

1. 問題描述


double power(double base,int exponent)


2. 解法1


#include <iostream>
#include <string>

using namespace std;

#define DBL_MIN 0.000001

double power(double base, int exponent)
    if ( base < DBL_MIN && base > -DBL_MIN)
        return 0.0;
    double result = 1.0;
    int unsignedExponent = exponent;
    if (exponent < 0)
        unsignedExponent = -exponent;
    for (int i = 1; i < unsignedExponent; i++)
        result *= base;
    if (exponent < 0)
        result = 1.0 / result;
    return result;

int main(int argc, const char * argv[])
    double base = 12.0;
    int exponent = -2;
    cout<<"base = "<<base<<"; exponent = "<<exponent<<"; The result is: "<<power(base, exponent)<<endl;
    base = 0.0;
    exponent = 2;
    cout<<"base = "<<base<<"; exponent = "<<exponent<<"; The result is: "<<power(base, exponent)<<endl;
    base = -0.000000009;
    exponent = 12;
    cout<<"base = "<<base<<"; exponent = "<<exponent<<"; The result is: "<<power(base, exponent)<<endl;
    return 0;

2. 解法2


#include <iostream>
#include <string>

using namespace std;

#define DBL_MIN 0.000001

double powerUnsignedExponent(double base, int exponent)
    if (exponent == 0)
        return 1.0;
    if (exponent == 1)
        return base;
    // exponent >> 1 == exponent / 2
    double result = powerUnsignedExponent(base, exponent>>1);
    result *= result;
    // if exponent is odd
    if ((exponent & 0x01) == 1)
        result *= base;
    return result;

double power(double base, int exponent)
    if ( base < DBL_MIN && base > -DBL_MIN)
        return 0.0;
    double result = 1.0;
    int unsignedExponent = exponent;
    if (exponent < 0)
        unsignedExponent = -exponent;
    result = powerUnsignedExponent(base, unsignedExponent);
    if (exponent < 0)
        result = 1.0 / result;
    return result;

int main(int argc, const char * argv[])
    double base = 12.0;
    int exponent = -2;
    cout<<"base = "<<base<<"; exponent = "<<exponent<<"; The result is: "<<power(base, exponent)<<endl;
    base = 0.0;
    exponent = 2;
    cout<<"base = "<<base<<"; exponent = "<<exponent<<"; The result is: "<<power(base, exponent)<<endl;
    base = -0.000000009;
    exponent = 12;
    cout<<"base = "<<base<<"; exponent = "<<exponent<<"; The result is: "<<power(base, exponent)<<endl;
    return 0;

參考:劍指offer 名企面試官精講典型程式設計題》 - 面試題11:數值的整數次方
