

node中的服務的定義, eth其實就是實現了一個服務。

    type Service interface {
        // Protocols retrieves the P2P protocols the service wishes to start.
        Protocols() []p2p.Protocol
        // APIs retrieves the list of RPC descriptors the service provides
        APIs() []rpc.API
        // Start is called after all services have been constructed and the networking
        // layer was also initialized to spawn any goroutines required by the service.
        Start(server *p2p.Server) error
        // Stop terminates all goroutines belonging to the service, blocking until they
        // are all terminated.
        Stop() error

go ethereum 的eth目錄是以太坊服務的實現。 以太坊協議是通過node的Register方法注入的。

    // RegisterEthService adds an Ethereum client to the stack.
    func RegisterEthService(stack *node.Node, cfg *eth.Config) {
        var err error
        if cfg.SyncMode == downloader.LightSync {
            err = stack.Register(func(ctx *node.ServiceContext) (node.Service, error) {
                return les.New(ctx, cfg)
        } else {
            err = stack.Register(func(ctx *node.ServiceContext) (node.Service, error) {
                fullNode, err := eth.New(ctx, cfg)
                if fullNode != nil && cfg.LightServ > 0 {
                    ls, _ := les.NewLesServer(fullNode, cfg)
                return fullNode, err
        if err != nil {
            Fatalf("Failed to register the Ethereum service: %v", err)

    // Ethereum implements the Ethereum full node service.
    type Ethereum struct {
        config *Config                 配置
        chainConfig *params.ChainConfig     鏈配置
        // Channel for shutting down the service
        shutdownChan chan bool // Channel for shutting down the ethereum
        stopDbUpgrade func() error // stop chain db sequential key upgrade
        // Handlers
        txPool *core.TxPool            交易池
        blockchain *core.BlockChain        區塊鏈
        protocolManager *ProtocolManager        協議管理
        lesServer LesServer               輕量級客戶端伺服器
        // DB interfaces
        chainDb ethdb.Database // Block chain database  區塊鏈資料庫
        eventMux *event.TypeMux
        engine consensus.Engine             一致性引擎。 應該是Pow部分
        accountManager *accounts.Manager            賬號管理
        bloomRequests chan chan *bloombits.Retrieval // Channel receiving bloom data retrieval requests 接收bloom過濾器資料請求的通道
        bloomIndexer *core.ChainIndexer // Bloom indexer operating during block imports //在區塊import的時候執行Bloom indexer操作 暫時不清楚是什麼
        ApiBackend *EthApiBackend       //提供給RPC服務使用的API後端
        miner *miner.Miner          //礦工
        gasPrice *big.Int              //節點接收的gasPrice的最小值。 比這個值更小的交易會被本節點拒絕
        etherbase common.Address        //礦工地址
        networkId uint64            //網路ID testnet是0 mainnet是1
        netRPCService *ethapi.PublicNetAPI  //RPC的服務
        lock sync.RWMutex // Protects the variadic fields (e.g. gas price and etherbase)

以太坊協議的建立New. 暫時先不涉及core的內容。 只是大概介紹一下。 core裡面的內容後續會分析。

    // New creates a new Ethereum object (including the
    // initialisation of the common Ethereum object)
    func New(ctx *node.ServiceContext, config *Config) (*Ethereum, error) {
        if config.SyncMode == downloader.LightSync {
            return nil, errors.New("can't run eth.Ethereum in light sync mode, use les.LightEthereum")
        if !config.SyncMode.IsValid() {
            return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid sync mode %d", config.SyncMode)
        // 建立leveldb。 開啟或者新建 chaindata目錄
        chainDb, err := CreateDB(ctx, config, "chaindata")
        if err != nil {
            return nil, err
        // 資料庫格式升級
        stopDbUpgrade := upgradeDeduplicateData(chainDb)
        // 設定創世區塊。 如果資料庫裡面已經有創世區塊那麼從資料庫裡面取出(私鏈)。或者是從程式碼裡面獲取預設值。
        chainConfig, genesisHash, genesisErr := core.SetupGenesisBlock(chainDb, config.Genesis)
        if _, ok := genesisErr.(*params.ConfigCompatError); genesisErr != nil && !ok {
            return nil, genesisErr
        log.Info("Initialised chain configuration", "config", chainConfig)
        eth := &Ethereum{
            config: config,
            chainDb: chainDb,
            chainConfig: chainConfig,
            eventMux: ctx.EventMux,
            accountManager: ctx.AccountManager,
            engine: CreateConsensusEngine(ctx, config, chainConfig, chainDb), // 一致性引擎。 這裡我理解是Pow
            shutdownChan: make(chan bool),
            stopDbUpgrade: stopDbUpgrade,
            networkId: config.NetworkId, // 網路ID用來區別網路。 測試網路是0.主網是1
            gasPrice: config.GasPrice, // 可以通過配置 --gasprice 客戶端接納的交易的gasprice最小值。如果小於這個值那麼會被節點丟棄。
            etherbase: config.Etherbase, //挖礦的受益者
            bloomRequests: make(chan chan *bloombits.Retrieval), //bloom的請求
            bloomIndexer: NewBloomIndexer(chainDb, params.BloomBitsBlocks),
        log.Info("Initialising Ethereum protocol", "versions", ProtocolVersions, "network", config.NetworkId)
        if !config.SkipBcVersionCheck { // 檢查資料庫裡面儲存的BlockChainVersion和客戶端的BlockChainVersion的版本是否一致
            bcVersion := core.GetBlockChainVersion(chainDb)
            if bcVersion != core.BlockChainVersion && bcVersion != 0 {
                return nil, fmt.Errorf("Blockchain DB version mismatch (%d / %d). Run geth upgradedb.\n", bcVersion, core.BlockChainVersion)
            core.WriteBlockChainVersion(chainDb, core.BlockChainVersion)
        vmConfig := vm.Config{EnablePreimageRecording: config.EnablePreimageRecording}
        // 使用資料庫建立了區塊鏈
        eth.blockchain, err = core.NewBlockChain(chainDb, eth.chainConfig, eth.engine, vmConfig)
        if err != nil {
            return nil, err
        // Rewind the chain in case of an incompatible config upgrade.
        if compat, ok := genesisErr.(*params.ConfigCompatError); ok {
            log.Warn("Rewinding chain to upgrade configuration", "err", compat)
            core.WriteChainConfig(chainDb, genesisHash, chainConfig)
        // bloomIndexer 暫時不知道是什麼東西 這裡面涉及得也不是很多。 暫時先不管了
        eth.bloomIndexer.Start(eth.blockchain.CurrentHeader(), eth.blockchain.SubscribeChainEvent)
        if config.TxPool.Journal != "" {
            config.TxPool.Journal = ctx.ResolvePath(config.TxPool.Journal)
        // 建立交易池。 用來儲存本地或者在網路上接收到的交易。
        eth.txPool = core.NewTxPool(config.TxPool, eth.chainConfig, eth.blockchain)
        // 建立協議管理器
        if eth.protocolManager, err = NewProtocolManager(eth.chainConfig, config.SyncMode, config.NetworkId, eth.eventMux, eth.txPool, eth.engine, eth.blockchain, chainDb); err != nil {
            return nil, err
        // 建立礦工
        eth.miner = miner.New(eth, eth.chainConfig, eth.EventMux(), eth.engine)
        // ApiBackend 用於給RPC呼叫提供後端支援
        eth.ApiBackend = &EthApiBackend{eth, nil}
        // gpoParams GPO Gas Price Oracle 的縮寫。 GasPrice預測。 通過最近的交易來預測當前的GasPrice的值。這個值可以作為之後傳送交易的費用的參考。
        gpoParams := config.GPO
        if gpoParams.Default == nil {
            gpoParams.Default = config.GasPrice
        eth.ApiBackend.gpo = gasprice.NewOracle(eth.ApiBackend, gpoParams)
        return eth, nil

ApiBackend 定義在 api_backend.go檔案中。 封裝了一些函式。

    // EthApiBackend implements ethapi.Backend for full nodes
    type EthApiBackend struct {
        eth *Ethereum
        gpo *gasprice.Oracle
    func (b *EthApiBackend) SetHead(number uint64) {

New方法中除了core中的一些方法, 有一個ProtocolManager的物件在以太坊協議中比較重要, 以太坊本來是一個協議。ProtocolManager中又可以管理多個以太坊的子協議。

    // NewProtocolManager returns a new ethereum sub protocol manager. The Ethereum sub protocol manages peers capable
    // with the ethereum network.
    func NewProtocolManager(config *params.ChainConfig, mode downloader.SyncMode, networkId uint64, mux *event.TypeMux, txpool txPool, engine consensus.Engine, blockchain *core.BlockChain, chaindb ethdb.Database) (*ProtocolManager, error) {
        // Create the protocol manager with the base fields
        manager := &ProtocolManager{
            networkId: networkId,
            eventMux: mux,
            txpool: txpool,
            blockchain: blockchain,
            chaindb: chaindb,
            chainconfig: config,
            peers: newPeerSet(),
            newPeerCh: make(chan *peer),
            noMorePeers: make(chan struct{}),
            txsyncCh: make(chan *txsync),
            quitSync: make(chan struct{}),
        // Figure out whether to allow fast sync or not
        if mode == downloader.FastSync && blockchain.CurrentBlock().NumberU64() > 0 {
            log.Warn("Blockchain not empty, fast sync disabled")
            mode = downloader.FullSync
        if mode == downloader.FastSync {
            manager.fastSync = uint32(1)
        // Initiate a sub-protocol for every implemented version we can handle
        manager.SubProtocols = make([]p2p.Protocol, 0, len(ProtocolVersions))
        for i, version := range ProtocolVersions {
            // Skip protocol version if incompatible with the mode of operation
            if mode == downloader.FastSync && version < eth63 {
            // Compatible; initialise the sub-protocol
            version := version // Closure for the run
            manager.SubProtocols = append(manager.SubProtocols, p2p.Protocol{
                Name: ProtocolName,
                Version: version,
                Length: ProtocolLengths[i],
                // 還記得p2p裡面的Protocol麼。 p2p的peer連線成功之後會呼叫Run方法
                Run: func(p *p2p.Peer, rw p2p.MsgReadWriter) error {
                    peer := manager.newPeer(int(version), p, rw)
                    select {
                    case manager.newPeerCh <- peer:
                        defer manager.wg.Done()
                        return manager.handle(peer)
                    case <-manager.quitSync:
                        return p2p.DiscQuitting
                NodeInfo: func() interface{} {
                    return manager.NodeInfo()
                PeerInfo: func(id discover.NodeID) interface{} {
                    if p := manager.peers.Peer(fmt.Sprintf("%x", id[:8])); p != nil {
                        return p.Info()
                    return nil
        if len(manager.SubProtocols) == 0 {
            return nil, errIncompatibleConfig
        // Construct the different synchronisation mechanisms
        // downloader是負責從其他的peer來同步自身資料。
        // downloader是全鏈同步工具
        manager.downloader = downloader.New(mode, chaindb, manager.eventMux, blockchain, nil, manager.removePeer)
        // validator 是使用一致性引擎來驗證區塊頭的函式
        validator := func(header *types.Header) error {
            return engine.VerifyHeader(blockchain, header, true)
        // 返回區塊高度的函式
        heighter := func() uint64 {
            return blockchain.CurrentBlock().NumberU64()
        // 如果fast sync開啟了。 那麼不會呼叫inserter。
        inserter := func(blocks types.Blocks) (int, error) {
            // If fast sync is running, deny importing weird blocks
            if atomic.LoadUint32(&manager.fastSync) == 1 {
                log.Warn("Discarded bad propagated block", "number", blocks[0].Number(), "hash", blocks[0].Hash())
                return 0, nil
            // 設定開始接收交易
            atomic.StoreUint32(&manager.acceptTxs, 1) // Mark initial sync done on any fetcher import
            // 插入區塊
            return manager.blockchain.InsertChain(blocks)
        // 生成一個fetcher
        // Fetcher負責積累來自各個peer的區塊通知並安排進行檢索。
        manager.fetcher = fetcher.New(blockchain.GetBlockByHash, validator, manager.BroadcastBlock, heighter, inserter, manager.removePeer)
        return manager, nil


    // APIs returns the collection of RPC services the ethereum package offers.
    // NOTE, some of these services probably need to be moved to somewhere else.
    func (s *Ethereum) APIs() []rpc.API {
        apis := ethapi.GetAPIs(s.ApiBackend)
        // Append any APIs exposed explicitly by the consensus engine
        apis = append(apis, s.engine.APIs(s.BlockChain())...)
        // Append all the local APIs and return
        return append(apis, []rpc.API{
                Namespace: "eth",
                Version: "1.0",
                Service: NewPublicEthereumAPI(s),
                Public: true,
            , {
                Namespace: "net",
                Version: "1.0",
                Service: s.netRPCService,
                Public: true,

服務的Protocols方法會返回服務提供了那些p2p的Protocol。 返回協議管理器裡面的所有SubProtocols. 如果有lesServer那麼還提供lesServer的Protocol。可以看到。所有的網路功能都是通過Protocol的方式提供出來的。

    // Protocols implements node.Service, returning all the currently configured
    // network protocols to start.
    func (s *Ethereum) Protocols() []p2p.Protocol {
        if s.lesServer == nil {
            return s.protocolManager.SubProtocols
        return append(s.protocolManager.SubProtocols, s.lesServer.Protocols()...)

    // Start implements node.Service, starting all internal goroutines needed by the
    // Ethereum protocol implementation.
    func (s *Ethereum) Start(srvr *p2p.Server) error {
        // Start the bloom bits servicing goroutines
        // 啟動布隆過濾器請求處理的goroutine TODO
        // Start the RPC service
        // 建立網路的API net
        s.netRPCService = ethapi.NewPublicNetAPI(srvr, s.NetVersion())
        // Figure out a max peers count based on the server limits
        maxPeers := srvr.MaxPeers
        if s.config.LightServ > 0 {
            maxPeers -= s.config.LightPeers
            if maxPeers < srvr.MaxPeers/2 {
                maxPeers = srvr.MaxPeers / 2
        // Start the networking layer and the light server if requested
        // 啟動協議管理器
        if s.lesServer != nil {
            // 如果lesServer不為nil 啟動它。
        return nil


    type ProtocolManager struct {
        networkId uint64
        fastSync uint32 // Flag whether fast sync is enabled (gets disabled if we already have blocks)
        acceptTxs uint32 // Flag whether we're considered synchronised (enables transaction processing)
        txpool txPool
        blockchain *core.BlockChain
        chaindb ethdb.Database
        chainconfig *params.ChainConfig
        maxPeers int
        downloader *downloader.Downloader
        fetcher *fetcher.Fetcher
        peers *peerSet
        SubProtocols []p2p.Protocol
        eventMux *event.TypeMux
        txCh chan core.TxPreEvent
        txSub event.Subscription
        minedBlockSub *event.TypeMuxSubscription
        // channels for fetcher, syncer, txsyncLoop
        newPeerCh chan *peer
        txsyncCh chan *txsync
        quitSync chan struct{}
        noMorePeers chan struct{}
        // wait group is used for graceful shutdowns during downloading
        // and processing
        wg sync.WaitGroup

    func (pm *ProtocolManager) Start(maxPeers int) {
        pm.maxPeers = maxPeers
        // broadcast transactions
        // 廣播交易的通道。 txCh會作為txpool的TxPreEvent訂閱通道。txpool有了這種訊息會通知給這個txCh。 廣播交易的goroutine會把這個訊息廣播出去。
        pm.txCh = make(chan core.TxPreEvent, txChanSize)
        // 訂閱的回執
        pm.txSub = pm.txpool.SubscribeTxPreEvent(pm.txCh)
        // 啟動廣播的goroutine
        go pm.txBroadcastLoop()
        // broadcast mined blocks
        // 訂閱挖礦訊息。當新的Block被挖出來的時候會產生訊息。 這個訂閱和上面的那個訂閱採用了兩種不同的模式,這種是標記為Deprecated的訂閱方式。
        pm.minedBlockSub = pm.eventMux.Subscribe(core.NewMinedBlockEvent{})
        // 挖礦廣播 goroutine 當挖出來的時候需要儘快的廣播到網路上面去。
        go pm.minedBroadcastLoop()
        // start sync handlers
        // 同步器負責週期性地與網路同步,下載雜湊和塊以及處理通知處理程式。
        go pm.syncer()
        // txsyncLoop負責每個新連線的初始事務同步。 當新的peer出現時,我們轉發所有當前待處理的事務。 為了最小化出口頻寬使用,我們一次只傳送一個小包。
        go pm.txsyncLoop()

當p2p的server啟動的時候,會主動的找節點去連線,或者被其他的節點連線。 連線的過程是首先進行加密通道的握手,然後進行協議的握手。 最後為每個協議啟動goroutine 執行Run方法來把控制交給最終的協議。 這個run方法首先建立了一個peer物件,然後呼叫了handle方法來處理這個peer
    Run: func(p *p2p.Peer, rw p2p.MsgReadWriter) error {
                        peer := manager.newPeer(int(version), p, rw)
                        select {
                        case manager.newPeerCh <- peer: //把peer傳送到newPeerCh通道
                            defer manager.wg.Done()
                            return manager.handle(peer) // 呼叫handlo方法
                        case <-manager.quitSync:
                            return p2p.DiscQuitting


    // handle is the callback invoked to manage the life cycle of an eth peer. When
    // this function terminates, the peer is disconnected.
    // handle是一個回撥方法,用來管理eth的peer的生命週期管理。 當這個方法退出的時候,peer的連線也會斷開。
    func (pm *ProtocolManager) handle(p *peer) error {
        if pm.peers.Len() >= pm.maxPeers {
            return p2p.DiscTooManyPeers
        p.Log().Debug("Ethereum peer connected", "name", p.Name())
        // Execute the Ethereum handshake
        td, head, genesis := pm.blockchain.Status()
        // td是total difficult, head是當前的區塊頭,genesis是創世區塊的資訊。 只有創世區塊相同才能握手成功。
        if err := p.Handshake(pm.networkId, td, head, genesis); err != nil {
            p.Log().Debug("Ethereum handshake failed", "err", err)
            return err
        if rw, ok := p.rw.(*meteredMsgReadWriter); ok {
        // Register the peer locally
        // 把peer註冊到本地
        if err := pm.peers.Register(p); err != nil {
            p.Log().Error("Ethereum peer registration failed", "err", err)
            return err
        defer pm.removePeer(p.id)
        // Register the peer in the downloader. If the downloader considers it banned, we disconnect
        // 把peer註冊給downloader. 如果downloader認為這個peer被禁,那麼斷開連線。
        if err := pm.downloader.RegisterPeer(p.id, p.version, p); err != nil {
            return err
        // Propagate existing transactions. new transactions appearing
        // after this will be sent via broadcasts.
        // 把當前pending的交易傳送給對方,這個只在連線剛建立的時候發生
        // If we're DAO hard-fork aware, validate any remote peer with regard to the hard-fork
        // 驗證peer的DAO硬分叉
        if daoBlock := pm.chainconfig.DAOForkBlock; daoBlock != nil {
            // Request the peer's DAO fork header for extra-data validation
            if err := p.RequestHeadersByNumber(daoBlock.Uint64(), 1, 0, false); err != nil {
                return err
            // Start a timer to disconnect if the peer doesn't reply in time
            // 如果15秒內沒有接收到迴應。那麼斷開連線。
            p.forkDrop = time.AfterFunc(daoChallengeTimeout, func() {
                p.Log().Debug("Timed out DAO fork-check, dropping")
            // Make sure it's cleaned up if the peer dies off
            defer func() {
                if p.forkDrop != nil {
                    p.forkDrop = nil
        // main loop. handle incoming messages.
        // 主迴圈。 處理進入的訊息。
        for {
            if err := pm.handleMsg(p); err != nil {
                p.Log().Debug("Ethereum message handling failed", "err", err)
                return err

    // Handshake executes the eth protocol handshake, negotiating version number,
    // network IDs, difficulties, head and genesis blocks.
    func (p *peer) Handshake(network uint64, td *big.Int, head common.Hash, genesis common.Hash) error {
        // Send out own handshake in a new thread
        // error的channel的大小是2, 就是為了一次性處理下面的兩個goroutine方法
        errc := make(chan error, 2)
        var status statusData // safe to read after two values have been received from errc
        go func() {
            errc <- p2p.Send(p.rw, StatusMsg, &statusData{
                ProtocolVersion: uint32(p.version),
                NetworkId: network,
                TD: td,
                CurrentBlock: head,
                GenesisBlock: genesis,
        go func() {
            errc <- p.readStatus(network, &status, genesis)
        timeout := time.NewTimer(handshakeTimeout)
        defer timeout.Stop()
        // 如果接收到任何一個錯誤(傳送,接收),或者是超時, 那麼就斷開連線。
        for i := 0; i < 2; i++ {
            select {
            case err := <-errc:
                if err != nil {
                    return err
            case <-timeout.C:
                return p2p.DiscReadTimeout
        p.td, p.head = status.TD, status.CurrentBlock
        return nil


    func (p *peer) readStatus(network uint64, status *statusData, genesis common.Hash) (err error) {
        msg, err := p.rw.ReadMsg()
        if err != nil {
            return err
        if msg.Code != StatusMsg {
            return errResp(ErrNoStatusMsg, "first msg has code %x (!= %x)", msg.Code, StatusMsg)
        if msg.Size > ProtocolMaxMsgSize {
            return errResp(ErrMsgTooLarge, "%v > %v", msg.Size, ProtocolMaxMsgSize)
        // Decode the handshake and make sure everything matches
        if err := msg.Decode(&status); err != nil {
            return errResp(ErrDecode, "msg %v: %v", msg, err)
        if status.GenesisBlock != genesis {
            return errResp(ErrGenesisBlockMismatch, "%x (!= %x)", status.GenesisBlock[:8], genesis[:8])
        if status.NetworkId != network {
            return errResp(ErrNetworkIdMismatch, "%d (!= %d)", status.NetworkId, network)
        if int(status.ProtocolVersion) != p.version {
            return errResp(ErrProtocolVersionMismatch, "%d (!= %d)", status.ProtocolVersion, p.version)
        return nil

Register 簡單的把peer加入到自己的peers的map

    // Register injects a new peer into the working set, or returns an error if the
    // peer is already known.
    func (ps *peerSet) Register(p *peer) error {
        defer ps.lock.Unlock()
        if ps.closed {
            return errClosed
        if _, ok := ps.peers[p.id]; ok {
            return errAlreadyRegistered
        ps.peers[p.id] = p
        return nil

經過一系列的檢查和握手之後, 迴圈的呼叫了handleMsg方法來處理事件迴圈。 這個方法很長,主要是處理接收到各種訊息之後的應對措施。
    // handleMsg is invoked whenever an inbound message is received from a remote
    // peer. The remote connection is turn down upon returning any error.
    func (pm *ProtocolManager) handleMsg(p *peer) error {
        // Read the next message from the remote peer, and ensure it's fully consumed
        msg, err := p.rw.ReadMsg()
        if err != nil {
            return err
        if msg.Size > ProtocolMaxMsgSize {
            return errResp(ErrMsgTooLarge, "%v > %v", msg.Size, ProtocolMaxMsgSize)
        defer msg.Discard()
        // Handle the message depending on its contents
        switch {
        case msg.Code == StatusMsg:
            // Status messages should never arrive after the handshake
            // StatusMsg應該在HandleShake階段接收到。 經過了HandleShake之後是不應該接收到這種訊息的。
            return errResp(ErrExtraStatusMsg, "uncontrolled status message")
        // Block header query, collect the requested headers and reply
        // 接收到請求區塊頭的訊息, 會根據請求返回區塊頭資訊。
        case msg.Code == GetBlockHeadersMsg:
            // Decode the complex header query
            var query getBlockHeadersData
            if err := msg.Decode(&query); err != nil {
                return errResp(ErrDecode, "%v: %v", msg, err)
            hashMode := query.Origin.Hash != (common.Hash{})
            // Gather headers until the fetch or network limits is reached
            var (
                bytes common.StorageSize
                headers []*types.Header
                unknown bool
            for !unknown && len(headers) < int(query.Amount) && bytes < softResponseLimit && len(headers) < downloader.MaxHeaderFetch {
                // Retrieve the next header satisfying the query
                var origin *types.Header
                if hashMode {
                    origin = pm.blockchain.GetHeaderByHash(query.Origin.Hash)
                } else {
                    origin = pm.blockchain.GetHeaderByNumber(query.Origin.Number)
                if origin == nil {
                number := origin.Number.Uint64()
                headers = append(headers, origin)
                bytes += estHeaderRlpSize
                // Advance to the next header of the query
                switch {
                case query.Origin.Hash != (common.Hash{}) && query.Reverse:
                    // Hash based traversal towards the genesis block
                    // 從Hash指定的開始朝創世區塊移動。 也就是反向移動。 通過hash查詢
                    for i := 0; i < int(query.Skip)+1; i++ {
                        if header := pm.blockchain.GetHeader(query.Origin.Hash, number); header != nil {// 通過hash和number獲取前一個區塊頭
                            query.Origin.Hash = header.ParentHash
                        } else {
                            unknown = true
                            break //break是跳出switch。 unknow用來跳出迴圈。
                case query.Origin.Hash != (common.Hash{}) && !query.Reverse:
                    // Hash based traversal towards the leaf block
                    // 通過hash來查詢
                    var (
                        current = origin.Number.Uint64()
                        next = current + query.Skip + 1
                    if next <= current { //正向, 但是next比當前還小,防備整數溢位攻擊。
                        infos, _ := json.MarshalIndent(p.Peer.Info(), "", " ")
                        p.Log().Warn("GetBlockHeaders skip overflow attack", "current", current, "skip", query.Skip, "next", next, "attacker", infos)
                        unknown = true
                    } else {
                        if header := pm.blockchain.GetHeaderByNumber(next); header != nil {
                            if pm.blockchain.GetBlockHashesFromHash(header.Hash(), query.Skip+1)[query.Skip] == query.Origin.Hash {
                                // 如果可以找到這個header,而且這個header和origin在同一個鏈上。
                                query.Origin.Hash = header.Hash()
                            } else {
                                unknown = true
                        } else {
                            unknown = true
                case query.Reverse:     // 通過number查詢
                    // Number based traversal towards the genesis block
                    // query.Origin.Hash == (common.Hash{})
                    if query.Origin.Number >= query.Skip+1 {
                        query.Origin.Number -= (query.Skip + 1)
                    } else {
                        unknown = true
                case !query.Reverse:     //通過number查詢
                    // Number based traversal towards the leaf block
                    query.Origin.Number += (query.Skip + 1)
            return p.SendBlockHeaders(headers)
        case msg.Code == BlockHeadersMsg: //接收到了GetBlockHeadersMsg的回答。
            // A batch of headers arrived to one of our previous requests
            var headers []*types.Header
            if err := msg.Decode(&headers); err != nil {
                return errResp(ErrDecode, "msg %v: %v", msg, err)
            // If no headers were received, but we're expending a DAO fork check, maybe it's that
            // 如果對端沒有返回任何的headers,而且forkDrop不為空,那麼應該是我們的DAO檢查的請求,我們之前在HandShake傳送了DAO header的請求。
            if len(headers) == 0 && p.forkDrop != nil {
                // Possibly an empty reply to the fork header checks, sanity check TDs
                verifyDAO := true
                // If we already have a DAO header, we can check the peer's TD against it. If
                // the peer's ahead of this, it too must have a reply to the DAO check
                if daoHeader := pm.blockchain.GetHeaderByNumber(pm.chainconfig.DAOForkBlock.Uint64()); daoHeader != nil {
                    if _, td := p.Head(); td.Cmp(pm.blockchain.GetTd(daoHeader.Hash(), daoHeader.Number.Uint64())) >= 0 {
                        //這個時候檢查對端的total difficult 是否已經超過了DAO分叉區塊的td值, 如果超過了,說明對端應該存在這個區塊頭, 但是返回的空白的,那麼這裡驗證失敗。 這裡什麼都沒有做。 如果對端還不傳送,那麼會被超時退出。
                        verifyDAO = false
                // If we're seemingly on the same chain, disable the drop timer
                if verifyDAO { // 如果驗證成功,那麼刪除掉計時器,然後返回。
                    p.Log().Debug("Seems to be on the same side of the DAO fork")
                    p.forkDrop = nil
                    return nil
            // Filter out any explicitly requested headers, deliver the rest to the downloader
            // 過濾出任何非常明確的請求, 然後把剩下的投遞給downloader
            // 如果長度是1 那麼filter為true
            filter := len(headers) == 1
            if filter {
                // If it's a potential DAO fork check, validate against the rules
                if p.forkDrop != nil && pm.chainconfig.DAOForkBlock.Cmp(headers[0].Number) == 0 { //DAO檢查
                    // Disable the fork drop timer
                    p.forkDrop = nil
                    // Validate the header and either drop the peer or continue
                    if err := misc.VerifyDAOHeaderExtraData(pm.chainconfig, headers[0]); err != nil {
                        p.Log().Debug("Verified to be on the other side of the DAO fork, dropping")
                        return err
                    p.Log().Debug("Verified to be on the same side of the DAO fork")
                    return nil
                // Irrelevant of the fork checks, send the header to the fetcher just in case
                // 如果不是DAO的請求,交給過濾器進行過濾。過濾器會返回需要繼續處理的headers,這些headers會被交給downloader進行分發。
                headers = pm.fetcher.FilterHeaders(p.id, headers, time.Now())
            if len(headers) > 0 || !filter {
                err := pm.downloader.DeliverHeaders(p.id, headers)
                if err != nil {
                    log.Debug("Failed to deliver headers", "err", err)
        case msg.Code == GetBlockBodiesMsg:
            // Block Body的請求 這個比較簡單。 從blockchain裡面獲取body返回就行。
            // Decode the retrieval message
            msgStream := rlp.NewStream(msg.Payload, uint64(msg.Size))
            if _, err := msgStream.List(); err != nil {
                return err
            // Gather blocks until the fetch or network limits is reached
            var (
                hash common.Hash
                bytes int
                bodies []rlp.RawValue
            for bytes < softResponseLimit && len(bodies) < downloader.MaxBlockFetch {
                // Retrieve the hash of the next block
                if err := msgStream.Decode(&hash); err == rlp.EOL {
                } else if err != nil {
                    return errResp(ErrDecode, "msg %v: %v", msg, err)
                // Retrieve the requested block body, stopping if enough was found
                if data := pm.blockchain.GetBodyRLP(hash); len(data) != 0 {
                    bodies = append(bodies, data)
                    bytes += len(data)
            return p.SendBlockBodiesRLP(bodies)
        case msg.Code == BlockBodiesMsg:
            // A batch of block bodies arrived to one of our previous requests
            var request blockBodiesData
            if err := msg.Decode(&request); err != nil {
                return errResp(ErrDecode, "msg %v: %v", msg, err)
            // Deliver them all to the downloader for queuing
            trasactions := make([][]*types.Transaction, len(request))
            uncles := make([][]*types.Header, len(request))
            for i, body := range request {
                trasactions[i] = body.Transactions
                uncles[i] = body.Uncles
            // Filter out any explicitly requested bodies, deliver the rest to the downloader
            // 過濾掉任何顯示的請求, 剩下的交給downloader
            filter := len(trasactions) > 0 || len(uncles) > 0
            if filter {
                trasactions, uncles = pm.fetcher.FilterBodies(p.id, trasactions, uncles, time.Now())
            if len(trasactions) > 0 || len(uncles) > 0 || !filter {
                err := pm.downloader.DeliverBodies(p.id, trasactions, uncles)
                if err != nil {
                    log.Debug("Failed to deliver bodies", "err", err)
        case p.version >= eth63 && msg.Code == GetNodeDataMsg:
            // 對端的版本是eth63 而且是請求NodeData
            // Decode the retrieval message
            msgStream := rlp.NewStream(msg.Payload, uint64(msg.Size))
            if _, err := msgStream.List(); err != nil {
                return err
            // Gather state data until the fetch or network limits is reached
            var (
                hash common.Hash
                bytes int
                data [][]byte
            for bytes < softResponseLimit && len(data) < downloader.MaxStateFetch {
                // Retrieve the hash of the next state entry
                if err := msgStream.Decode(&hash); err == rlp.EOL {
                } else if err != nil {
                    return errResp(ErrDecode, "msg %v: %v", msg, err)
                // Retrieve the requested state entry, stopping if enough was found
                // 請求的任何hash值都會返回給對方。
                if entry, err := pm.chaindb.Get(hash.Bytes()); err == nil {
                    data = append(data, entry)
                    bytes += len(entry)
            return p.SendNodeData(data)
        case p.version >= eth63 && msg.Code == NodeDataMsg:
            // A batch of node state data arrived to one of our previous requests
            var data [][]byte
            if err := msg.Decode(&data); err != nil {
                return errResp(ErrDecode, "msg %v: %v", msg, err)
            // Deliver all to the downloader
            // 資料交給downloader
            if err := pm.downloader.DeliverNodeData(p.id, data); err != nil {
                log.Debug("Failed to deliver node state data", "err", err)
        case p.version >= eth63 && msg.Code == GetReceiptsMsg:
            // 請求收據
            // Decode the retrieval message
            msgStream := rlp.NewStream(msg.Payload, uint64(msg.Size))
            if _, err := msgStream.List(); err != nil {
                return err
            // Gather state data until the fetch or network limits is reached
            var (
                hash common.Hash
                bytes int
                receipts []rlp.RawValue
            for bytes < softResponseLimit && len(receipts) < downloader.MaxReceiptFetch {
                // Retrieve the hash of the next block
                if err := msgStream.Decode(&hash); err == rlp.EOL {
                } else if err != nil {
                    return errResp(ErrDecode, "msg %v: %v", msg, err)
                // Retrieve the requested block's receipts, skipping if unknown to us
                results := core.GetBlockReceipts(pm.chaindb, hash, core.GetBlockNumber(pm.chaindb, hash))
                if results == nil {
                    if header := pm.blockchain.GetHeaderByHash(hash); header == nil || header.ReceiptHash != types.EmptyRootHash {
                // If known, encode and queue for response packet
                if encoded, err := rlp.EncodeToBytes(results); err != nil {
                    log.Error("Failed to encode receipt", "err", err)
                } else {
                    receipts = append(receipts, encoded)
                    bytes += len(encoded)
            return p.SendReceiptsRLP(receipts)
        case p.version >= eth63 && msg.Code == ReceiptsMsg:
            // A batch of receipts arrived to one of our previous requests
            var receipts [][]*types.Receipt
            if err := msg.Decode(&receipts); err != nil {
                return errResp(ErrDecode, "msg %v: %v", msg, err)
            // Deliver all to the downloader
            if err := pm.downloader.DeliverReceipts(p.id, receipts); err != nil {
                log.Debug("Failed to deliver receipts", "err", err)
        case msg.Code == NewBlockHashesMsg:
            // 接收到BlockHashesMsg訊息
            var announces newBlockHashesData
            if err := msg.Decode(&announces); err != nil {
                return errResp(ErrDecode, "%v: %v", msg, err)
            // Mark the hashes as present at the remote node
            for _, block := range announces {
            // Schedule all the unknown hashes for retrieval
            unknown := make(newBlockHashesData, 0, len(announces))
            for _, block := range announces {
                if !pm.blockchain.HasBlock(block.Hash, block.Number) {
                    unknown = append(unknown, block)
            for _, block := range unknown {
                // 通知fetcher有一個潛在的block需要下載
                pm.fetcher.Notify(p.id, block.Hash, block.Number, time.Now(), p.RequestOneHeader, p.RequestBodies)
        case msg.Code == NewBlockMsg:
            // Retrieve and decode the propagated block
            var request newBlockData
            if err := msg.Decode(&request); err != nil {
                return errResp(ErrDecode, "%v: %v", msg, err)
            request.Block.ReceivedAt = msg.ReceivedAt
            request.Block.ReceivedFrom = p
            // Mark the peer as owning the block and schedule it for import
            pm.fetcher.Enqueue(p.id, request.Block)
            // Assuming the block is importable by the peer, but possibly not yet done so,
            // calculate the head hash and TD that the peer truly must have.
            var (
                trueHead = request.Block.ParentHash()
                trueTD = new(big.Int).Sub(request.TD, request.Block.Difficulty())
            // Update the peers total difficulty if better than the previous
            if _, td := p.Head(); trueTD.Cmp(td) > 0 {
                // 如果peer的真實的TD和head和我們這邊記載的不同, 設定peer真實的head和td,
                p.SetHead(trueHead, trueTD)
                // Schedule a sync if above ours. Note, this will not fire a sync for a gap of
                // a singe block (as the true TD is below the propagated block), however this
                // scenario should easily be covered by the fetcher.
                // 如果真實的TD比我們的TD大,那麼請求和這個peer同步。
                currentBlock := pm.blockchain.CurrentBlock()
                if trueTD.Cmp(pm.blockchain.GetTd(currentBlock.Hash(), currentBlock.NumberU64())) > 0 {
                    go pm.synchronise(p)
        case msg.Code == TxMsg:
            // Transactions arrived, make sure we have a valid and fresh chain to handle them
            // 交易資訊返回。 在我們沒用同步完成之前不會接收交易資訊。
            if atomic.LoadUint32(&pm.acceptTxs) == 0 {
            // Transactions can be processed, parse all of them and deliver to the pool
            var txs []*types.Transaction
            if err := msg.Decode(&txs); err != nil {
                return errResp(ErrDecode, "msg %v: %v", msg, err)
            for i, tx := range txs {
                // Validate and mark the remote transaction
                if tx == nil {
                    return errResp(ErrDecode, "transaction %d is nil", i)
            // 新增到txpool
            return errResp(ErrInvalidMsgCode, "%v", msg.Code)
        return nil

幾種同步synchronise, 之前發現對方的節點比自己節點要更新的時候會呼叫這個方法synchronise,

    // synchronise tries to sync up our local block chain with a remote peer.
    // synchronise 嘗試 讓本地區塊鏈跟遠端同步。
    func (pm *ProtocolManager) synchronise(peer *peer) {
        // Short circuit if no peers are available
        if peer == nil {
        // Make sure the peer's TD is higher than our own
        currentBlock := pm.blockchain.CurrentBlock()
        td := pm.blockchain.GetTd(currentBlock.Hash(), currentBlock.NumberU64())
        pHead, pTd := peer.Head()
        if pTd.Cmp(td) <= 0 {
        // Otherwise try to sync with the downloader
        mode := downloader.FullSync
        if atomic.LoadUint32(&pm.fastSync) == 1 { //如果顯式申明是fast
            // Fast sync was explicitly requested, and explicitly granted
            mode = downloader.FastSync
        } else if currentBlock.NumberU64() == 0 && pm.blockchain.CurrentFastBlock().NumberU64() > 0 { //如果資料庫是空白的
            // The database seems empty as the current block is the genesis. Yet the fast
            // block is ahead, so fast sync was enabled for this node at a certain point.
            // The only scenario where this can happen is if the user manually (or via a
            // bad block) rolled back a fast sync node below the sync point. In this case
            // however it's safe to reenable fast sync.
            atomic.StoreUint32(&pm.fastSync, 1)
            mode = downloader.FastSync
        // Run the sync cycle, and disable fast sync if we've went past the pivot block
        err := pm.downloader.Synchronise(peer.id, pHead, pTd, mode)
        if atomic.LoadUint32(&pm.fastSync) == 1 {
            // Disable fast sync if we indeed have something in our chain
            if pm.blockchain.CurrentBlock().NumberU64() > 0 {
                log.Info("Fast sync complete, auto disabling")
                atomic.StoreUint32(&pm.fastSync, 0)
        if err != nil {
        atomic.StoreUint32(&pm.acceptTxs, 1) // Mark initial sync done
        // 同步完成 開始接收交易。
        if head := pm.blockchain.CurrentBlock(); head.NumberU64() > 0 {
            // We've completed a sync cycle, notify all peers of new state. This path is
            // essential in star-topology networks where a gateway node needs to notify
            // all its out-of-date peers of the availability of a new block. This failure
            // scenario will most often crop up in private and hackathon networks with
            // degenerate connectivity, but it should be healthy for the mainnet too to
            // more reliably update peers or the local TD state.
            // 我們告訴所有的peer我們的狀態。
            go pm.BroadcastBlock(head, false)

交易廣播。txBroadcastLoop 在start的時候啟動的goroutine。 txCh在txpool接收到一條合法的交易的時候會往這個上面寫入事件。 然後把交易廣播給所有的peers

    func (self *ProtocolManager) txBroadcastLoop() {
        for {
            select {
            case event := <-self.txCh:
                self.BroadcastTx(event.Tx.Hash(), event.Tx)
            // Err() channel will be closed when unsubscribing.
            case <-self.txSub.Err():


    // Mined broadcast loop
    func (self *ProtocolManager) minedBroadcastLoop() {
        // automatically stops if unsubscribe
        for obj := range self.minedBlockSub.Chan() {
            switch ev := obj.Data.(type) {
            case core.NewMinedBlockEvent:
                self.BroadcastBlock(ev.Block, true) // First propagate block to peers
                self.BroadcastBlock(ev.Block, false) // Only then announce to the rest


    // syncer is responsible for periodically synchronising with the network, both
    // downloading hashes and blocks as well as handling the announcement handler.
    func (pm *ProtocolManager) syncer() {
        // Start and ensure cleanup of sync mechanisms
        defer pm.fetcher.Stop()
        defer pm.downloader.Terminate()
        // Wait for different events to fire synchronisation operations
        forceSync := time.NewTicker(forceSyncCycle)
        defer forceSync.Stop()
        for {
            select {
            case <-pm.newPeerCh: //當有新的Peer增加的時候 會同步。 這個時候還可能觸發區塊廣播。
                // Make sure we have peers to select from, then sync
                if pm.peers.Len() < minDesiredPeerCount {
                go pm.synchronise(pm.peers.BestPeer())
            case <-forceSync.C:
                // 定時觸發 10秒一次
                // Force a sync even if not enough peers are present
                // BestPeer() 選擇總難度最大的節點。
                go pm.synchronise(pm.peers.BestPeer())
            case <-pm.noMorePeers: // 退出訊號


    // txsyncLoop takes care of the initial transaction sync for each new
    // connection. When a new peer appears, we relay all currently pending
    // transactions. In order to minimise egress bandwidth usage, we send
    // the transactions in small packs to one peer at a time.

    txsyncLoop負責每個新連線的初始事務同步。 當新的對等體出現時,我們轉發所有當前待處理的事務。 為了最小化出口頻寬使用,我們一次將一個小包中的事務傳送給一個對等體。
    func (pm *ProtocolManager) txsyncLoop() {
        var (
            pending = make(map[discover.NodeID]*txsync)
            sending = false // whether a send is active
            pack = new(txsync) // the pack that is being sent
            done = make(chan error, 1) // result of the send
        // send starts a sending a pack of transactions from the sync.
        send := func(s *txsync) {
            // Fill pack with transactions up to the target size.
            size := common.StorageSize(0)
            pack.p = s.p
            pack.txs = pack.txs[:0]
            for i := 0; i < len(s.txs) && size < txsyncPackSize; i++ {
                pack.txs = append(pack.txs, s.txs[i])
                size += s.txs[i].Size()
            // Remove the transactions that will be sent.
            s.txs = s.txs[:copy(s.txs, s.txs[len(pack.txs):])]
            if len(s.txs) == 0 {
                delete(pending, s.p.ID())
            // Send the pack in the background.
            s.p.Log().Trace("Sending batch of transactions", "count", len(pack.txs), "bytes", size)
            sending = true
            go func() { done <- pack.p.SendTransactions(pack.txs) }()
        // pick chooses the next pending sync.
        // 隨機挑選一個txsync來傳送。
        pick := func() *txsync {
            if len(pending) == 0 {
                return nil
            n := rand.Intn(len(pending)) + 1
            for _, s := range pending {
                if n--; n == 0 {
                    return s
            return nil
        for {
            select {
            case s := <-pm.txsyncCh: //從這裡接收txsyncCh訊息。
                pending[s.p.ID()] = s
                if !sending {
            case err := <-done:
                sending = false
                // Stop tracking peers that cause send failures.
                if err != nil {
                    pack.p.Log().Debug("Transaction send failed", "err", err)
                    delete(pending, pack.p.ID())
                // Schedule the next send.
                if s := pick(); s != nil {
            case <-pm.quitSync:

txsyncCh佇列的生產者,syncTransactions是在handle方法裡面呼叫的。 在新連結剛剛建立的時候會被呼叫一次。

    // syncTransactions starts sending all currently pending transactions to the given peer.
    func (pm *ProtocolManager) syncTransactions(p *peer) {
        var txs types.Transactions
        pending, _ := pm.txpool.Pending()
        for _, batch := range pending {
            txs = append(txs, batch...)
        if len(txs) == 0 {
        select {
        case pm.txsyncCh <- &txsync{p, txs}:
        case <-pm.quitSync:

總結一下。 我們現在的一些大的流程。


1. 如果是自己挖的礦。通過goroutine minedBroadcastLoop()來進行廣播。
2. 如果是接收到其他人的區塊廣播,(NewBlockHashesMsg/NewBlockMsg),是否fetcher會通知的peer? TODO
3. goroutine syncer()中會定時的同BestPeer()來同步資訊。


1. 新建立連線。 把pending的交易傳送給他。

2. 本地傳送了一個交易,或者是接收到別人發來的交易資訊。 txpool會產生一條訊息,訊息被傳遞到txCh通道。 然後被goroutine txBroadcastLoop()處理, 傳送給其他不知道這個交易的peer。



區塊鏈技術交流QQ群:756146052  備註:CSDN

