


Hello XXX,

We're writing to inform you that your company isn't in compliance with the Apple Developer Program License Agreement (DPLA).

Section 11.2 (Termination) states:

(g) if You engage, or encourage others to engage, in any misleading, fraudulent, improper, unlawful or dishonest act relating to this Agreement, including, but not limited to, misrepresenting the nature of Your Application (e.g., hiding or trying to hide functionality from Apple’s review, falsifying consumer reviews for Your Application, engaging in payment fraud, etc.).

Be aware that manipulating App Store chart rankings, user reviews or search index may result in the loss of your developer program membership.

Please address this issue promptly.







尊敬的iTunes Account Supervisor :
我是zhang,《XXX Credit Rupee Loan》(APP id:XXXXXXXXX)產品負責人,我們收到Apple的官方通知郵件,公司內部高層非常重視此次問題,也知道這件事情的嚴重程度,責令我方組成專項小組立即排查相關問題。經過我們聯合產品、運營和技術進行排查,我們近期沒有在應用商店進行違規推廣,從往年流量波動來看,目前的自然流量波動是正常情況,同時我們最近會更加嚴格的監測我們的流量來源,如果存在異常,會及時同蘋果官方聯絡,請求官方幫助我們聯合排查;並且我們十分感謝蘋果官方的郵件通知,我們會嚴格遵守應用商店的各項準則,杜絕各種虛假推廣,保護我們廣大使用者的切身利益和維護好蘋果應用市場的生態平衡。

《XXX Credit Rupee Loan》是一款深受使用者喜愛的金融服務產品,為廣大使用者提供優質的金融服務,我們一直遵守App Store相關稽核規範,今後也會更加重視遵守相關的準則。我們沒有進行任何違規操作,作為業界領先平臺,我們始終尊重他人的工作,堅信只有良好的市場環境才能贏得更好的市場地位,我們希望和蘋果官方攜起手來,共同維護蘋果市場生態平衡。


《XXX Credit Rupee Loan》


Dear iTunes Account Supervisor :

I am Zhao, the product manager of "XXX Credit Rupee Loan" (App ID: XXXXXXXX). We have received the official notification email from Apple, and our company's top management takes this issue very seriously and understands its severity. We have been instructed to form a special task force to immediately investigate the related issues. After conducting a joint investigation with our product, operations, and technical teams, we have found no instances of improper promotion in the App Store recently. Based on the traffic fluctuations in previous years, the current natural traffic fluctuations are within normal range. Additionally, we will strengthen our monitoring of traffic sources and promptly contact Apple if any anomalies are detected, requesting their assistance in the joint investigation. We are extremely grateful for Apple's email notification, and we will strictly adhere to the guidelines of the App Store, eradicate any form of false promotion, and protect the best interests of our vast user base while maintaining a healthy ecosystem in the Apple App Store.

"XXX Credit Rupee Loan" is a financial service product loved by our users, and we have always complied with the relevant review standards of the App Store. In the future, we will place even greater emphasis on adhering to these guidelines. We have not engaged in any violations, and as a leading platform in the industry, we respect the work of others. We firmly believe that only a favorable market environment can secure a better market position. We hope to work hand in hand with Apple to jointly maintain the ecological balance of the Apple market.

Finally, we apologize for any impact caused by this incident.


Product Manager of "XXX Credit Rupee Loan"
