android tv-TV Apps Checklist
> Users enjoy the TV app experience when it is consistent, logical, and predictable. They should be able to navigate within your app and throughout Android TV without getting lost or having to "reset" the UI and start over. Users appreciate clear, colorful, and functional interfaces that make the experience magical. With these ideas in mind, you can create an app that fits nicely in Android TV and performs as users expect.
> hese checklist items apply to Games and Apps.
- Identify the main TV activity with the
filter in the manifest. - Provide a home screen banner for each language supported by your app
- Launcher app banner measures 320x180 px
- Banner resource is located in the
directory - Banner image includes localized text to identify the app.
- Eliminate requirements for unsupported hardware in your app.
- Ensure permissions do not imply hardware requirements
- Provide appropriate layout resources for landscape mode.
- Ensure that text and controls are large enough to be visible from a distance.
- Provide high-resolution bitmaps and icons for HDTV screens.
- Make sure your icons and logo conform to Android TV specifications.
- Allow for overscan in your layout.
See Overscan.
- Make every UI element work with both D-pad and game controllers.
See Creating Navigation and Handling Controllers.
- Change the background image as users browse through content.
- Customize the background color to match your branding in Leanback fragments.
- Ensure that your UI does not require a touch screen.
- Follow guidelines for effective advertising.
> These checklist items apply to Games and Apps.
- Provide search results from your app in the Android TV global search box.
See Provide Data.
- Provide TV-specific data fields for search.
See Identify Columns.
- Make sure your app presents discovered content in a details screen that lets the user start watching the content immediately.
- Put relevant, actionable content and categories on the main screen, making it easy to discover content.
> These checklist items apply to Games.
- Show your game on the home screen with the
flag in the manifest. - Make sure game controller support does not depend upon the Start, Select, or Menu buttons (not all controllers have these).
See Input Devices.
- Use a generic gamepad graphic (without specific controller branding) to show game button mappings.
- Check for both ethernet and WiFi connectivity.
See Networking.
- Provide users with a clean exit.
See Exit.
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