suffice it to say 一言以蔽之
title: suffice it to say
date: 2018-08-22 10:21:42
NO_sents: 32
NO_references: 22
suffice it to say
- Suffice it to say that a host of mechanisms provide a permanent input of diversity into natural populations, including point mutations, deletions, additions, recombination, gene conversion, and mismatch repair. (Church, Bottjer, 2013)
- We will make this concept more precise in the next section, but suffice it to say here that a typical candidate gene study might require at least 20 markers, fine mapping a linkage region might require thousands of markers and a whole genome association study 500 K to a million. (Laird, Lange, 2010)
- A comprehensive coverage of studies done on behaviors in the South in the 1980s is too voluminous to cover in this chapter, but suffice it to say that this work has had profound impacts on forest recreation management in the region. (Station, 2015)
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