def monthlyPayment(principal, year_rate, year_duration):
monthly_rate = year_rate / (12 * 100) # convert 4.9 to 0.049 and monthly interest rate
month_amounts = year_duration * 12
# 每月月供
monthly_payment = (principal * monthly_rate * (1 + monthly_rate) ** month_amounts) / (
(1 + monthly_rate) ** month_amounts - 1)
total_interest_payable = monthly_payment * month_amounts - principal
print ('Total interest payable is %.2f ' % total_interest_payable)
for i in range (1, month_amounts + 1):
monthly_interest_payable = principal * monthly_rate * ((1 + monthly_rate) ** month_amounts - (1 + monthly_rate) ** (i - 1 ))/ ((1 + monthly_rate) ** month_amounts -1)
monthly_principal_payable = principal * monthly_rate * (1 + monthly_rate) ** (i - 1)/ ((1 + monthly_rate) ** month_amounts -1)
monthly_interest_percentage = monthly_interest_payable * 100 / monthly_payment
print ('%dth monthly payment is : %.2f (Interest: %.2f and Principal: %.2f)' % (i, monthly_payment,monthly_interest_payable,monthly_principal_payable))
print('%dth month interest percentage is %.2f %%' % (i,monthly_interest_percentage))
if __name__ == '__main__':
principal = int(input('Please input your loan amounts:'))
year_rate = float(input('Please input Year Debt Interest Rate:(such as 4.9,it means 4.9%)'))
year_duration = int(input('Please input Debt Year Duration:'))
monthlyPayment(principal, year_rate, year_duration)
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