

What does quantitative trading mean?

Quantitative trading refers to the investment method of trading using computer technology with the help of modern statistical and mathematical methods. Quantitative trading can bring a variety of "high probability" events with excess returns from huge historical data to formulate strategies, verify and solidify these laws and strategies with quantitative models, and then strictly implement solidified strategies to guide investment in order to obtain sustainable, stable and higher-average returns.

Log("輸出引數", arrParams, "#FF0000")  
while True:
    nowTime = time.localtime(time.time())
    nowHour = nowTime.tm_hour 
    nowMin = nowTime.tm_min
    nowSec = nowTime.tm_sec
    tbl = {        "type" : "table", 
        "title" : "msg", 
        "cols" : ["id", "begin", "end", "今天是否執行過啟動", "今天是否執行過停止"],        "rows" : []
    for i in range(len(arrParams)):
        tbl["rows"].append([arrParams[i]["id"], json.dumps(arrParams[i]["begin"]), json.dumps(arrParams[i]["end"]), arrParams[i]["isProcessOpenThisDay"], arrParams[i]["isProcessCloseThisDay"]])
        if nowDay != nowTime.tm_mday:
            arrParams[i]["isProcessOpenThisDay"] = False
            arrParams[i]["isProcessCloseThisDay"] = False
        if arrParams[i]["isProcessOpenThisDay"] == False:
            if nowTime.tm_hour == arrParams[i]["begin"]["hour"] and nowTime.tm_min >= arrParams[i]["begin"]["min"] and nowTime.tm_sec >= arrParams[i]["begin"]["sec"]:
                ret = api('RestartRobot', int(arrParams[i]["id"]))                    
                arrParams[i]["isProcessOpenThisDay"] = True
                Log("機器人ID:", arrParams[i]["id"], "執行啟動,請登入平臺檢查是否啟動成功", "擴充套件API返回值:", ret, strPush)
        if arrParams[i]["isProcessCloseThisDay"] == False:
            if nowTime.tm_hour == arrParams[i]["end"]["hour"] and nowTime.tm_min >= arrParams[i]["end"]["min"] and nowTime.tm_sec >= arrParams[i]["end"]["sec"]:
                ret = api('StopRobot', int(arrParams[i]["id"]))
                arrParams[i]["isProcessCloseThisDay"] = True
                Log("機器人ID:", arrParams[i]["id"], "執行停止,請登入平臺檢查是否停止成功", "擴充套件API返回值:", ret, strPush)
    if nowDay != nowTime.tm_mday:
        nowDay = nowTime.tm_mday    LogStatus(_D(), nowTime, "\n`" + json.dumps(tbl) + "`")    Sleep(500)

來自 “ ITPUB部落格 ” ,連結:http://blog.itpub.net/69956839/viewspace-2936034/,如需轉載,請註明出處,否則將追究法律責任。
