VBAP-KWMENG(Order Quantity)
Cumulative Order Quantity in Sales Units
The total (rounded) order quantity for this item.
If there is more than one schedule line for the item, the total order quantity is taken from the rounded quantity of the total of all the schedule lines.
If no rounding is carried out, then the order required quantity corresponds to a schedule line of the rounded quantity.
VBEP-WMENG(Order Quantity)
Order quantity in sales units
Required order quantity in an individual schedule line.
If you change the required order quantity in the schedule line, the system re-rounds the quantities, determines the rounded quantity, and re-runs the availability check based on the rounded quantity. The required order quantity remains as the orginal quantity (before rounding) in the schedule line.
If the system does not round up the quantity, this means that the required order quantity matches the rounded quantity.
VBEP-CMENG(Rounded Qty)
Corrected quantity in sales unit
Rounded quantity of the required quantity in the schedule line in the sales order.
The system rounds the quantity using the rounding profiles from the customer-material info record or the material master record. The profile can be switched on for each customer.
If you change the rounded quantity, the system automatically performs an availability check and/or delivery scheduling and updates the confirmed quantity. The rounded quantity is cumulated in the total order quantity of the item. The required order quantity remains as the original quantity (before rounding) in the schedule line.
If the system does not round the quantity, the rounded quantity of the required order quantity in the schedule line is valid.
VBEP-BMENG(Confirmed Qty)
Confirmed Quantity
The item quantity that the system confirms for shipping after checking inventory availability.
The confirmed quantity can differ from the order quantity (for example, insufficient stock is available to meet the customer's request). If the availability of inventory changes during delivery processing, the confirmed quantity can also differ from the delivered quantity that the customer actually receives.
If you change the order quantity (for example, if you create new schedule lines for the item), the system updates the confirmed quantity (depending on availability).
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