import telnetlib, re, os, threading, multiprocessing, datetime
import pandas as pd
from pandas
pd.set_option('display.width', None)
# pd.options.display.max_columns = None
# pd.options.display.max_rows = None
path = os.getcwd()
def telnet(host, port, username, password):
tn = telnetlib.Telnet(host, port, timeout=5)
tn.write(username.encode('ascii') + b"\n")
tn.write(password.encode('ascii') + b"\n")
tn.read_until(b"#", timeout=5)
tn.write(b"terminal length 0 \n") #zte
return tn
def runcommands(host, port, username, password, command):
commands = command.split("\n")
output = ""
tn = telnet(host, port, username, password)
for cmd in commands:
tn.write(cmd.encode('ascii') + b"\n")
output_tmp = tn.read_until(b"#", 5)
output += output_tmp.decode('ascii')
except Exception as e:
except Exception as e:
print("tn close failed")
return output
def showInterfaceBrief(host, port, username, password,command="show interface bri"):
output = runcommands(host, port, username, password, command)
outputs = output.splitlines()
msgs = []
for line in outputs:
# 提取詳細介面資訊
pattern = r'(\S+)\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+)\s+(down|up)\s+(down|up)\s+(down|up)\s+(\S*)'
matchs = re.findall(pattern, line)
if matchs != []:
match = matchs[0]
if len(match) == 8:
desc = match[7]
desc = ""
'interface': match[0],
'portattribute': match[1],
'mode': match[2],
'bw(mbps)': match[3],
'admin_status': match[4],
'phy_status': match[5],
'prot_status': match[6],
'description': desc,
df = pd.DataFrame(msgs)
df["host"] = host
return df
def showInterfaceDetail(host, port, username, password,command="show interface "):
interfaces = showInterfaceBrief(host, port, username, password, "show interface bri")
interfaces["bw"] = None
interfaces["mtu"] = None
interfaces["In_Bytes"] = None
interfaces["E_Bytes"] = None
tn = telnet(host, port, username, password)
for interface in interfaces["interface"]:
cmd = command + interface
tn.write(cmd.encode('ascii') + b"\n")
output = tn.read_until(b"#", 5).decode("ascii")
pattern = r'BW\s+(\d+)'
match = int(re.findall(pattern, output, re.S)[0])
interfaces.loc[interfaces["interface"] == interface, "bw"] = match
pattern = r'MTU\s+(\d+)'
match = int(re.findall(pattern, output, re.S)[0])
interfaces.loc[interfaces["interface"] == interface, "mtu"] = match
pattern = r'In_Bytes\s+(\S+)\s+'
match = int(re.findall(pattern, output, re.S)[0])
interfaces.loc[interfaces["interface"] == interface, "In_Bytes"] = match
pattern = r'E_Bytes\s+(\S+)\s+'
match = int(re.findall(pattern, output, re.S)[0])
interfaces.loc[interfaces["interface"] == interface, "E_Bytes"] = match
except Exception as e:
except Exception as e:
print("tn close failed")
return interfaces
def showIpInterfacesBrief(host, port, username, password, command="show ip int bri"):
output = runcommands(host, port, username, password, command)
outputs = output.splitlines()
msgs = []
for line in outputs:
# 提取詳細介面資訊
pattern = r'(\S+)\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+)\s+(down|up)\s+(down|up)\s+(down|up)\s*'
matchs = re.findall(pattern, line)
if matchs != []:
match = matchs[0]
'interface': match[0],
'ip_address': match[1],
'mask': match[2],
'admin_status': match[3],
'phy_status': match[4],
'prot_status': match[5]
df = pd.DataFrame(msgs)
df["host"] = host
return df
def pingtest(host, port, username, password, command="ping"):
output = runcommands(host, port, username, password, command)
pattern = r'Success rate is (\d+)\s*'
matchs = int(re.findall(pattern, output)[0])
if matchs == 0:
print(f'host {host} {command} is failed')
print(f'host {host} {command} is successed, the success rate is {matchs}')
def showIpOspfNeighbor(host, port, username, password, command="show ip ospf neighbor"):
output = runcommands(host, port, username, password, command)
pattern = r'\((\S+)\)'
routerid = re.search(pattern, output).group(1)
outputs = output.splitlines()
neighbors = []
for line in outputs:
# 提取詳細介面資訊
pattern = r'(\S+)\s+(\d+)\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+)'
matchs = re.findall(pattern, line)
if matchs != []:
match = matchs[0]
'neighborid': match[0],
'pri': match[1],
'state': match[2],
'deadtime': match[3],
'address': match[4],
'interface': match[5]
df = pd.DataFrame(neighbors)
df["routerid"] = routerid
return df
def showIpOspfInterfaces(host, port, username, password):
output = runcommands(host, port, username, password, "show ip ospf interface")
outputs = re.split(r'\n\s*\n', output.strip())
ospf_msgs = []
for msg in outputs:
if "xgei" in msg:
# host\interface\status\address\area\networktype\authentication\hello\dead\retransmit
pattern = r'(\S*xgei\S+)\s+is\s(up|down)'
matchs = re.findall(pattern, msg)
interface = matchs[0][0]
status = matchs[0][1]
pattern = r'.*Address\s+(\S+)\s+'
matchs = re.findall(pattern, msg)
address = matchs[0]
pattern = r'.*the\sarea\s(\S+)\s'
matchs = re.search(pattern, msg)
area = matchs[0]
pattern = r'.*Network\sType\s(\S+)'
matchs = re.findall(pattern, msg)
networktype = matchs[0]
pattern = r'.*Authentication\sType\s(\S+)'
matchs = re.findall(pattern, msg)
authentication = matchs[0]
pattern = r'.*Hello\s(\d+),\sDead\s(\d+),\sRetransmit\s(\d+)'
matchs = re.findall(pattern, msg)
hello = matchs[0][0]
dead = matchs[0][1]
retransmit = matchs[0][2]
"host": host,
"interface": interface,
"status": status,
"address": address,
"area": area,
"networktype": networktype,
"authentication": authentication,
"hello": hello,
"dead": dead,
"retransmit": retransmit
df = pd.DataFrame(ospf_msgs)
return df
def checkInterfacesAndRepair(host, port, username, password, interfaces):
print("----------------before repair interface----------------")
interfaces_df = showInterfaceBrief(host, port, username, password)
for interface in interfaces:
# if interface in interfaces_df["interfaces"]:
# print(f"{host} do not have {interface}")
# continue
status = interfaces_df.loc[interfaces_df["interface"] == interface, "admin_status"].values[0]
if status == "down":
runcommands(host, port, username, password, f"conf t\ninterface {interface}\nno shutdown\nexit\nexit\nwrite\n")
print(f"{host} interface {interface} is down, now set it up")
print(f"{host} interface {interface} is not down")
interfaces_after_df = showInterfaceBrief(host, port, username, password)
print("----------------after repair interface----------------")
for interface in interfaces:
status = interfaces_df.loc[interfaces_df["interface"] == interface, "admin_status"].values[0]
if status == "up":
print(f"{host} interface {interface} is up after repaired")
print(f"{host} interface {interface} is still down after repaired")
if __name__ == '__main__':
devices = [{"ip":"","port":"23","username":"zte","password":"zte"},
for device in devices:
host = device["ip"]
port = device["port"]
username = device["username"]
password = device["password"]
# # ---------執行命令----------
# output = runcommands(host, port, username, password, "show running-config\nshow interface brief \nshow ip interface brief")
# current_time = datetime.datetime.now().strftime("%Y%m%d-%H%M%S")
# filename = "showrun_" + host + "_" + current_time + ".txt"
# with open(filename, "w", encoding="utf-8") as file:
# file.write(output)
# # --------提取show interface brief資訊-------
# output = showInterfaceBrief(host, port, username, password)
# current_time = datetime.datetime.now().strftime("%Y%m%d-%H%M%S")
# filename = "InterfaceBrief_" + host + "_" + current_time + ".csv"
# output.to_csv(filename)
# # --------提取show ip interface brief資訊-------
# output = showIpInterfacesBrief(host, port, username, password)
# current_time = datetime.datetime.now().strftime("%Y%m%d-%H%M%S")
# filename = "IPInterfaceBrief_" + host + "_" + current_time + ".csv"
# output.to_csv(filename)
# # --------ping測試------------
# pingtest(host, port, username, password, "ping")
# # --------獲取埠速率\mtu資訊---------
# output = showInterfaceDetail(host, port, username, password)
# current_time = datetime.datetime.now().strftime("%Y%m%d-%H%M%S")
# filename = "InterfaceDetail_" + host + "_" + current_time + ".csv"
# output.to_csv(filename)
# # -------獲取ospf鄰居資訊---------
# output = showIpOspfNeighbor(host, port, username, password)
# # --------修復埠------------
# interfaces = ["xgei-0/2/0/8", "xgei-0/2/0/19", "xgei-0/2/0/20"]
# checkInterfacesAndRepair(host, port, username, password, interfaces)
# -------顯示ospf埠詳細資訊--------
showIpOspfInterfaces(host, port, username, password)
# # -------------多執行緒--------------
# # 建立執行緒
# threads = []
# for login_msg in login_msgs:
# host = login_msg["ip"]
# port = login_msg["port"]
# threads.append(threading.Thread(showInterfaceDetail(host, port, "huawei", "huawei")))
# # 啟動執行緒
# for t in threads:
# t.start()
# # 等待所有執行緒完成
# for t in threads:
# t.join()
# # -------------多程序--------------
# # 建立程序池
# with multiprocessing.Pool(processes=len(login_msgs)) as pool:
# # 向程序池新增任務
# for login_msg in login_msgs:
# host = login_msg["ip"]
# port = login_msg["port"]
# pool.apply_async(showInterfaceDetail(host, port, "huawei", "huawei"))
# # 等待所有子程序完成
# pool.close()
# pool.join()