
//create the thread binary tree
void ThreadBTNode_InOrder(BTNode* b, BTNode* &pre)
if (b == NULL) return;
//1.thread the left child node first
ThreadBTNode_InOrder(b->left, pre);
//2.then thread the self node
if (b->left == NULL)
b->left = pre;
b->lTag = 1;
b->lTag = 0;
if (pre->right == NULL)
pre->right = b;
pre->rTag = 1;
pre->rTag = 0;
//update the pre node
pre = b;
//3.last thread the right child
ThreadBTNode_InOrder(b->right, pre);
//create the thread binary tree, returns the root node
BTNode* CreateThreadBTNode_InOrder(BTNode* b)
BTNode* root = new BTNode;
root->data = '#';
root->lTag = 0;
root->left = b;
root->right = NULL;
BTNode* p = root;
ThreadBTNode_InOrder(b, p);
p->rTag == 1;
p->right = root;
return root;
//get the pre node
BTNode* GetPreThreadBTNode_InOrder(BTNode* b)
if (b->lTag == 0)
BTNode* p = b->left;
while (p->rTag == 0)
p = p->right;
return p;
return b->left;
//get the next node
BTNode* GetNextThreadBTNode_InOrder(BTNode* b)
if (b->rTag == 0)
BTNode* p = b->right;
while (p->lTag == 0)
p = p->left;
return p;
return b->right;
//thread order to display a thread binary tree
void ThreadOrder(BTNode* root)
BTNode* p = GetNextThreadBTNode_InOrder(root);
while (p != NULL && p != root)
cout << p->data << ", ";
p = GetNextThreadBTNode_InOrder(p);
cout << endl;
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
typedef char ElemType;
//declare the binary tree
typedef struct BTNode
ElemType data;
int lTag, rTag;
BTNode *left, *right;
//create binary tree by pre order and in order
BTNode* CreateBTByPreAndIn(ElemType* pre, ElemType* in, int n)
if (n <= 0) return NULL;
BTNode* b = new BTNode;
b->data = *pre;
int k;
for (ElemType* p = in; p < in + n; p++)
if (*p == *pre)
k = p - in;
b->left = CreateBTByPreAndIn(pre + 1, in, k);
b->right = CreateBTByPreAndIn(pre + 1 + k, in + 1 + k, n - k - 1);
return b;
//create the thread binary tree
void ThreadBTNode_InOrder(BTNode* b, BTNode* &pre)
if (b == NULL) return;
//1.thread the left child node first
ThreadBTNode_InOrder(b->left, pre);
//2.then thread the self node
if (b->left == NULL)
b->left = pre;
b->lTag = 1;
b->lTag = 0;
if (pre->right == NULL)
pre->right = b;
pre->rTag = 1;
pre->rTag = 0;
//update the pre node
pre = b;
//3.last thread the right child
ThreadBTNode_InOrder(b->right, pre);
//create the thread binary tree, returns the root node
BTNode* CreateThreadBTNode_InOrder(BTNode* b)
BTNode* root = new BTNode;
root->data = '#';
root->lTag = 0;
root->left = b;
root->right = NULL;
BTNode* p = root;
ThreadBTNode_InOrder(b, p);
p->rTag == 1;
p->right = root;
return root;
//get the pre node
BTNode* GetPreThreadBTNode_InOrder(BTNode* b)
if (b->lTag == 0)
BTNode* p = b->left;
while (p->rTag == 0)
p = p->right;
return p;
return b->left;
//get the next node
BTNode* GetNextThreadBTNode_InOrder(BTNode* b)
if (b->rTag == 0)
BTNode* p = b->right;
while (p->lTag == 0)
p = p->left;
return p;
return b->right;
//thread order to display a thread binary tree
void ThreadOrder(BTNode* root)
BTNode* p = GetNextThreadBTNode_InOrder(root);
while (p != NULL && p != root)
cout << p->data << ", ";
p = GetNextThreadBTNode_InOrder(p);
cout << endl;
int main()
//create binary tree by pre order and in order
const char* pre = "ABDGCEF";
const char* in = "DGBAECF";
BTNode* b = CreateBTByPreAndIn(const_cast<ElemType*>(pre),
const_cast<ElemType*>(in), strlen(pre));
//create and display thread binary tree
return 0;
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