Vocabulary Lists:
- laterally
- obtuse
- rift
- obscure
- profoundly
- perspective
- laid off
- begrudgingly
- intriguing
- displacement
- quota
- outage
- baffle
laterally |
adv. 旁邊地 |
pennis is alwasys in 45 degrees laterally acute angled 以45度橫向銳角 |
obtuse |
adj. 遲鈍的;圓頭的;不鋒利的 |
being deliberately obtuse 故意裝傻 obtuse interior Angle 鈍角三角形 |
rift |
n. 裂縫;不和;[木] 裂口 vt. 使斷裂;使分開 vi. 裂開 |
explain the rift between both genders. 解釋兩性之間的分歧 a growing rift between the president and Congress 總統與國會間日益加深的不和 |
obscure |
adj. 昏暗的,朦朧的;晦澀的,不清楚的;隱蔽的;不著名的,無名的 vt. 使…模糊不清,掩蓋;隱藏;使難理解 n. 某種模糊的或不清楚的東西 |
parts of it were visible to one observer while obscured from other (visible <---> obscured) The answer is obscure, optimally so. 答案是模糊的,因而也是最優的。 The origin of the word remains obscure. 該詞的來源尚不清楚。 |
profoundly |
adv. 深刻地;深深地;極度地 |
She is now profoundly deaf. 她現在幾乎一點聲音都聽不到了。 This has profoundly affected my life. 這已極大地影響了我的生活。 |
perspective |
. 觀點;遠景;透檢視 adj. 透視的 |
perspective drawing 透檢視 see the issue from a different perspective . 以不同的角度看待這件事 I let things get out of perspective. 我沒能正確地看待事物。 |
laid off |
下崗;解僱 |
You get laid off. 你被解僱了。 |
begrudgingly |
adv. 吝嗇地;小氣地 |
I Say Begrudgingly 我說勉強 He agreed to her suggestion begrudgingly. 他不情願地接受了她的建議。 He was raised by an older brother who raised him up begrudgingly. 就由哥哥來撫養他,但這個哥哥十分吝嗇。 |
intriguing |
adj. 有趣的;迷人的 v. 引起…的興趣;策劃陰謀;私通(intrigue的ing形式) |
He found her intriguing. 他覺得她很迷人 Intriguing Scent 迷人香味 These discoveries raise intriguing questions. 這些發現帶來了非常有趣的問題。 |
displacement |
n. 取代,位移;[船] 排水量 |
the displacement of traditional agriculture by industrial crops. 經濟作物對傳統農業的替代。 |
quota |
n. 定額;限額;配額;指標;(候選人當選所需的)規定票數,最低票數 |
storage quota issue 儲存配額問題 import quota 進口配額,進口限額 |
outage |
n. (電力等)停止供應期,斷供期;裝置停開期 |
Power outage 停電 The network outage 網路故障 |
baffle |
vt. 使…困惑;使…受挫折;用擋板控制 n. 擋板;困惑 vi. 做徒勞掙扎 |
These questions baffle me. 這些問題使我無法回答。 You can't baffle me. 這你可難不倒我。 |
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