英語語法(1) 名詞






1. 可數名詞有單複數之分。在句中,名詞的單數形式前邊要有冠詞或表示單數的限定詞,否則就要用其複數形式。名詞的複數形式通常是在單數形式後加詞尾ses,或將y改為i再加es。但如果名詞前邊有表示單數的冠詞或表示單數的限定詞,就不能用其複數形式

2. 有少數名詞的複數形式是不規則的,childchildren, manmen, womanwomen, footfeet, toothteeth, goosegeese, mousemice, oxoxen

3. 英語裡還有些名詞的單複數變化較為特殊,需特別注意

analysisanalyses, bacteriumbacteria, basisbases, crisiscrises, criterioncriteria, datumdata, formulaformulae(formulas), fungusfungi, phenomenonphenomena,syllabussyllabi, thesistheses

4. 有些名詞的單複數是一樣的:aircraft, spacecraft, Chinese, deer, fish, Japanese, means, series, species等。

5. 如果前邊有表示複數的限定詞時名詞用其複數形式

6. 在形容詞最高階中,表示範圍的of後要用名詞複數形式

7. 有些集體名詞在形式上是單數如people(人民,人們)police(警察)cattle(牲畜)staff(全體人員,全體職員),但它們表達複數的含意。如果這些詞做主語,其謂語須用複數形式。

8. hairfruit一般情況下用單數,表示總體。但如果我們要表示若干根頭髮或幾種水果時,就要用這兩個詞的複數形式

eg: He bought apples, oranges and other fruits. (fruits”在此處意為“多種水果”)


9. 名詞做定語時,不能用作複數


1. 不可數名詞為物質名詞和抽象名詞,如information, proverty, advice, anger, applause, baggage, cake, chalk, chocolate, cloth(), bread, damage(損害), equipment, fruit, furniture, gold, information, ink, jewellery, luggage, mail(郵件), money, news, paper, protection, soap, sugar, weaponry, machinery, scenery, personnel, work

注:不可數名詞可以與表示量的可數名詞連用,藉以表示“可數”的概念,我們可以加 a(n) piece sheet(), suit(), tube(), packet(), item(條,則), bar(), basket(籃子), glass(),bunch(), pair(雙,對), bowl(), portion(), herd(), series(系列), shower() etc. ],如:a piece of advice(一條建議) a basket of fruit(一籃水果) an item of information (一則資訊)a kind of protection(一種保護)等。

2. 有些抽象名詞的意思可以轉變成為具體名詞,這時要用其複數形式

The insurance company paid $10000 in damages for the accident. (damage”本來為不可數名詞“損害”,變複數後意思是“損失賠償費”。)


另外,有些名詞通常只用複數形式,如:fundamentals(基本原則)goods(貨物), means(方法), rapids(急流)shorts(短褲), sweets(歡樂), valuables (貴重物品)

三、同步練習(Correct errors, if any,in the following sentences:

1. The scholars met once a year to exchange esperiences.

2. Foreign ship are not allowed to fish in our territoral water.

3. I went to the doctor for an advice about my health.

4.The letter contained an important information.

5.In the afternoon I did some baby-sittings,for it is a fun looking after children.

6.The congregation was not numerous that night,but they seemed to be listening attentively to my lecture.

7.Poultries are dear in the city.

8.The board of director is shaking heads at the chairman’s speech.

9.The merchandises have arrived undamaged.


1. The scholars met once a year to exchange esperience.

2. Foreign ship are not allowed to fish in our territoral waters.

3. I went to the doctor for an advice about my health.

4.The letter contained an important piece of information.

5.In the afternoon I did some baby-sittings,for it is fun looking after children.

6.The congregation were not numerous that night,but they seemed to be listening attentively to my lecture.

7.Poultry are dear in the city.

8.The board of directors are shaking heads at the chairman's speech.

9.The merchandise have arrived undamaged.

第二節 名詞所有格



( my brother's toy我弟弟的玩具,the hostes's living room女主人的起居室),如果原名詞已經有複數詞尾?s,?es,只加' (如:soldiers' training ground士兵的訓練場,teachers' reading?eoom教師閱覽室)。注意,如果名詞雖然是複數,但不是以?s結尾,則仍加's (the children's mother孩子的媽媽)

1) It is widely believed that the pull of gravity on a falling raindrop changes round shape into a teardrop shape.

A of the drop B the drops C drop of D drops their

2) The winner A photograph was of B an old barn(倉庫) window covered with C a D delicate lacy frost(帶花邊的霜).


3) At A birth the B head of a bady is extremely large in C relation to a D rest of the body.


1) B為正確答案。“It”是形式主語。“that…”引導的是主從句。主從句的謂語是“changesinto…”“把……變成……”。其中“…into…”的前後應是對應的平行結構。很明顯AD都不行,不能把“changes”誤作名詞。C改變了“…into…”的平行關係。只有B既能與前邊的動詞“changes”銜接,又能保持“…into…”的平行關係。

2) A錯。 改為winners

3) D錯。 改為the

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