SAP定義的幾個標準Cost Condition的說明和科目配置
n In the standard version, condition type VPRS is used to retrieve the standard cost of the material.
n It is used as a statistical value by the pricing procedure.
n Using condition category G, VPRS accesses the valuation segment of the material master locating either the standard cost or the moving average cost, as specified in the material master.
n Condition category S will always access the standard cost, while condition category T will always access the moving average cost.
n The profit margin is calculated using formula 11 in the pricing procedure. This formula subtracts the cost from the net value 2 subtotal.
n In the standard system, condition type SKTO is used to retrieve the cash discount rate.
n It is used as a statistical value by the pricing procedure.
n Table T052 is accessed using condition category E and an amount is calculated from the first percentage rate of the item payment terms.
EDI1 & EDI2:
n The customer expected price can either be entered manually in the order, or retrieved from the incoming IDoc in an EDI environment.
n Condition type EDI1 is used to compare the net price for each item. Condition type EDI2 is used to compare the overall item value (net price * quantity).
n Calculation formula 9 is assigned to condition type EDI1 in the pricing procedure. This formula tests for a maximum deviation of 0,05 currency units.
n Calculation formula 8 is assigned to condition type EDI2 in the pricing procedure. This formula tests for a maximum deviation of 1.0 currency units.
n If the customer expected price differs from the automatically determined price or value by more that the maximum difference allowed, the system will regard this order as incomplete when it is saved.
n You may process lists of orders having differences in prices, allowing the system to use or correct the price it determined.
What is the difference between VPRS (cost) and EK01 ( actual cost) and where these are used?
VPRS cost is mainly used to determine weather the material is having the standard price or moving average price
The condition type VPRS is labeled as a statistical condition in the pricing procedure.
in this ,Using the condition category G, the condition type VPRS goes into the valuation segment of the material master and determines from here the standard or average price.
The condition category S always accesses the standard price whereas condition category T always accesses the average price.
1)EK01 can be used as a basis for determining a price for the make-to-order item.
2) EK02 is a statistical condition which can used instead of VPRS to calculate the profit margin for the assembly item.
3)Condition type EK01 is mainly used for cost-plus contracts in which the sales price depends on the expected costs.
4)Condition type EK01 is selected for sales document type TA (standard order). This means that the value from the cost estimate goes directly into pricing. A surcharge is calculated from this value and the net value for the sales order item is calculated.
1)銷售訂單肯定有pricing procedure,否則在銷售訂單階段就該出錯了。
2) pricing procedure項下有各種condition type,諸如銷售單價(PR01/PR00)、稅收(MWSI/MWST)、折扣(K004/K005/K007)等等。
3)上述三類condition type,在pricing procedure後肯定有一個account key,售價類ERL表示收入、流轉稅類MWS表示銷項流轉稅、折扣類ERB表示sales deduction。
4)VKOA,將SD模組中的兩大功能元件“價格條件”和“收入賬戶”連線起來:顧客主資料中(對於發票而言,應該是payer)有customer account group,物料主資料中sales data 2有material account group,銷售區域三要素是從銷售訂單帶過來的。這樣001表中可以寫入科目,從而實現自動找到會計科目。
5)同樣是VKOA,4.6C標準配置應該是1-->2--->3---->5---->4的順序,如果表001~005中,相同的Account key各自對應一個不同的G/L號碼,則系統將嚴格按照“1-->2-->3-->5-->4”的有限順序(這個叫作access sequence)來讀取G/L科目並採取它。
在有折扣的情況下,第一行記錄應收賬款,對應顧客;第二行記錄銷售淨收入,對應銷售科目;第三行記錄折扣科目,對應VKOA項下的ERS所確定的會計科目;第四行記錄銷項稅收,對應流轉稅科目。因為在pricing procedure中,折扣類(K00X)放在流轉稅的前面(稅前折扣,除非腦袋進水,一般不會給買主以稅後折扣的),所以會計憑證中折扣的行目排在稅收之前。
FI/SD透過tcode VKOA為billing設定過帳科目,使用者可以建立自己的科目定義資料表。 科目是做到COA級的,透過KOFI/KOFK這兩個condition type確定分別過帳到FI和CO憑證中。 由於PricingProc.是同SalesOrg.相關聯的,所以科目在Organization上首先要做到SalesOrg. 級,其後的AccountKey是在PricingProc.中和不同的PriceConditionType相關聯的,決定著最終銷售收入、折扣、附加費用、預提等過到不同科目上。
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