

One complication—determining handedness isn’t straightforward. The dominance of your writing (and drawing) hand is a function of at least three things: Genetics to be sure, but also the environment, and, likely, random chance.

一個令人不解難題是:決定用手習慣的原因不是那麼直接明顯。你主要用哪隻手來寫 字和畫畫至少取決於三方面的因素:基因無疑是重要因素之一,環境也很重要,隨機 性也有可能起作用。

The fact that scissors, and other assorted manual tools and appliances, from dessert forks to chainsaws, are designed for the righty majority means they’re harder to use lefty, resulting in considerable pressure to conform and use your right hand.

assorted : v. to arrange or order by classes or categories 把…歸為一類;協調;相 配;組合
conform: v. to adapt or agree with or match sth.

事實上,像剪刀之類的一些組合手動工具及裝置,包括甜點叉和鏈鋸,都是為大 多數使用右手的人設計的,左手使用者用起來很不方便,在這種相當大的壓力下,大家都 改為使用右手。

There are a surprising number of activities that show a dominant hand, including the decidedly adult behaviour that may have just crossed your mind, but also more demure pastimes like sewing or spoon use.

cross one’s mind: to occur to one briefly or suddenly 突然有個想法
demure :adj. affectedly modest or shy especially in a playful or provocative way 嫻靜 的;端莊的

從很多行為可以看出一個人的主要的用手習慣,除了那些從你腦子一閃而過的成年人 關鍵的行為之外,還有那些端莊嫻靜的消遣行為,比如做針線活和拿勺喝湯。

If you need someone to cut along the dotted line with the first pair of scissors that come to hand, perhaps then any righty will do. But if you need someone to think outside the box, you might want to enlist a lefty.

come to hand: appear, come into sight or view 偶然找到;到手

think outside the box : think in an original or creative way. 跳出固有思維,奇思妙想

如果你需要某人能隨手拿起手邊的剪刀沿著虛線剪東西,也許慣用右手的人會幹得不 錯。但是如果你需要奇思妙想,那你可能得招募一個左撇子。

aspire : /ə ˈ spaɪə®/ v.
to direct one’s hope or ambitions towards achieving something 渴 望( 成 就);有志(成為)

  1. We aspire to improve the lives of children and adults affected by the Covid-19 pandemic and other immune-related diseases.

  2. Mary is ambitious enough to aspire to conversational fluency in Chinese in two months

adj. aspired 期望的
adj. aspiring 有抱負的,雄心勃勃的

dominance / ˈ dɒmɪnəns/ n.
power and influence over others 支 配; 控制

1.Innovation can give both species and companies dominance within their environment.
2. With this victory, the team has maintained its dominance of European football.

Synonyms: authority; supremacy; noteworthiness
v. dominate 控制;處於支配地位
adj. dominant 顯性的;支配的;統治的

substantial: /səb ˈ stænʃ(ə)l/ adj.
a large in amount, value or importance, large and solid; strongly built 大 量的;價值巨大的;重大的

It can be counted a success, in that it has built up substantial sales.

Synonyms: large in amount, significant

correlate : / ˈ kɒrəleɪt/ v.
to have a mutual relationship or connection, in which one thing affects or depends on another 相 互關聯影響;相互依賴

1.Obesity correlates with increased risk for hypertension and stroke 肥胖會增加高血壓和中風發作的機率。
2. At the highest executive levels earnings and performance aren’t always correlated.

underlie: /ʌndəˈlaɪ / v.
(especially of a layer of rock or soil) lie or be situated under (something) 構 成…的基礎;作為…的原因

  1. These ideas underlie much of his work.
  2. Attitudes underlie the way we behave and communicate and the way we interpret messages from others.

fascination: /fæsɪˈneɪʃn/ n.
a very strong attraction, that makes sth. very interesting 魅力;極大 的吸引力;入迷;著迷

His fascination with the subtleties of human behaviour makes him a good storyteller

Synonyms: passion; preoccupation; obsession; compulsion; enchantment; lure; appeal

cross one’s mind:突然有個想法

1.He intended to marry her and the thought never crossed his mind that she might refuse.

2 It crossed my mind that you might want to leave early.

Synonyms: occur to one ; spring to mind ; enter one’s mind; strike one ; hit one ; dawn on one ·;come into one’s consciousness

come to hand: 到手;收到; 曝光

1.We are sending home one of our local Indians who is injured, and I am committing this letter to his charge, with considerable doubts in my mind as to whether it will ever come to hand.

2.Potentially high-yielding clones are likely to be the material which first come to hand.


think outside the box: think in an original or creative way

  1. You won’t come up with good ideas until you think outside the box.
  2. Brainstorming is another way to encourage workers to think outside the box.

The concept of yin and yang stems from a Chinese philosophy called Taoism. Taoism is a philosophical framework that was created by Laozi, an ancient writer who may or may not have actually existed. What we do know is that these concepts have been around since approximately the 6th century.
It’s important to remember that the concepts of yin and yang are part of a specific philosophy, not a scientific theory. That being said, there are theories in quantum physics that coincide with yin and yang to some degree. Likewise, the idea of the inherent duality of nature has some practical applications.

The martial arts directly apply these concepts. Ideas such as defense/attack and concentration/relaxation come directly from yin and yang. Chinese Medicine also makes use of duality and complementarity to diagnose and treat illness. Practitioners of Chinese Medicine express that idea with this principle: calm what’s excessive and tone what’s deficient. The concept of duality can also be applied to daily life to achieve inner peace. They call for detachment and acceptance. To let things flow. To accept that night gives way to day, sadness to joy, light to dark, etc. Don’t try to make everything positive. Instead, admit that duality exists. This is the Taoist path to a peaceful life.

陰和陽是來自於中國道家的兩個哲學概念。道家學說是由中國古代的學者老子所創立。 在歷史上,老子或許存在,也或許不存在。我們所知道的是這些哲學概念從公元六世紀一 直流傳到現在。
重要的是要明白陰陽學說是一門具體的哲學的組成部分而不是科學理論的一部分的。 話雖這麼說,但是量子物理理論的一些理論和陰陽學說在某種程度上不謀而合。同樣地, 自然界所固有的二元性也具有某些實用意義。
武術直接運用這些概念。防禦/ 攻擊、專注/ 放鬆等理念直接來自陰陽。中醫學還利 用二元性和互補性來診斷和治療疾病。中醫從業者表達這一思想的原則是:實則瀉之,虛 則補之。
二元性的概念也可以應用到日常生活中,以達到內心的平靜。他們信奉超然和接受。 遵循事物流動的自然規律。接受晝夜更替,憂喜互轉,明暗互生等等。不要試圖讓一切都 變成正面的,相反,承認二元性的存在,這是道家學說通往和平生活之道。

1.美國心理學家在20 世紀70 年代提出 一種“愛和邏輯”父母教育孩子的模式,它 的核心理念是情緒控制,即最大限度地減少情緒反應,如大喊大叫、訓斥孩子。除了控制 父母的激烈情緒外,愛和教育模式還強調父母應該表達無條件的愛,應該讚美孩子本身, 而非他們的成就或失敗(例如考試分數)。父母的責任更應該引導孩子思考如何自己解決 問題,而非直接提供答案。最重要的是使孩子具備良好的品格、好奇心和解決問題的能力。
2.學習英語的人很少想到泛讀對於掌握英語至關重要。泛讀旨在擴寬學生的知識面, 使他們熟悉詞彙的不同用法並最終提高理解能力。泛讀涉及一些方法,這些方法有助於增 強你在工作中使用英語的準確性和效率。不要相信語法書,要相信你讀的東西。你讀什麼 書,你就是什麼樣的人。

1.American psychologists created a “Love and Logic” parenting model in the 1970s. The core idea of this model is centered on techniques to exert emotional control and essentially minimize emotional reactions like yelling at or reprimanding kids. Aside from reining in hotblooded parent tempers, parents should learn to demonstrate their unconditional love and admiration for their kids for who they are, rather than what they do (or don’t) achieve, such as test grades. The model also pushes parents to focus on asking questions of their kids and getting them to think about how to solve their own problems instead of feeding them with answers as what’s the most important is that the kids should develop good character, curiosity and problem-solving skills.

2.It rarely (scarcely) occurs to learners of English that extensive reading is critical (crucial) to their mastery of English. Extensive reading is intended (aims at widening) to widen students’ range of knowledge, familiarize them with the different usage of words and eventually improve their reading comprehension. Extensive reading involves some methods that can help improve the accuracy and efficiency with which you use English at work. Believe in what you read rather than in grammar books. You are what you read.


注意連詞 as 和 than 的雙重性:既連線從句,又相當於從句的主語,就像 as 引導定語
從句一樣,但要注意 as 或 than 後面動詞的單複數形式,例如:

  1. These proposals sought to place greater restrictions on the use and copying of digital
    information than exist in traditional media.(exist 修飾 restrictions)
  2. There is more to be done than can be done.
  3. We need more money than has been raised so far.(由於 money 是單數的,後面用 has)
  4. This drug is not so effective as is claimed to be.
  5. We need more hands than are currently available.(hands 要求後面用 are)
  6. Never eat more than is necessary.
  7. The secretary just manages to finish as much work as is assigned to her.
  8. She failed to do as much as was expected of her.
  9. Always read faster than is comfortable.
  10. The key to good note-taking is … to write only as much as is needed to record the
    essence of a point or idea presented by the lecturer


produce more refrigerators than can be sold each month
take as much medicine as is prescribed
drink more than is advisable
be as magic as is said to be
be more beautiful than was expected
rescue as many species as have been found

than 和 as 還可接從句,例如:

  1. She is looking much younger than when I last saw her.
  2. Consumers have to pay twice as much for takeout foods as if they prepare them at home.
  3. A good biographer can bring the subject as vividly to life as if he were standing in the
    same room.(as if 接虛擬語氣)
  4. Across the river is a country that seems as alien as if it were on the far side of the moon.
  5. His expression is as earnest when he smiles as when he is arguing.

有時只能用 equally 或 equal 表示 “ 同樣 ”,不能用 same 或 as… as…,例如:
6. Boys and girls are more or less equally clever.
7. The two big cities are equally important / are of equal importance.
8. This practice encourages doctors to prescribe lower-priced but equally effective drugs
for… patients.
9. Scientists have to develop other equally useful models to explain…
10. I asked them in broken German and they answered in equally broken English.
11. Equally important is the academic value of the papers.

除了人們熟知的 as… as possible / one can 之外,有時可用“最高階 + possible”結構表
as soon as possible (in the shortest possible time)
achieve as good a result as you can (achieve the best possible result)
find as clever a boy as possible (find the cleverest possible boy)
as fast as possible (at the highest possible speed / at top speed)
make as much progress as possible (make the greatest possible progress)


make as few errors as possible / one can
save as much money as possible
try to memorize as many new words as possible
consume a minimal amount of energy / as little energy as possible
gain as much experience as possible
find as amusing a book as possible
learn as much as possible(最好不要翻譯為 try one’s best to learn )
