圈 typeCache[key] = new(typeinfo) info, err := genTypeInfo(typ, tags) if err != nil { // remove the dummy value if the generator fails delete(typeCache, key) return nil, err } *typeCache[key] = *info //儲存到快取中 return typeCache[key], err }
// 生成對應型別的編、解碼器函式 func genTypeInfo(typ reflect.Type, tags tags) (info *typeinfo, err error) { info = new(typeinfo) // 建立解碼器 if info.decoder, err = makeDecoder(typ, tags); err != nil { return nil, err } // 建立編碼器 if info.writer, err = makeWriter(typ); err != nil { return nil, err } return info, nil }
1 .核心資料結構
var (
// Common encoded values.
// These are useful when implementing EncodeRLP.
EmptyString = []byte{0x80}
EmptyList = []byte{0xC0}
// Encoder is implemented by types that require custom
// encoding rules or want to encode private fields.
type Encoder interface {
// EncodeRLP should write the RLP encoding of its receiver to w.
// If the implementation is a pointer method, it may also be
// called for nil pointers.
// Implementations should generate valid RLP. The data written is
// not verified at the moment, but a future version might. It is
// recommended to write only a single value but writing multiple
ӣ̵ᖫᎱ encode.go
// values or no value at all is also permitted.
EncodeRLP(io.Writer) error // 介面型別
2 .編碼
func Encode(w io.Writer, val interface{}) error {
if outer, ok := w.(*encbuf); ok {
// Encode was called by some type's EncodeRLP.
// Avoid copying by writing to the outer encbuf directly.
return outer.encode(val)
eb := encbufPool.Get().(*encbuf)
defer encbufPool.Put(eb)
if err := eb.encode(val); err != nil {
return err
return eb.toWriter(w)
func (w *encbuf) encode(val interface{}) error {
rval := reflect.ValueOf(val)
ti, err := cachedTypeInfo(rval.Type(), tags{})
if err != nil {
return err
return ti.writer(rval, w)
// 此處充當buffer
type encbuf struct {
str []byte //string data, contains everything except list headers
lheads []*listhead // all list headers
lhsize int // sum of sizes of all encoded list headers
sizebuf []byte // 9-byte auxiliary buffer for uint encoding
type listhead struct{
offset int // index of this header in string data
size int // total size of encoded data (including list headers)
https://edu.csdn.net/lecturer/1928 -
掃碼獲取海量視訊及原始碼 QQ群:721929980
- 5.1 以太坊原始碼詳解1原始碼
- 5.3 以太坊原始碼詳解3原始碼
- 5.4 以太坊原始碼詳解4原始碼
- 5.5 以太坊原始碼詳解5原始碼
- 5.6 以太坊原始碼詳解6原始碼
- 5.7 以太坊原始碼詳解7原始碼
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