計算機組成原理 筆記整理
The Three–Y’s(三個原則)
Weighted positional number system(帶權的位置數制)
binary numbers:
•2^10=1 Kilo≈1000(1024≈10^3)
•2^20=1 Mega≈1 million(1,048,576≈10^6)
•2^30=1 Giga≈1 billion(1,073,741,824≈10^9)
Data types representing information in a computer
Unsigned numbers(無符號數)
•Unsigned number:are created directly as ordinary binary codes
–Operation codes in the OP code field
–Register numbers in address field
–Memory address
–Time,clock frequency
Signed numbers(有符號數)
•Fix-Point Number(小數點不佔位)
•Floating-Point Number(小數點佔位)
MSB: the Most Significant (left-most) Bit
Sign-Magnitude Numbers(原碼)
•1 sign bit,N-1 magnitude bits
•Sign bit is the Most Significant (left-most) Bit
–Positive number: sign bit=0
–Negative number: sign bit=1
•Example,4-bit sign/mag representations of ±6:
•Range of an N-bit sign/magnitude number:
Two’s Complement Numbers(補碼)
–Addition works(易於加法操作)
–Single representation for 0(0的表示是唯一的)
•The Most Significant Bit still indicates the sign
•Range of an N-bit two’s comp number:
One’s Complement Numbers(反碼)
•Positive the sign ‘0’ at msb is attached to the magnitude in the remaining n-1 bits.
•Negative the sign ‘1’at msb is attached to the 1’s compl of the magnitude in the remaining n-1bits.
–X1=+0.1011011,[X1]1’s compl=0.1011011
–X2=-0.1011011,[X2]1’s compl=1.0100100
–X3=+1011011,[X3]1’s compl=01011011
–X4=-1011011,[X4]1’s compl=10100100
•[+0]1’s compl=00000000;
[-0]1’s compl=11111111
Number System Range
Unsigned [0,2^N-1]
Sign/Magnitude [-(2(N-1)-1),2(N-1)-1]
One’s Complement [-(2(N-1)-1),2(N-1)-1]
Two’s Complement [-2(N-1),2(N-1)-1]
•Digital systems operate on a fixed number of bits
•Overflow: when result is too big to fit in the available number of bits
•See previous example of 11+6
Overflow Examples
Increasing Bit Width(擴充套件位數)
Extend number from N to M bits(M>N)
•Zeros copied to msb’s
•Value changes for negative number
•Sign bit copied to msb’s
•Number value is same
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