
queue給downloader提供了排程功能和限流的功能。 通過呼叫Schedule/ScheduleSkeleton來申請對任務進行排程,然後呼叫ReserveXXX方法來領取排程完成的任務,並在downloader裡面的執行緒來執行,呼叫DeliverXXX方法把下載完的資料給queue。 最後通過WaitResults來獲取已經完成的任務。中間還有一些對任務的額外控制,ExpireXXX用來控制任務是否超時, CancelXXX用來取消任務。

## Schedule方法
TaskPool是Map,用來記錄header的hash是否存在。 TaskQueue是優先順序佇列,優先順序是區塊的高度的負數, 這樣區塊高度越小的優先順序越高,就實現了首先排程小的任務的功能。
    // Schedule adds a set of headers for the download queue for scheduling, returning
    // the new headers encountered.
    // from表示headers裡面第一個元素的區塊高度。 返回值返回了所有被接收的header
    func (q *queue) Schedule(headers []*types.Header, from uint64) []*types.Header {
        defer q.lock.Unlock()
        // Insert all the headers prioritised by the contained block number
        inserts := make([]*types.Header, 0, len(headers))
        for _, header := range headers {
            // Make sure chain order is honoured and preserved throughout
            hash := header.Hash()
            if header.Number == nil || header.Number.Uint64() != from {
                log.Warn("Header broke chain ordering", "number", header.Number, "hash", hash, "expected", from)
            //headerHead儲存了最後一個插入的區塊頭, 檢查當前區塊是否正確的連結。
            if q.headerHead != (common.Hash{}) && q.headerHead != header.ParentHash {
                log.Warn("Header broke chain ancestry", "number", header.Number, "hash", hash)
            // Make sure no duplicate requests are executed
            // 檢查重複,這裡直接continue了,那不是from對不上了。
            if _, ok := q.blockTaskPool[hash]; ok {
                log.Warn("Header already scheduled for block fetch", "number", header.Number, "hash", hash)
            if _, ok := q.receiptTaskPool[hash]; ok {
                log.Warn("Header already scheduled for receipt fetch", "number", header.Number, "hash", hash)
            // Queue the header for content retrieval
            q.blockTaskPool[hash] = header
            q.blockTaskQueue.Push(header, -float32(header.Number.Uint64()))
            if q.mode == FastSync && header.Number.Uint64() <= q.fastSyncPivot {
                // Fast phase of the fast sync, retrieve receipts too
                // 如果是快速同步模式,而且區塊高度也小於pivot point. 那麼還要獲取receipt
                q.receiptTaskPool[hash] = header
                q.receiptTaskQueue.Push(header, -float32(header.Number.Uint64()))
            inserts = append(inserts, header)
            q.headerHead = hash
        return inserts

## ReserveXXX
ReserveXXX方法用來從queue裡面領取一些任務來執行。downloader裡面的goroutine會呼叫這個方法來領取一些任務來執行。 這個方法直接呼叫了reserveHeaders方法。 所有的ReserveXXX方法都會呼叫reserveHeaders方法,除了傳入的引數有一些區別。

    // ReserveBodies reserves a set of body fetches for the given peer, skipping any
    // previously failed downloads. Beside the next batch of needed fetches, it also
    // returns a flag whether empty blocks were queued requiring processing.
    func (q *queue) ReserveBodies(p *peerConnection, count int) (*fetchRequest, bool, error) {
        isNoop := func(header *types.Header) bool {
            return header.TxHash == types.EmptyRootHash && header.UncleHash == types.EmptyUncleHash
        defer q.lock.Unlock()
        return q.reserveHeaders(p, count, q.blockTaskPool, q.blockTaskQueue, q.blockPendPool, q.blockDonePool, isNoop)


    // reserveHeaders reserves a set of data download operations for a given peer,
    // skipping any previously failed ones. This method is a generic version used
    // by the individual special reservation functions.
    // reserveHeaders為指定的peer保留一些下載操作,跳過之前的任意錯誤。 這個方法單獨被指定的保留方法呼叫。
    // Note, this method expects the queue lock to be already held for writing. The
    // reason the lock is not obtained in here is because the parameters already need
    // to access the queue, so they already need a lock anyway.
    // 這個方法呼叫的時候,假設已經獲取到鎖,這個方法裡面沒有鎖的原因是引數已經傳入到函式裡面了,所以呼叫的時候就需要獲取鎖。
    func (q *queue) reserveHeaders(p *peerConnection, count int, taskPool map[common.Hash]*types.Header, taskQueue *prque.Prque,
        pendPool map[string]*fetchRequest, donePool map[common.Hash]struct{}, isNoop func(*types.Header) bool) (*fetchRequest, bool, error) {
        // Short circuit if the pool has been depleted, or if the peer's already
        // downloading something (sanity check not to corrupt state)
        if taskQueue.Empty() {
            return nil, false, nil
        // 如果這個peer還有下載任務沒有完成。
        if _, ok := pendPool[p.id]; ok {
            return nil, false, nil
        // Calculate an upper limit on the items we might fetch (i.e. throttling)
        // 計算我們需要獲取的上限。
        space := len(q.resultCache) - len(donePool)
        // 還需要減去正在下載的數量。
        for _, request := range pendPool {
            space -= len(request.Headers)
        // Retrieve a batch of tasks, skipping previously failed ones
        send := make([]*types.Header, 0, count)
        skip := make([]*types.Header, 0)
        progress := false
        for proc := 0; proc < space && len(send) < count && !taskQueue.Empty(); proc++ {
            header := taskQueue.PopItem().(*types.Header)
            // If we're the first to request this task, initialise the result container
            index := int(header.Number.Int64() - int64(q.resultOffset))
            // index 是結果應該儲存在resultCache的哪一部分。
            if index >= len(q.resultCache) || index < 0 {
                common.Report("index allocation went beyond available resultCache space")
                return nil, false, errInvalidChain
            if q.resultCache[index] == nil { // 第一次排程 有可能多次排程。 那這裡可能就是非空的。
                components := 1
                if q.mode == FastSync && header.Number.Uint64() <= q.fastSyncPivot {
                    // 如果是快速同步,那麼需要下載的元件還有 收據receipt
                    components = 2
                q.resultCache[index] = &fetchResult{
                    Pending: components,
                    Header: header,
            // If this fetch task is a noop, skip this fetch operation
            if isNoop(header) {
                // 如果header的區塊中沒有包含交易,那麼不需要獲取區塊頭
                donePool[header.Hash()] = struct{}{}
                delete(taskPool, header.Hash())
                space, proc = space-1, proc-1
                progress = true
            // Otherwise unless the peer is known not to have the data, add to the retrieve list
            // Lacks代表節點之前明確表示過沒有這個hash的資料。
            if p.Lacks(header.Hash()) {
                skip = append(skip, header)
            } else {
                send = append(send, header)
        // Merge all the skipped headers back
        for _, header := range skip {
            taskQueue.Push(header, -float32(header.Number.Uint64()))
        if progress {
            // Wake WaitResults, resultCache was modified
            // 通知WaitResults, resultCache有改變
        // Assemble and return the block download request
        if len(send) == 0 {
            return nil, progress, nil
        request := &fetchRequest{
            Peer: p,
            Headers: send,
            Time: time.Now(),
        pendPool[p.id] = request
        return request, progress, nil

ReserveReceipts 可以看到和ReserveBodys差不多。不過是佇列換了而已。

    // ReserveReceipts reserves a set of receipt fetches for the given peer, skipping
    // any previously failed downloads. Beside the next batch of needed fetches, it
    // also returns a flag whether empty receipts were queued requiring importing.
    func (q *queue) ReserveReceipts(p *peerConnection, count int) (*fetchRequest, bool, error) {
        isNoop := func(header *types.Header) bool {
            return header.ReceiptHash == types.EmptyRootHash
        defer q.lock.Unlock()
        return q.reserveHeaders(p, count, q.receiptTaskPool, q.receiptTaskQueue, q.receiptPendPool, q.receiptDonePool, isNoop)

## DeliverXXX

    // DeliverBodies injects a block body retrieval response into the results queue.
    // The method returns the number of blocks bodies accepted from the delivery and
    // also wakes any threads waiting for data delivery.
    // DeliverBodies把一個 請求區塊體的返回值插入到results佇列
    // 這個方法返回被delivery的區塊體數量,同時會喚醒等待資料的執行緒
    func (q *queue) DeliverBodies(id string, txLists [][]*types.Transaction, uncleLists [][]*types.Header) (int, error) {
        defer q.lock.Unlock()
        reconstruct := func(header *types.Header, index int, result *fetchResult) error {
            if types.DeriveSha(types.Transactions(txLists[index])) != header.TxHash || types.CalcUncleHash(uncleLists[index]) != header.UncleHash {
                return errInvalidBody
            result.Transactions = txLists[index]
            result.Uncles = uncleLists[index]
            return nil
        return q.deliver(id, q.blockTaskPool, q.blockTaskQueue, q.blockPendPool, q.blockDonePool, bodyReqTimer, len(txLists), reconstruct)

    func (q *queue) deliver(id string, taskPool map[common.Hash]*types.Header, taskQueue *prque.Prque,
        pendPool map[string]*fetchRequest, donePool map[common.Hash]struct{}, reqTimer metrics.Timer,
        results int, reconstruct func(header *types.Header, index int, result *fetchResult) error) (int, error) {
        // Short circuit if the data was never requested
        // 檢查 資料是否從來沒有請求過。
        request := pendPool[id]
        if request == nil {
            return 0, errNoFetchesPending
        delete(pendPool, id)
        // If no data items were retrieved, mark them as unavailable for the origin peer
        if results == 0 {
            //如果結果為空。 那麼標識這個peer沒有這些資料。
            for _, header := range request.Headers {
        // Assemble each of the results with their headers and retrieved data parts
        var (
            accepted int
            failure error
            useful bool
        for i, header := range request.Headers {
            // Short circuit assembly if no more fetch results are found
            if i >= results {
            // Reconstruct the next result if contents match up
            index := int(header.Number.Int64() - int64(q.resultOffset))
            if index >= len(q.resultCache) || index < 0 || q.resultCache[index] == nil {
                failure = errInvalidChain
            // 呼叫傳入的函式對資料進行構建
            if err := reconstruct(header, i, q.resultCache[index]); err != nil {
                failure = err
            donePool[header.Hash()] = struct{}{}
            useful = true
            // Clean up a successful fetch
            // 從taskPool刪除。加入donePool
            request.Headers[i] = nil
            delete(taskPool, header.Hash())
        // Return all failed or missing fetches to the queue
        // 所有沒有成功的請求加入taskQueue
        for _, header := range request.Headers {
            if header != nil {
                taskQueue.Push(header, -float32(header.Number.Uint64()))
        // Wake up WaitResults
        // 如果結果有變更,通知WaitResults執行緒啟動。
        if accepted > 0 {
        // If none of the data was good, it's a stale delivery
        switch {
        case failure == nil || failure == errInvalidChain:
            return accepted, failure
        case useful:
            return accepted, fmt.Errorf("partial failure: %v", failure)
            return accepted, errStaleDelivery

## ExpireXXX and CancelXXX
### ExpireXXX

    // ExpireBodies checks for in flight block body requests that exceeded a timeout
    // allowance, canceling them and returning the responsible peers for penalisation.
    func (q *queue) ExpireBodies(timeout time.Duration) map[string]int {
        defer q.lock.Unlock()
        return q.expire(timeout, q.blockPendPool, q.blockTaskQueue, bodyTimeoutMeter)


    // expire is the generic check that move expired tasks from a pending pool back
    // into a task pool, returning all entities caught with expired tasks.
    // expire是通用檢查,將過期任務從待處理池移回任務池,返回所有捕獲已到期任務的實體。

    func (q *queue) expire(timeout time.Duration, pendPool map[string]*fetchRequest, taskQueue *prque.Prque, timeoutMeter metrics.Meter) map[string]int {
        // Iterate over the expired requests and return each to the queue
        expiries := make(map[string]int)
        for id, request := range pendPool {
            if time.Since(request.Time) > timeout {
                // Update the metrics with the timeout
                // Return any non satisfied requests to the pool
                if request.From > 0 {
                    taskQueue.Push(request.From, -float32(request.From))
                for hash, index := range request.Hashes {
                    taskQueue.Push(hash, float32(index))
                for _, header := range request.Headers {
                    taskQueue.Push(header, -float32(header.Number.Uint64()))
                // Add the peer to the expiry report along the the number of failed requests
                expirations := len(request.Hashes)
                if expirations < len(request.Headers) {
                    expirations = len(request.Headers)
                expiries[id] = expirations
        // Remove the expired requests from the pending pool
        for id := range expiries {
            delete(pendPool, id)
        return expiries

### CancelXXX
Cancle函式取消已經分配的任務, 把任務重新加入到任務池。

    // CancelBodies aborts a body fetch request, returning all pending headers to the
    // task queue.
    func (q *queue) CancelBodies(request *fetchRequest) {
        q.cancel(request, q.blockTaskQueue, q.blockPendPool)

    // Cancel aborts a fetch request, returning all pending hashes to the task queue.
    func (q *queue) cancel(request *fetchRequest, taskQueue *prque.Prque, pendPool map[string]*fetchRequest) {
        defer q.lock.Unlock()
        if request.From > 0 {
            taskQueue.Push(request.From, -float32(request.From))
        for hash, index := range request.Hashes {
            taskQueue.Push(hash, float32(index))
        for _, header := range request.Headers {
            taskQueue.Push(header, -float32(header.Number.Uint64()))
        delete(pendPool, request.Peer.id)

## ScheduleSkeleton
Schedule方法傳入的是已經fetch好的header。Schedule(headers []*types.Header, from uint64)。而ScheduleSkeleton函式的引數是一個骨架, 然後請求對骨架進行填充。所謂的骨架是指我首先每隔192個區塊請求一個區塊頭,然後把返回的header傳入ScheduleSkeleton。 在Schedule函式中只需要queue排程區塊體和回執的下載,而在ScheduleSkeleton函式中,還需要排程那些缺失的區塊頭的下載。

    // ScheduleSkeleton adds a batch of header retrieval tasks to the queue to fill
    // up an already retrieved header skeleton.
    func (q *queue) ScheduleSkeleton(from uint64, skeleton []*types.Header) {
        defer q.lock.Unlock()
        // No skeleton retrieval can be in progress, fail hard if so (huge implementation bug)
        if q.headerResults != nil {
            panic("skeleton assembly already in progress")
        // Shedule all the header retrieval tasks for the skeleton assembly
        // 因為這個方法在skeleton為false的時候不會呼叫。 所以一些初始化工作放在這裡執行。
        q.headerTaskPool = make(map[uint64]*types.Header)
        q.headerTaskQueue = prque.New()
        q.headerPeerMiss = make(map[string]map[uint64]struct{}) // Reset availability to correct invalid chains
        q.headerResults = make([]*types.Header, len(skeleton)*MaxHeaderFetch)
        q.headerProced = 0
        q.headerOffset = from
        q.headerContCh = make(chan bool, 1)
        for i, header := range skeleton {
            index := from + uint64(i*MaxHeaderFetch)
            // 每隔MaxHeaderFetch這麼遠有一個header
            q.headerTaskPool[index] = header
            q.headerTaskQueue.Push(index, -float32(index))

### ReserveHeaders
這個方法只skeleton的模式下才會被呼叫。 用來給peer保留fetch 區塊頭的任務。
    // ReserveHeaders reserves a set of headers for the given peer, skipping any
    // previously failed batches.
    func (q *queue) ReserveHeaders(p *peerConnection, count int) *fetchRequest {
        defer q.lock.Unlock()
        // Short circuit if the peer's already downloading something (sanity check to
        // not corrupt state)
        if _, ok := q.headerPendPool[p.id]; ok {
            return nil
        // Retrieve a batch of hashes, skipping previously failed ones
        // 從佇列中獲取一個,跳過之前失敗過的節點。
        send, skip := uint64(0), []uint64{}
        for send == 0 && !q.headerTaskQueue.Empty() {
            from, _ := q.headerTaskQueue.Pop()
            if q.headerPeerMiss[p.id] != nil {
                if _, ok := q.headerPeerMiss[p.id][from.(uint64)]; ok {
                    skip = append(skip, from.(uint64))
            send = from.(uint64)
        // Merge all the skipped batches back
        for _, from := range skip {
            q.headerTaskQueue.Push(from, -float32(from))
        // Assemble and return the block download request
        if send == 0 {
            return nil
        request := &fetchRequest{
            Peer: p,
            From: send,
            Time: time.Now(),
        q.headerPendPool[p.id] = request
        return request

### DeliverHeaders

    // DeliverHeaders injects a header retrieval response into the header results
    // cache. This method either accepts all headers it received, or none of them
    // if they do not map correctly to the skeleton.
    // 這個方法對於所有的區塊頭,要麼全部接收,要麼全部拒絕(如果不能對映到一個skeleton上面)
    // If the headers are accepted, the method makes an attempt to deliver the set
    // of ready headers to the processor to keep the pipeline full. However it will
    // not block to prevent stalling other pending deliveries.
    // 如果區塊頭被接收,這個方法會試圖把他們投遞到headerProcCh管道上面。 不過這個方法不會阻塞式的投遞。而是嘗試投遞,如果不能投遞就返回。
    func (q *queue) DeliverHeaders(id string, headers []*types.Header, headerProcCh chan []*types.Header) (int, error) {
        defer q.lock.Unlock()
        // Short circuit if the data was never requested
        request := q.headerPendPool[id]
        if request == nil {
            return 0, errNoFetchesPending
        delete(q.headerPendPool, id)
        // Ensure headers can be mapped onto the skeleton chain
        target := q.headerTaskPool[request.From].Hash()
        accepted := len(headers) == MaxHeaderFetch
        if accepted { //首先長度需要匹配, 然後檢查區塊號和最後一塊區塊的Hash值是否能夠對應上。
            if headers[0].Number.Uint64() != request.From {
                log.Trace("First header broke chain ordering", "peer", id, "number", headers[0].Number, "hash", headers[0].Hash(), request.From)
                accepted = false
            } else if headers[len(headers)-1].Hash() != target {
                log.Trace("Last header broke skeleton structure ", "peer", id, "number", headers[len(headers)-1].Number, "hash", headers[len(headers)-1].Hash(), "expected", target)
                accepted = false
        if accepted {// 依次檢查每一塊區塊的區塊號, 以及連結是否正確。
            for i, header := range headers[1:] {
                hash := header.Hash()
                if want := request.From + 1 + uint64(i); header.Number.Uint64() != want {
                    log.Warn("Header broke chain ordering", "peer", id, "number", header.Number, "hash", hash, "expected", want)
                    accepted = false
                if headers[i].Hash() != header.ParentHash {
                    log.Warn("Header broke chain ancestry", "peer", id, "number", header.Number, "hash", hash)
                    accepted = false
        // If the batch of headers wasn't accepted, mark as unavailable
        if !accepted { // 如果不被接收,那麼標記這個peer在這個任務上的失敗。下次請求就不會投遞給這個peer
            log.Trace("Skeleton filling not accepted", "peer", id, "from", request.From)
            miss := q.headerPeerMiss[id]
            if miss == nil {
                q.headerPeerMiss[id] = make(map[uint64]struct{})
                miss = q.headerPeerMiss[id]
            miss[request.From] = struct{}{}
            q.headerTaskQueue.Push(request.From, -float32(request.From))
            return 0, errors.New("delivery not accepted")
        // Clean up a successful fetch and try to deliver any sub-results
        copy(q.headerResults[request.From-q.headerOffset:], headers)
        delete(q.headerTaskPool, request.From)
        ready := 0
        for q.headerProced+ready < len(q.headerResults) && q.headerResults[q.headerProced+ready] != nil {//計算這次到來的header可以讓headerResults有多少資料可以投遞了。
            ready += MaxHeaderFetch
        if ready > 0 {
            // Headers are ready for delivery, gather them and push forward (non blocking)
            process := make([]*types.Header, ready)
            copy(process, q.headerResults[q.headerProced:q.headerProced+ready])
            // 嘗試投遞
            select {
            case headerProcCh <- process:
                log.Trace("Pre-scheduled new headers", "peer", id, "count", len(process), "from", process[0].Number)
                q.headerProced += len(process)
        // Check for termination and return
        if len(q.headerTaskPool) == 0 {
            // 這個通道比較重要, 如果這個通道接收到資料,說明所有的header任務已經完成。
            q.headerContCh <- false
        return len(headers), nil

RetrieveHeaders,ScheduleSkeleton函式在上次排程還沒有做完的情況下是不會呼叫的。 所以上次呼叫完成之後,會使用這個方法來獲取結果,重置狀態。
    // RetrieveHeaders retrieves the header chain assemble based on the scheduled
    // skeleton.
    func (q *queue) RetrieveHeaders() ([]*types.Header, int) {
        defer q.lock.Unlock()
        headers, proced := q.headerResults, q.headerProced
        q.headerResults, q.headerProced = nil, 0
        return headers, proced




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